Gilgamesh and Enkidu

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This may get veeeery long, so please bear with me.


Why am I, exactly, so fixed upon these two Heroic Spirits? Honestly, I don't really know. Is it their lore that I was so fascinated by? That could be a part of it. But just something about them pulled me in.

Gilgamesh, King of Heroes, originated from mankind's first recorded tale: the Epic of Gilgamesh. What really intrigued me about this epic poem was that there was no romance involved at all between the two main characters. He had one and only one best friend, Enkidu. Strange how nearly every book and fairytale I've read involves romance between two protagonists, and here we are, with the very first having none at all.

Or maybe it was just the fact that I enjoyed their characters. Yes, Gil has an overwhelming amount of arrogance, but if you look deeper into his past, that may have stemmed from his loneliness. Being neither a god, and neither a human, but rather an entity in between, Gilgamesh possessed a great amount of power. But this great amount of power also came with much isolation, and it was only with his belief in himself that prevented him from abandoning his throne and mission. In the end, his love for humanity and the gods were changed and they became nothing but subjects of loathing.

He may have been a tyrant, but it was his strange way of protecting Uruk and humanity.

Enkidu is a genderless Spirit, as "he" (Enkidu is more often referred to as a he) was formed out of clay by the gods. He is also therefore not a human either, and this may have been why Gil was able to be at ease around him. Enkidu also had power equal to the King, as they'd never finished their first battle and it was in that battle which Gil first used the Gate of Babylon. Enkidu swore to Gilgamesh that he'd become Gil's tool, but Gil only dismissed the idea, saying that he was his friend and his equal, nothing less.

But, as all sad tales go, Enkidu was later punished by the gods and was returned to what he was first created from --- clay. As he laid dying in Gil's arms, he'd tried to comfort the King by telling him that he was yet only one of his many weapons and treasures, and that he'd find fair better ones in time. Gilgamesh replied, "You do have worth. You alone have this worth. I hereby declare: In all this world, only one shall be my friend. Thus --- not for all eternity shall his worth ever change."


"It's been so long since I've laughed this hard at the ramblings of someone who isn't a fool."

"Unfortunately, there's only one friend."

I don't know, I just love the heck outta these two. Surprisingly enough, I don't ship them. Their non-romantic bond just seems so wonderful! And their characters go so deep that I can relate to them in many ways. These two are wonderful, and while everyone probably knows about Gil, there isn't enough people who know Enkidu ;w;

*the many forms of Gil*

The light novels Fate/Strange Fake divided up into three different volumes allow Enkidu and Gil to meet one last time --- this time as Servants! I haven't finished it yet though ^^;

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