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Today wasn't all that bad,
Sure I wasn't the best in the morning but my friends cheered me up,
Then I got home...
I miss them already! Ugh
I started to remember times from when we were little, good and bad.
They've always been there for me... And I've been there for them...
I love them so much...
It breaks my heart to think that it's going to all disappear at the end of this school year...
We're all going to go off to different high schools and we'll probably lose connection...
I don't want to...
Why can't we stay young forever?
I know it sounds stupid to say, and I know school is a living hell, but I don't want this school year to end.
I'm thinking back to when I was a kid, and I would go camping with the Boy Scouts. My now best friend was in a different troop, but for some reason, the camping trips would always end up on the same weekend. Whenever I would be walking to the dock to go fishing, I'd always see him standing at the intersection of the path I was on and the one leading to his campsite. Our mothers were friends and we were in the same class, so we knew each other already, but this is when we began to become close. We would stop and talk to each other for a while, and then go about our day. I want to go back to that spot, the spot that started it all. There are so many memories that I hold dear to me that took place in that very spot. He was my first friend. My only friend. My best friend. He's introduced me to all of my friends. If I lose them, I don't know what I'll do with myself. Ugh, fuck you life, why do you have to do shit like this?!
There's a lot more I would've included, but people I know irl read this, and it'd either worry them or give them another opportunity to pick on me depending on the person. Anywhale, now you know a little bit more about me. Idk if that's necessarily a good thing but whateva. I love you all, bye~

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