Chapter Three

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The day was slow. I did the usual stuff, served customers, washed the dishes and talked to Felix.

Thoughts were spinning in my head, thoughts about mom, Theo and Felix. And even about dad, who died a few days after I was born. Theo had met him, but I never got the chance.

I tried to get rid of them and block them off. For the most of the day I got it to work, but when I got home they started again. I couldn't stop thinking about mom. And being in our apartment just made it worse.

I took my stuff from my room and packed it in a big suitcase. Then I walked out of the apartment and locked the door after me. I had a feeling that I wasn't going to come back for a while.


I walked without having a final destination. Let my legs take me wherever they wanted to go.

I ended up in front of Molly's house. The big, bright mansion towered up in front of me. I didn't know why I walked here, but I apparently wanted her comfort.
I rang the doorbell and stood there for a few minutes.

I hadn't relized how cold it was before, and stupid as I was, I had gone without a jacket.
Suddenly someone opened the door. In front of me Molly's father, Walter Harris, stood.

"Joline?" He frowned. "What are you doing here?"

I felt tears running down my cheeks. "Can I stay here tonight?" I asked.

He didn't say  a word, just nodded and opened the door so that I could come in. I was grateful for that.


I heard steps in the stair the moment I got in and before I could blink Molly stood in front of me, holding me in her arms. "Felix texted me. I'm so sorry, Joline," she said. "I'm so f*cking sorry."

"It's okay...," I said very quietly.

She stopped me. "Shhh," she said. "I'm here, I'm here."

We went up to Molly's room. I sat down on the bed while she bumped down on the sofa.

"So," she sighed, "no party tonight then?"

I looked at her, without saying a word. I hadn't thought about that. My mind had been filled with so much grief and guilt that I had completely forgotten about that.

I sighed. "Honestly...," I said. "I'm not very excited about it, but I need something to keep things off my mind. Besides, it's going to be fun to see Theo again."

Molly gaped. "You've seen him before?!"

I couldn't do anything else but nod. A hell of a lot of times, I thought. I kinda grew up with him.

As much as I wanted to tell her, I couldn't. All I really wanted to do was to tell the truth. But I couldn't leak Theo's secret.

"Please, tell me something about him," Molly said. "How was he? He must've been good, right? Right?"

I laughed. "Yeah, he was," I answered. "You don't have to worry, Molly, you'll get your autograph this time."

I saw how the big smile on her lips evolved while she shone up. "You really mean that?"



When we were getting ready for the party I realized that I didn't have a dress to wear. Despite my attempts not to let her do it, Molly insisted on me borrowing one of hers. She had a ton of fancy dresses because of her need to go to all the galas and parties with her dad.
She went into her walk-in closet and didn't come out until a few minutes after nine. By that time she carried what seemed like a ton of dresses. "Take a look at these", she said while throwing the dresses into my knee.

"Seriously," I sighed, slightly annoyed. "That many dresses?"

"You want my help or what?" she answered.

I sighed again and went into her closet so that I could try them.

A quarter after I had decided on a dress, Molly was pleased with my choice. A middle-long light green dress with little butterflies on it. The material was silky and very expensive. It was a little surprising that she was willing to give away such a nice and expensive dress. Then it was her turn. She already had her outfit planned out but wanted to hear my thoughts on it. She was in there for almost twenty minutes and when she got out she looked absolutely stunning. She looked like a princess in her warm yellow and black dress. Her auburn hair was tied up into two braids.
"Wow," I said. "Look at you, you look stunning, Molly."

"Thanks, girl," she answered. "You too."


A few hours later it was time for us to head to the school, where the party was. "Come on, Joline!" Molly shouted as she ran a bit forward than me. "We have to see him before the concert starts!"

"Okay," I laughed as I tried to catch up with her, which isn't so easy when you're wearing high heels and a long dress. "Wait for me!"

When we got in I took a look around the rooms. The school was completely transformed. Large banners hung in each hallway and pictures of Theo stood outside the party room. It was quite hard to see him everywhere and not freak out, especially when no one knew about our relationship. It was so hard not to tell anyone I was his sister, that I really knew him.

I caught up with Molly, who had stopped behind a young man. He had his back turned to us, so just the brown hair was visible. But when he turned around, I recognized him directly. No one moved like Theo.
Molly freaked out when she saw him. She turned to me, gaping in delight.
I turned her forward again before hiding a little behind her. I didn't want him to recognize me, at least not in front of Molly.

He looked at her. "What are you two doing here?" he asked.

Molly was like stone. She couldn't speak, was too starstruck.

"Focus," I whispered.

"I can't," she whispered back. "He's much hotter in reality."

I made a face. "Gross."

I stepped forward from my hiding spot. Of course, I would have to take the first step.

Theo looked at me. I fluttered my eyes, not really knowing where to start. I cleared my throat.

"So," I began. "M-My friend here" - I pointed at Molly - "has been a fan of yours since you started your career. She has always dreamed of meeting you in person, and maybe - maybe - getting your autograph." I gave him a look that said Please, she would be devastated if you don't.

He nodded slowly. "Of course. Do you... eh..." He looked a little misplaced.
I nodded and threw a book and a pen to him. He grabbed them in the air.

"What should I write?"

"Just something," I answered. "She'll be happy anyway. Her name is Molly by the way."
Theo sighed and started writing.

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