Chapter |2|

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|3rd Pov| Sorry for any small error's I checked over it only once.

The sound of high heals were heard through out the hospital.

"Lady Kushina please slow down!" Yelled one of her guards. She didn't listen as she ran up the stairs of the hospital, not patient enough to use the elevator. She almost tripped, thanks to her heals but she simply took them off her feet and continued.

She never really was one to act lady like. When she finally made it to the room the nurse had told her was it, she instantly opened the door.

"Naruto!" Kushina yelled. Naruto looked up at her.

"Oh hey mom," Naruto said. He sat in the hospital bed, a bowl of ramen in his lap, while his stomach is wrapped, and a bandage is on his left cheek.

Kushina looked at him confused and shook. Sasuke who sat in a chair simply was slouched over with his two fingers on his forehead annoyed.

Kushina looked over to Sasuke.

"Eh? Y-You aren't hurt?" Kushina asked trying to process.

Naruto only grinned as he sipped up the ramen from his chopsticks.

"Nope, I'm fine." Naruto said. Her eyebrow twitched.

"B-But Sasuke said you were stabbed?" Kushina said shocked.

"I was but that was hella of a weak one, it only stung for about 30 minutes. " Naruto said before continued to eat his food. The body guards who stood behind Kushina just sighed deeply before closing the door behind them.

But a hand was then put on the hospital door nob .

"What is the meaning of this?"

Everyone paused . Kushina turned.

"Minato," Kushina said softly. Just like Kushina he must've been contacted.

Naruto's eyes widened.

"H-Hi dad," Naruto simply said, he felt a little nervous.

Sasuke stood up, he could feel the tension in the air.

"Naruto, who did this to you?" Minato said in low tone. Naruto's eyebrows quirked up. Minato's voice was low and sounded calm but in all truth it was his mad voice.

"It doesn't really ma-" Naruto tried.

"Tell me who and I'll throw him in jail," Minato said his blue eyes sharp.

Naruto looked at his dad, his eyes serious. He put the bowl of ramen on the table beside him.

"Stop acting like it's something so big, it doesn't matter. Because if it did, you would notice how many times I've gone home hurt. Wait that's right you barely are home so of course you haven't noticed." Naruto voice said.

Sasuke began to feel uncomfortable.

"Naruto, " Minato started.

"Uh, I should really be going." Sasuke said as he started walking to the door.

He walked pass Minato. Kushina put her hand on his shoulder as he passed her.

"Thank you for coming and bringing him." Kushina said softly and Sasuke only nodded in response.

Sasuke left the room and the guards shut the door.

Leaving Minato, Kushina, and Naruto.

"Naruto, you need to understand that I can't-"

"You can't stay home because you have to work and have to keep the company, I get it dad." Naruto said before he laid back down. Kushina looked over to Minato. Minato tried forgetting about his words.

"If you won't tell me who did it Naruto, you'll be punished, so answer so I can file a report." Minato said, as he walked closer. Kushina held Minato's arm.

"Give me your best shot I'm not telling where it happened or who it was, Sasuke doesn't even know because I walked out of place bleeding and he found me in front of the school."

|Naruto Pov|

I could tell that pissed dad off, his face looked completely frustrated and his eyes pierced through mine.

"Are you sure you want to go through my punishment, I surely know you will hate it." Dad said. I rolled my eyes. Dad was scary but I'm not backing down.

"Yeah I'm sure."


I had to stay in hospital for about 2 days. I might've lied saying it didn't hurt because it still did. Deidera hit me hard. Luckily he pushed me back and I made my way to the front of school as my blood spread on my body.

When I called him, I was feeling dizzy and he panicked and called my mom before he got to me I believe.

I rushed to the hospital but I was still awake. But once they fixed my stomach I was fine. Or atleast I tried to.

Sasuke brought me ramen and I faked it off when mom and dad were here.

My friends came and visited me and even Sakura seemed worried but even so she looked at Sasuke, who blamed himself for leaving me. He knows who it was most likely and where it is.

