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Starlight City. A place where if you dream of becoming either a musician or a singer, then this is the place for you. Everyone in this town, with their hopes and spirits, has managed to reach for the stars and achieve some level of fame, both big and small. Some, meanwhile, are just happy with living a casual life, not wishing for any attention, and that's okay in Starlight City.

Right now, during a peaceful evening in Starlight City, two young adults are currently taking a stroll through the empty streets. The first one is a male with blue hair and is wearing a red cap backward, as well as a white shirt with a red prohibition sign on it, baggy blue pants, blue sneakers, and is holding a microphone in his right hand. Alongside him is a female with auburn hair and is wearing a long red dress and red heels.

Their names are Boyfriend and Girlfriend respectively, and they've been through a lot recently. For starters, Boyfriend and Girlfriend are currently dating, but Girlfriend's father, Daddy Dearest, doesn't approve and is trying to split them apart. So far, he sent his Boyfriend's childhood friend and ex, Pico, to kill the Boyfriend, but upon recognizing who his target was, Pico decided to spare his ex and let him go, even if they got into a heated argument.

Boyfriend: Come on, GF. I know Pico tried to put a bullet through my skull, but I got him mad.

Girlfriend: *Sighs* I already know that, BF. Just promise me that you won't do something that reckless again.

Boyfriend: I'll try my best to keep that promise! *Spots two figures in the distance* Huh?

As Boyfriend stares harder at the two figures, the more he notices familiar details. One was a blue hedgehog wearing a black scarf, bright red shoes, and white gloves. While the other was a purple dragon. Boyfriend recognizes the figures as Y/N The Hedgehog and Sash Lilac, old friends that he and Pico met during their time in high school. Upon recognizing them fully, Boyfriend rushes towards them, arms wide out ready for a hug as GF runs after him.

Boyfriend: Hey, Y/N, Lilac.

Y/N and Lilac: Hmm?

Y/N and Lilac looked up from their phone and were immediately tackled to the ground as Boyfriend hugged them tightly. Before Y/N and Lilac can even yell at him, they notice some key features of their surprise hugger, like the blue hair and dwarf-like height, and smile as they hug back.

Y/N: Oh BF! Nice to see you again!

Boyfriend: Same here! I thought you and your parents moved to another town.

Lilac: Well, the place we moved to wasn't as great as it promised, so our parents sent us back while they tried to earn enough money to afford a house, and Y/N and I started dating. But enough about us, how are you doing after high school?

Before Boyfriend could answer, Girlfriend finally caught up to him, taking a moment to catch her breath before speaking up.

Girlfriend: BF! Don't run off like that! You know I can't run in these heels! *Notices Y/N and Lilac* And who are these two?

Boyfriend: Oh! *Stops hugging* Girlfriend, these are my old friends from high school, Y/N and Lilac. Y/N, Lilac, this is my girlfriend. Girlfriend.

Y/N, Lilac, and Girlfriend stare at each other during the introductions, until Y/N extends his hand, offering a handshake and Lilac does the same.

Y/N and Lilac: Nice to meet you, Girlfriend. I imagine BF has been nice to you.

Girlfriend: *Smiles and accepts the handshake* Oh, yes he has. Never knew he was quite the gentleman.

Lilac: Well, he has gotten most of his dating skills from some old game on BS1.

Girlfriend: Does that game happen to be called "Hating Simulator"? *Lilac nods* I still have my copy.

Y/N: I've barely ever got to play it since I left high school because of Baldy Mcnosehair.

Boyfriend watches as the three people he cares about getting along with each other, until an idea forms in his head. As Y/N, Lilac, and Girlfriend finish wrapping up their conversation. Boyfriend walks up to Y/N and Lilac holding out spares microphones to them.

Boyfriend: Hey, Y/N, Lilac. Since it's been a while since we last met, how about we have a little rap battle between us?

Y/N: *Looks a bit nervous* I don't know, I'm unsure if my singing skills are the same.

Lilac: I agree, it's been a while since we sang.

Girlfriend: Aw, come on you two. I really want to hear how well you sing.

Girlfriend then brings over a large set of speakers over, and places them between Y/N, Lilac, and Boyfriend, as the latter continues holding the spare microphones out. Y/N and Lilac looked at each other and then back towards the couple, who kept smiling at them until Y/N and Lilac smiled back and grabbed their microphone in their left hand.

Lilac: Alright, you're on. Y/N, you can go first.

Y/N: Alright then, let's have ourselves a little rap battle. But just know, I won't be holding back.

Boyfriend gives a thumbs up as Girlfriend hits a button on the speakers, starting up the first song

[Song Name: Reconnect]

[Original Song: Funk Zone from VS Sonic Dash & Spin Mod]

After wrapping up the song. Girlfriend and Lilac immediately start clapping, applauding the two boys for their rap battle, all while Boyfriend gives a confident smirk while Y/N just blushes.

Girlfriend: That was amazing you two! That song was great.

