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The picture above is Oliver as a phantom thief assistant. (Yes, a girl and I re-design her). PS: no name yet.

Oliver: *sighs* I'm useless.


Citizens: *booing at Oliver*

Oliver: *looking down in a shameful way*

Wanda: Hey! C'mon, how was he supposed to know that invention will work? He's just one guy!

The rest of the Main 6: Yeah!

Oliver: *cries because of both joy and shame*


So Oliver made an invention called "Domepocalypse" it is for protecting Tokyo. But failed when Dr Neo managed to get through it.

~Flashback ended~

Oliver: Wanda is right, I am just one guy. If I multiply myself into five, then maybe I have five times my brainpower!

Oliver went in to try his Multiplying machine and multiplied himself.
When he came out, four more Olivers

Oliver 1: Okay guys, what do we do now?

Oliver 2: *raises his hand* Ooh! Ooh!

Oliver 1: Yes?

Oliver 2: I don't know.

Oliver 3: *laughs* You're stupid.

Oliver 3: Am not!

Oliver 4: Hey guys, this wall taste like metal.

All of the Olivers: *licks the wall*

Time skip to the Sky Joker-

Oliver 1: Hey Joker, Hachi, wanna see my new invention? *Shows them his "invention".*

Hachi: Um...

Joker: Oliver, that's some bottle caps stuck on a gum rapper.

Alex: You seem off buddy, let me go get you a fast food meal.
*Gets out and runs to the restaurant*

Alex: *passes by Oliver 2*

Alex: *comes back* Oliver? How did you get here so fast?

Oliver 2: *shrugs*

Alex: Well, since you eaten, meet you back in the Sky Joker? *Runs back*

Alex: *comes back* Oliver?

Oliver 1: *chilling on the couch*

In Aoi's House:

Aoi: *trying to hang a picture on a wall*

Oliver 2: *arrives*

Aoi: Oh thank goodness. Help me hang this picture.

Oliver took the picture when Aoi gave it to him. He used a hammer to break the wall then he threw both the screws and the picture through it.

Oliver 2: I like helping.

Aoi: …

At Sticks' cave:

Sticks: Hey Oliver, wanna play volleyball?

Oliver 3: Why?

Sticks: Because, I wanna play.

Oliver 3: Why?

Sticks: I don't know!

Oliver 3: Why?

Sticks: *screams then tackles on him*

At the beach:

Fukase: Okay, on the count of three.
3,2,1! *Starts jugging in high speed*

Oliver 4: *does nothing*

Fukase: *notices him then stops*
Aww, why didn't you go?

Oliver 4: Because you didn't say Simon Says.

Fukase: But we're not playing Simon Says.

Oliver 4: Then who is?

Fukase: I don't know, we better find out before we missed out in the fun!
*Runs to find someone but notices Oliver isn't following so he stopped*
Simon Says.

Oliver 4: *follows him*

Ai tugging Oliver in bed: Listen Oliver.
You seem to be acting strange lately. You need to get some rest.

Aoi walking in with Oliver: Let's get you to bed. *Notices them*.

Both Olivers: *waves at each other*



Sticks running in with Oliver behind her: Stop asking me why! *Bumps into Oliver 2 then notices him*

The other two Olivers: Why?

Sticks: *Notices them both* AAAAHHHH! *jumps onto the table then get in her fighting stance*

Fukase: *walks in with his Oliver* Simons gotta be here somewhere.
Oh hi Oliver, hi Oliver, hi Oliver!
*Waves at them* WAIT!

Aoi: Fukase, anything seems weird to you?

Oliver 5: *falls out of the fridge* Ouch!

Everyone else: *notices him*

Time skip to Oliver's lab-

Joker: This might be the invention that he used to multiply himself.

Oliver 5: Wow, I would love to meet this guy one day.

Oliver 4: Me too!

The rest of the Olivers: *nods in agreement*

Sticks: I guess each one only has one fit of his brain power. That's why they're all so dumb.

Alex: They seem to be smart to me.

All 5 Olivers: *goofing around*

Akane: Let's get them all back in this invention so we can them all backt together.

Aoi holding a ball while being right next the machine door: here boy,

All Olivers: *sees the ball*

Aoi: Look at the ball.... *Throws the ball in the machine* go get it.

Olivers: *runs in*

Aoi: *closes door*

Akane: *presses button*

They were all expecting Oliver to be back to normal. But no luck, they just multiply him even more.

Door: *opens*

Oliver's: *comes out and starts goofing around*

Everyone tried to round up all the Olivers but it seems to be impossible when they're a lot.

Everyone: *stares at all the Olivers
with confusion*

Alex: *whistles* You guys wanna see a cheese puff that looks like Mr Keneari?

Olivers: *stops and starts marching back in the house obediently*

Everyone else except Alex: *jaw drop*

Alex: I'll keep an eye on them, you guys go find that cheese puff that looks like Mr Keneari.

Every Anime character: *falls down anime style*

In Dr Neo's lair-

Dr Neo was in the shower minding his own business when Oliver came in his bathroom and asked him if he has pudding. The Doctor screamed at first and got mad.

Dr Neo: What are you doing here? Trying to sneak attack me?

Oliver: Why would I attack you?

Dr Neo: Cause that's what enemies do,

Oliver: *imitates him* Duh! Hahaha!
You're funny, wanna be friends?

Dr Neo: Friends huh? What about Wanda?

Oliver: Who?

Dr Neo: That's the spirit! Welcome to team Neo. First order of business, get me a towel.

Oliver: *salutes then leaves*

Dr Neo: Hmm.

Oliver: *comes back* I found pudding.

Dr Neo: Not pudding, a towel!

Oliver: *leaves but then comes back empty-handed*

Dr Neo: Where's the towel?

Oliver: What towel?

Dr Neo: The towel I asked you!

Oliver: *leaves again only to bring back a small cloth* Is this a towel?

Dr Neo: What am I supposed to cover with that? Are you making fun of me?! I'll go get it myself!

Dr Neo ended up using the shower curtain to cover himself.
When they walked out of the bathroom, Dr Neo screamed once more after seeing Olivers trashing his house.

Oliver: Duh!

Olivers: *laughs*

Back in the house-

Joker counting all of them: They're still missing.

Dr Neo: Hey idiots, my lair is infested with your sprites. I'm a scientist not a babysitter!

Alex: Oh, there they are.

Dr Neo: Well, guess I gotta go.

Akane: Wait! You can't leave!

Dr Neo: Why?

Akane: You're the only one who knows how to do this.

Dr Neo: Fine! But only because I don't want to make up the next morning only to find an Oliver in the shower.

Alex: I'll miss being smarted than you Oliver. *Shakes his hand*

Oliver: I'll miss being smarted than you Alex. *Shakes his hand*

Dr Neo managed to put Oliver back together and show that all of them are stupid and didn't know it was actually easy putting him back together.

Oliver: Whoa, I was not smart.

Alex: Ahh! He's not smart! Put him back in!

Oliver: No! It wasn't smart of me to multiply myself like that. Looks like all I need, was my friends!

Dr Neo: Actually, you needed me. Your friends just make things worst. I better be going. Cause someone ate all  my pudding. I'm so mad at you Oliver!

Oliver: Why?

Sticks: AAHH *tackles on him*

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