Chapter Six

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Molly waited by the door while I packed my stuff.

"I still feel like we should let you take our plane," she said. "Sitting on a train for almost eighteen hours can get pretty boring."

"I'll be fine," I answered. "I promise. Besides, I get to collect and deal with my thoughts."

"That's good I guess." She was a little anxious. "But I still don't like it. What if someone attacks you? Or tries to rob you?"

I stopped her. "First of all, that is not going to happen. Second of all - when did you get so overprotective?"


"I'm gonna be fine," I answered. "Really. Stop worrying so much."

"But at least text me when you're there," she said.

I sighed. "I will if it makes you feel better."

She nodded. "Bye Joline."



The train-ride was long. I didn't really know what to do because of my lack of packing.
But I dragged out a book and found myself reading it the whole way.

When I got to New York and stood outside the apartment-building I called Jacob. I walked into the big reception where he met me.

"Hi," I said very quietly.

"Hi." He took my baggage. "Is this everything you took with you?"

I nodded. "I didn't wanna bring too much."
He led me to the apartment even though I remembered the whole building and how to get to the different rooms.

When I got in I dropped the little baggage I actually was carrying and opened my mouth. Everything looked the same as when I left. The kitchen, the living room, and even the bathroom.

Jacob stood behind me. "I said I never renovated it," he said.

"Yeah I know," I answered. "But I at least thought that you would've changed places on a few things."

He shook his head. "I always liked it as it was."

"I'll go to my room," I said as I walked up the stairs to the second floor.


My room also looked the same with the pink wallpaper and the Disney Princess posters hanging on the walls.
The big, pink bed stood on the other side of the room from where I was standing and a big mirror covered the right side wall. I won't lie, I kinda liked having my room like that again. It made me feel safe.

I sat down on the bed and started typing to Molly so that she could stop worrying, at least for the day.

ME: I'm here now, it's great to be back. Text you later.

Then I opened my laptop that was lying in my backpack and put on an episode of Supernatural. I always loved Supernatural as a kid, even though the first six seasons were way older than me. I would say I knew every line and I always laughed at the more "funnier" episodes. I had re-watched it at least ten times, and that was just after I moved to Atlanta.

I watched two episodes before getting bored. Then Jacob shouted to me that it was time for me to sleep, and I obeyed him. But it was hard, very hard.
I just dreamed about mom and got nightmares. Nightmares that I hadn't had for years. Nightmares about being left alone, with no one to take care of me. Nightmares about how my entire family died right in front of my eyes. Nightmares about how I got left alone.


When I woke up the next morning and walked down the stairs Jacob met me.

"Hi," he said, turning to the stove as he made pancakes.

"Hi," I said back.

He looked at me. "Rough night?" he asked.


"I can see that," he answered. "You're black under your eyes. You had a nightmare?"

I nodded.

"What kind?" he asked.

"You remember the nightmares I had when I was little...?"

"Those about how you watched aunt Therese and Theo die?" He frowned. "I thought they disappeared when you moved to Atlanta?"

"I thought so too," I answered. "But apparently" - I sighed - "they have come back."

He walked towards me and embraced me in his arms. "What do you say about eating some pancakes?" he asked.

I laughed a little. Jacob always found a way to make me feel better, to make me smile.

"I would love that", I answered.

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