The One Where Alex is Worried

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I opened my eyes and I was nearly blinded by how bright the room was. It was very bland to be quite honest. And very white. White. White. 'The room is white. I'm dead? No, I'm in a hospital? What happened to me?'

I saw Peggy in a chair across the small room, reading a book. She looked up, "John?" her eyes widened and she jumped up, running out of the room.

A young nurse walked into the room quickly, running a bunch of tests on me that I couldn't pronounce if you told me them. "Oh, honey, to be honest us nurses thought you were dead," she said to me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, not able to talk because of the tube in my throat. "You're very lucky that we got you when we did."

'What did I do?'  I thought to myself.

"Yeah, your fiancé was really smart to call an ambulance when he did." she said.


"Alright, hun, we're gonna take this tube out of your throat. Its going to be really uncomfortable and you might gag, okay?"

I couldn't protest so I just nodded and let her pull the tube out. She was right, I did gag and it was the most uncomfortable thing I have ever gone through to date.

"Unfortunately you won't be able to talk for a while so just hang tight okay?"

I nodded again.

"I'm going to go get some more pain killers for your head okay?"

I nodded.

I opened my eyes and sat up, stretching one arm. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I was still in the hospital and I was still clueless as to why. That's when I heard it.

"Where is he!"


"Don't sir me! I want to know where he is! I know he's awake! Peggy told me herself!"

"Alex!" That was Peggy's voice.

The voices got closer, "I am so sorry about him." Peggy said. "I'll take him from here."

Alexander and Peggy walked into the room, "John!" Peggy cried, "Uh, I brought Alex."

"John, Are you okay?" Alex asked rushing over and sitting in the chair next to the bed.

I just nodded as an answer, too tired to try to talk.

"God, I was worried sick," He said.

"I don't think he's slept in eight days," Peggy said laughing.

"Peggy, don't worry John." Alex said, looking over his shoulder at her.

"Alexander," I rasped, it killed my throat to talk but I had questions and needed answers.

He looked back at me and I could see the pain in his eyes, "Yes?"

"What happened to me?"

Alex looked back at Peggy and I guess they had some sort of eye conversation because Peggy smiled sadly and left, waving at me before she disappeared into the hall.

Alexander looked back at me and sighed, "To be honest, I'm not sure what happened. I know that we were arguing and then you collapsed onto the floor and blacked out. I panicked and used your phone to call an ambulance and then after we got here they let me stay with you until your-" he choked on his words, something he never did. Alexander was always so well spoken, whether it was through his papers, the internet or out loud.

"Until my what?" I asked.

"Your heart stopped," He barely got those words out before he started crying. He put his head on the side of the bed as he sobbed. I didn't know what to do, I was just told that I died and now Alex is sobbing.

I just patted his head and ran my fingers through his unruly hair which looked like it hadn't been combed in a week. I felt like he hadn't washed it in a week either.

When he finally stopped crying I spoke up, "Fiancé, huh?"

He looked up at me, furrowing his eyebrows. I got a good look at him, his eyes were bloodshot and he had deep bags under his eyes. His hair was a greasy, tangled mess and his face was bright red. "Ho- how?" he stuttered, also something he didn't do. "How did you?"

"The nurse told me,"

"John, I just-"

I cut him off, "You just?" I remembered the fight we were having before.

"I didn't want to let them take you without me." He said quietly, "They said immediate family so I just thought if you had a fiancé then they would let me come with you."

"And it worked." I said.

"Yeah, until you know," he trailed his words, another thing he never did.

"Until I died,"

"Please don't say it like that."



"Are you gay?"

His eyes grew wide, "What?"

"Are you of the homosexual variety?"

He coughed and barely sputtered out a, "No."

"Okay," I said, doubting him.

I closed my eyes and pretended to fall asleep.

After a few minutes Alex must've thought I was sleeping because I heard him whisper, "You don't understand," I felt him grab my hand and entwine our fingers.

While I was thinking about what to say to him I actually fell asleep because I woke up and Alex was in the same spot, with his head on the edge of the bed. He was snoring softly and our hands were still entwined.

"The poor kid was worried sick,"

I turned my head to the other side of the room where Eliza was sat in the chair Peggy was in when I first woke up. "Huh?"

"Alexander." she said simply, "He really cares about you." she smiled softly, "I was in your dorm with him and he kissed me," She looked sad, "I think he was just trying to forget about you,"

"Why would he-"

She laughed cutting me off, "God, you're so clueless, John, he's gay, like really gay."

"But he said he wasn't earlier,"

"He was lying, John." She was quiet for a second, "After he kissed me he started crying, like I don't know, he was just sobbing," she smiled again, "I mean, he didn't sleep for like a week until today, John. He was seriously worried you were gonna die." she said simply. "Gosh, he's so head over heels in love with you."

I felt myself blushing. 'Alexander is a raging homosexual?'

"I'm gonna go back to Angelica's room, you alright alone?" she asked.

"Yeah, how is she?"

Eliza's eyes were filled with sadness. "It's bad, she got out of her second surgery today, I'm gonna see if she's awake."

"Okay, if she is tell her I wish her well,"


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