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I was tagged by llVickyll
Thanks bitch 💔
Jk I love you and you know it

1. Who's your favorite YouTuber?
I have a bunch, so I'll just name a few:
LostPause/LostPause2 (#WTFU)

2. What's your favorite color(s)?
Mint green is my favorite color ^-^

3. What's your favorite fanfic?
Ahhhh I can't choose! <~>

4. What grade are you in?
I am currently trudging through the hell of 8th grade
Kill me...
At least I have my friendos to suffer with me *w*

5. What's your favorite subject?
Language Arts is my favorite class, mainly because the teacher is awesome, but I love her class too! Cx

6. What eye color do you have?
My eyes are brown but I was born with crystal eyes, I WANT THEM BACK SO BADLY TT-TT
I plan on getting colored contacts in the future though, maybe an ice blue or an aqua? Not too sure yet but I've worn aqua colored contacts before and I love how they look on me ^u^

7. If you were to play an instrument, what would you play?
I've played trumpet in the past, but I'd love to learn piano, guitar, and how to sing
Which is strange being that I don't listen to piano & acoustic music much but meh XD

8. Do you have a crush?
No, but I have a Pepsi!
But in all honesty, I don't have a crush on anyone
Because people suck ass ^-^

Now to tag people muahahahahaha
Drumroll please!

You're the only one I'm tagging
Jk I love you xD

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