Boyfriend: Same here, GF! But I thought you said you weren't going easy on me, Y/N?

Y/N: *Stops blushing* I did. But you know me, I like to take it relaxed and cool.

Girlfriend: Huh. That's an interesting way of singing. Have you ever thought of becoming a singer?

Y/N: *Waves his hands* Nag, singing ain't my style. I prefer running around the world and seeing all the thrills it has to offer.

Boyfriend: Still though, I bet you'd make it far with a voice like that. *Realizes he may have made a flirt* Uh.

Boyfriend looks towards at Girlfriend, Lilac, and Y/N, where the former is giving him a look of confusion, Lilac is giving him a cold stare, while Y/N is starting to blush more.

Y/N: *Trying to control the blushing* Alright Lilac, it's your turn.

Lilac: Alright. Let's do this!

Boyfriend and Girlfriend both nod at her, the former preparing to hit the button to start up the next song, as Y/N can remove the stain of glowing red cheeks from his face and Lilac seems ready for the next song.

[Song Name: Bond]

[Original Song: Petals by Mark0 from the VS Sash Lilac mod]

Boyfriend: Wow, that was a good song.

Lilac: *Gif below* Yeah, it was something.

Y/N: That sounded amazing, Lily!

Lilac: *Yawns* I'm feeling a bit tired, let's go home Y/N.

Girlfriend: OK, see you later.

Boyfriend: Aw, come on, GF. We're nearing the final song!

Girlfriend: *Glares at BF* BF, I know you enjoy these rap battles, but you need to learn when to stop. I mean, do you really want a repeat of what happened with Pico?

Y/N and Lilac: *Confused* Wait, what happened with Pico?

Girlfriend: Nothing. *Turns back to Boyfriend* Look, the point is that not everyone can keep up with your stamina. And even if they could, would they want to sing against someone who keeps nagging at them to do so?

The words Girlfriend has spoken now begin to reach Boyfriend's brain, as he realizes that his soulmate does have a point. Soon, his expression begins to get a little upset as he turns to Girlfriend, Lilac, and Y/N.

Boyfriend: You're right, GF. I got to get this rap battle habit fixed. Sorry about that, guys. It's okay if you don't wanna-.

Y/N: It's okay, we don't mind. We can sing that final song if you want.

Boyfriend and Girlfriend: *Surprised* Really?!

Lilac: *Smiles* Really.

Both Boyfriend and Girlfriend glance at each other until the former goes back across Y/N and Lilac, and the latter heads on back to the speakers.

Y/N: Also, Lilac and I will sing against you. So be ready.

Boyfriend: Alright then, guys. Let's send this sample back to the lab, and see what we're truly made of!

Both Y/N and Lilac give a thumbs up as Girlfriend starts up the final song.

[Song Name: Double The Fun] (Imagine Y/N as Sans and Lilac as Papyrus)

[Original Name: Bonedoggle by Saster]

As the song draws to a close, Y/N, Lilac, and Boyfriend calm down, letting the melody begin to control them. As the song ends, Girlfriend is clapping her hands, congratulating the trio on their performance.

Girlfriend: That song was hands-down the best! You three were naturals there!

Boyfriend: *Chuckles* Well, the three of us had this song in our minds back at high school, so it makes sense we nailed this one.

Y/N: *Rubs the back of his head* Yeah, BF wrote the lyrics, while Lilac and I performed the music.

Lilac: *Notices the time* Oh, shoot! We've been singing for a while. We gotta go, Y/N and I need to head back to our apartment. *Is preparing to leave*

Boyfriend and Girlfriend: Wait!

Y/N suddenly feels something pulling him back, as he turns around to see both Boyfriend and Girlfriend holding his hands. The couple then notice what they're doing, before letting go, now attempting to hide the blushes on their face.

Girlfriend: *Waves her hand frantically* Sorry about that Y/N! It's just that we were both wondering...

Boyfriend: *Continues*...If you and Lilac wanted to hang out more often, Y'know, explore Starlight City together, possibly hang out more, pick up where we left off after the last day of high school, and even possibly introduce you to GF's parents.

Y/N and Lilac take a moment to think about their offer, as the couple anxiously await their friends' answers. Soon, Y/N and Lilac smile at them before saying their answer.

Lilac: Sure! We'd love to hang out more! Just, can we at least not rush anything yet, it's only been a week since Y/N and I stepped foot back in Starlight City, and we just need to remember some layouts of the place.

Boyfriend: *Beams* Don't worry, we'll help you out with that, right GF?

Girlfriend: Of course! Anything to help our friends out.

Y/N: Thanks guys, how about we begin at tomorrow morning, and meet up at the nearby park?

Boyfriend and Girlfriend both nod to the idea, as all four of them begin to head back to their homes, ready to spend the rest of the day relaxing in peace, and gathering enough energy to start hanging out the next day....

Unfortunately, those peaceful moments won't last even half a year...

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