The One Where Alex Does The Unimaginable

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I was walking back to my dorm from class with Hercules when Lafayette ran up to us. "Hey mon amie, feeling better?"

I smiled at him, "Yeah."

"Good." He looked up in the direction of the dorms and started off again, "Okay I have to go, mon amie, Alexander wanted to talk to me."

We waved him off and kept walking. "Can I go to your dorm?"

"Still avoiding Alex?" Hercules asked.

"Yeah, I don't know what to say to him."

"I get it, but you have to talk to him soon Alex."

"I know, I will. I'm just not well spoken like he is."

"Then don't say anything, just hug him."

I didn't respond to Hercules, I just started running. "Thanks Herc!"

"You're welcome!" he called.

I was out of breath by the time I got to our dorm and I stopped just outside, smoothing down my hair, and taking a deep breath.

"Je me sens comme il ne marche pas soin de lui-même plus" I heard Alex saying.

"Oh, je suis sûr qu'il va venir atour beintôt." Lafayette said.

I opened the door and saw Alex on the floor with Lafayette, Alex had tears in his eyes. I felt awful, Alex was always upset since I told him to leave in the hospital. "Hey, Laf, can I butt in?" I asked quietly.

Alex was staring at the floor and Lafayette nodded. He mumbled something in French to Alex and left the room.

There was an awkward moment of silence until I found the balls to say something, "Alexander?"

"Allez-vous me dire de quitter mon dortoir maintenant trop?"

"I don't know what that means but I'm assuming its not good."

"Son pas bon de dire à quelqu'un de les laisserquand ils ont été inquiétants pour plus d'une semaine."

"I wanted to apologize."

"Vous vouliez ce?"

"Alexander, I am so sorry that I told you to leave in the hospital. I was just," I started choking on my words.

"It's okay," he stood up from the carpet.

"Oh, you're speaking in English. That's a good sign."


I cut him off my walking over and engulfing him in a hug.


"Don't. I'm so sorry."

Alex hugged me back, burying his head in my chest. "God, I was so worried about you."

"I know." I paused, "Eliza told me,"

"Told you what?"

"That you like boys."

"I don't like boys, John."

"Peggy told me too, after I made you leave the hospital she came in and yelled at me."

"I told her not to."

"I don't think its bad that you like guys, Alex."

"I don't like boys. I just like you."

"I'm so glad you two made up, really." Peggy said, taking a sip of her coke.

"Me too," I said.

"When is he gonna get here anyways?" Peggy looked at the door again.

"He'll be here." I said, mostly to reassure myself.

"Well he better be here soon, I'm starving." she said.

I saw Alex's long hair through the window of the diner, "There he is,"

Peggy sighed, "Thank God  I was gonna die of starvation."

"Hey guys," Eliza greeted us as her and Alex too their seats, "Sorry we took so long."

"It's fine you're here now so we can order." Peggy said.

Alex and Eliza both looked over the menu quickly while Peggy and I told the waitress what we wanted.

"I'll take the vegetable omelet with white toast." Peggy said.

I waited until the waitress was done writing to recite my order. "I'll have the BLT sandwich with tater tots." I said.

The waitress looked over to Eliza and while she was telling the waitress her order, which took a while because Eliza wont eat like, anything, I looked across at Alex.

"Alex. I'm paying for yours. Don't worry about the price, okay?" I said.

He wanted to deny my offer, but I raised my eyebrows at him and he just sighed, giving in.

"I'll have what he's having," Alex said pointing at me.

I smiled, glad he didn't try to fight me like he does for everyone else.

"Thanks for buying my lunch." Alex said for like the seventh time.

"Stop thanking me Alexander." I said simply. We were walking down the street, not set on any specific destination.

Alex grabbed my hand cautiously, entangling our fingers.

 I didn't dare look at him, but I smiled.

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