part 6

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It has been 2 months krishnaa and arjun confessed their love but both didn't share their real identity to each other, their love was getting stronger day by day.

In panchal

In Drupadi room

she was sitting and thinking about her Vijay Then Dasi entered her room with a portrait seeing that she became confused

What was that and whose portrait was that why are you bringing that in my chamber asked drupadi to dasi

We don't know rajkumaari your brother krishna said to keep it in your chamber  said dasi .

Where is he asked krishnaa

Vasudev shri krishna is in the meeting room with your brother's and father's rajkumaari said dasi bowed to her and left

Who's portrait is this, why bhaiya said to keep it in my chamber drupadi through to herself and left to meet krishan without even seeing the portrait.

She reached the meeting room before she entered She heard her name so she stopped there to listen to them


In meeting room

Bhaiya what we want to do now ,i don't think nandini (drupadi) obeys to marry this soon that to within one month  said

I don't know dyumna, first let us ask her opinion about this then we can decide said Satyajit

I don't think she will accept it said 

How can she accept putr, it's about her marriage, we can't decide with whom she wants to marry putr, it's her life said vasudev

Drupadi is shocked listening to them without listening further she left to meet her Vijay

Naughty smirk appears on krishan face now the real fun start , be ready to face the fire princess parth said to himself

But you know right bhai my dream is getting her married to arjun but fate play a cruel game against them said drupad

I know drupad even we all wished the same right but now think about her, as maharishi said we want to get her married within one month Or else she will remain unmarried said vasudev

Pitha Shree, I promise she will get married within 3 months said krishan

What! How can you assure that, that to within 3 months asked balaram.

And who is the groom , did you know him asked Tejveer.

Yes I know him and you all also, so pls wait till I tell you all and don't ask  more questions said krishan

Putr are you sure he is the right groom for my princess asked drupad

Yes pitha shree believe me, no one can be perfect then him to my krishnaa, He is the right person for our princess said krishan

We believe you putr said vasudev all nodded at him

So finally my little princess is getting married said Dhrishtadyumna in excitement all smiles for that.

Now the real game starts ,get ready parth said krishan to himself and smile Mischievously

Tejveer and balaram look at him with questioning graze he winks at them

They got to know he was going to do some  mischief they secretly prayed to god to save them form his mischiefs

I can't save you both from me only bhaiya

Balaram slapped his forehead for his foolishness



In forest

Arjun receives a letter about the birth of ghatotkach , his happiness as no bounds as he became kaka shree (chacha) he can't wait to meet him,
He started preparation for departure to meet his family,

When he was ready to leave he saw his Krishnaa was standing at the door looking nervous.

Draupadi POV.

To say I'm shocked would be underestimated to hear about my marriage that so sudden I don't know why they wanted me to marry within one month, I know my family they didn't do anything to harm my life , because I'm there life and everything, if they think I want marry within one month then there will be a reason.

I know they will take my opinion but before they start to search for a groom I want to tell them about my love before that I want to tell my real identity to Vijay ,
I don't know how he will react to my identity, I'm feeling nervous now .

I didn't know I'd already reached his home until Vijay called me .

Jaan , I'm calling you from a few minutes .What happened to you looking nervous .

No Vijay nothing happened simply lost in some thoughts,where are you going said looking at his bag in his hand .

Jaan I'm going to meet someone,by the way what are you doing here at this time

I come here to talk to you Vijay

Is it something important Jaan , if it is not then can we talk other time because it's urgent for me to leave now so

No if it's urgent you can go ,I will talk to you when you come back

Is everything ok Jaan your looking nervous

I nodded my head

Ok then bye Jaan ,take care love you ❤️

He started walking

What are you waiting for tell him before it's too late said my subconscious

How can I tell him ,he is in urgent

How idiot you are

I'm not an idiot ok

That you are you forgot that you write everything in letter in case you got nervous to tell him then you can give him letter right then give that letter to him now

You are right I almost forgot that

That's why I said you're an idiot now what are you waiting for Have a good time give it to him now

Yesh , Vijay wait I shouted I ran towards him

What happened Jaan

I gave him a Letter ,

What is this Jaan, why are you giving it to me

It is what I'm coming here to tell you ,read it when you have time but don't forget to read it .

He nodded at me

Bye be safe I hugged him

You to Jaan

He left form there

I hope everything goes well


Hello how are you all
I know it was very very late update
Sorry for that 😔
Hope you enjoy the story

With love
MSA ❤️

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