Visions Dreams And Strangeness

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October 28th 2019-October 29th 2019...

Yesterday I had two dreams....

Dream one:

I was thrust into ancient China, and an Emperor kidnapped me, falling in love with me, and I began to warm up to him.

He wore a blue and white Chinese kimono, and had long black waist length hair, some of it was tied up in a high ponytail. 

Soon enough we began courting, and he saw me itching my arms and my feet.

Take note I have a skin condition where sweat builds up underneath my skin, forming bubbles on my feet, between my toes, and in my fingers and my palms. They also take pimple form too on my arms, thighs, and other places.

It's genetic, and they itch bad. The ones on my feet and hands produce holes in them when they are popped and peeled off. The ones on my feet can grow to be the size of fifty cent pieces, they even grow on the bottoms of my feet, my heels too. But the pimple formed ones on my arms, thighs and legs, they don't produce pocket holes like the ones on my feet and hands, they just when broke after itching them bleed or ooze sweat. The ones on my feet and hands look like blisters and when popped they ooze sticky clear liquid/sweat. 

I have nerve damage from them on my feet. Even scars. They are often mistaken as athletes foot but it's not athletes foot.

Back to dream....

I was asked by him.

"What are those things you itch on your hands and feet?"

"Well it's a genetic skin condition called sweat inside the skin, well it's called another name but I can't recall it cause it's a complicated name. 

I inherited it from my deadbeat father who's dead. They itch alot too."

I tell him.

"Do they hurt?"

He asked.

"Certain ones do since they grow on nerves so yes."

I tell him.

"I feel for you, since you will never have clear skin, and deal with such a condition."

He gave me a sad look.

"I'm fine, I just deal with it."

I reassured him and he hugs me, and he smelled so nice too, his hair felt soft, so did his clothing, he smelled of something floral mixed with pumpkin spice.

Then the dream faded to a second dream..

Dream two....

We were driving back home from Summerville to Bonneau, and we were at a stoplight, and sirens go off, tornado sirens, and a tornado suddenly formed in front of us, ripping through cars, coming towards our car, me, mom, my brother and step dad were inside mom's Ford blue escape.

I get out and shout.

"Guys we need to take cover now!"

But my family never moved, they acted like they didn't see the tornado, and my step dad drove off, leaving me on the street, and drove right into the tornado and the car was ripped to shreds....

Then I woke up at 5:30am on October 28th ...

October 29th 2019....

The last dream didn't phase me...

But since the first dream I've been getting rapid visions in my mind of the same Emperor in my head, and today one vision was so strong I was not seeing the world in my time around me but the past in the Emperor's world.

I felt it wasn't an emperor in the dream and doing the visions cause I sensed it was the Kami's energy doing these things in both the visions and dreams.

It lasted three minutes and then I was brought back to my world, making me scared the visions were that strong I wasn't seeing things in my world around me. I am getting scared of my own gifts now cause what if that happens when I'm walking across the street at Walmart and it happens and I get hit by a car?!

Visions have been happening since yesterday....

I don't know what to do.

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