But now I'm driving home, well I'm not driving but my driver is.

I sighed as I then rested my head on the car window. My mom sat right next to me. I could feel her eyes on me but she would look away any times.

"What is it mom?" I asked, I heard her shift.

"Naruto just tell your dad, it's best I mean don't you want that person to go to jail for what happened to you?" Mom said, I turned my head to her.

"I don't know who it was and I don't really remember." I told her, a white lie of course.

"Could you try to remember, your dad is scary you know, when he's serious." Mom tried again putting her hand on my shoulder.

" It's fine, I don't care what he does,  I'm not backing down." I told her, she frowned then crossed her arms. She didn't like that dad and I were fighting.

When we made it home the maids came and greeted me. I smiled as I saw them.

"It's great to be home!" I said before greeting the maids. I then ran upstairs into my room. When I got there my room was clean and my backpack was on my bed. I moved it then hopped into my bed. I looked up to my ceiling.

"I get to finally sleep in my bed! I get to see all my friends, I get to see Sakura-chan too." I said out loud. My smile slowly disappeared. I really am a idiot for trying to fight Nagato and Yachiko just to make myself feel better on still not winning Sakura's heart.

Sasuke always needs to beat me at everything, and it's so annoying. I heard a knock at the door then I sat up.

"Come in," I said, a maid came in with a tray with a glass cup and water. She bowed her head before coming more in my room to set the glass on the desk near my bed.

"Thank you," I said with a smile and she nodded. She then left. I grabbed the glass before I poured water into it to then drink it. But there then was another nock.

"Om'n" I said as I still had the cup to my lips.

The door opened and spiky blonde hair was seen. I removed the cup from my lips.

"Dad," I said softly. His eyes looked at me plainly.

"There is someone I want you to meet downstairs."

One of my eyebrows furrowed.

"Me?" I asked. He nodded. I hopped off my bed then I followed him down. As I followed down the hall I looked from the top of stairs to only see a man standing there. I frowned all the way this time.

When I made it down the stairs the man bowed.

"Naruto this is your new body guard," Dad said, I looked at the man then at dad.

"What? There's no way I'm having a guy follow me around." I said out loud.

"Naruto this is your punishment." Dad said again.

"No I'm not having this man follow me around that's totally stupid, I can protect myself, plus this guy doesn't even seem so strong." I told him. The man looked slightly offended.

"Too bad, starting tomorrow he will be going to school with you. Got it." Dad said, I looked at him then to the guard.

"You've gotta be kidding, " I said before storming off. Hmph, doesn't matter I'll get rid of him by tomorrow. I said with a slight grin on my face.

|Next day|

I jumped out of bed before rushing downstairs, luckily for me the damn guard was there. I gave him a fake smile before going to the kitchen where mom was helping cooking. She never really like the thought of having maids so for breakfast she would help and for dinner too.

I sat at the table. She turned to me.

"Good morning, ready for school?" Mom said with a grin. I nodded. She turned back before grabbing a plate of food, then putting it in front of me.

"Eat up," Mom said and I did just as pleased.

When I finished. I made sure my wallet was in my backpack as I left the house, the guard right behind me.

When we entered the car, mom had followed us out before telling me to have great day, then greeting the guard.

When we took off, it was completely silent. The man looked annoying if I can say so myself. My plan will definitely work. He looked like he was in his 20's and hated his job.

When we get to the school and the driver drove off, I quickly told the guard to come with me as I took him near the football field.

I told him to wait before I threw my backpack over my shoulders then open it to then grab my wallet. I looked up at him with a grin on my face.

I dropped my backpack before I opened my wallet and pulled out a few hundreds then stuck it out to him.

"I'll give you all this money if you quit this job right now and never contact my dad or anyone in my family ever again. " I told him, a smile grew on his lips before he then snatched the money.

"Deal," he said before running off. A grin grew on my face.

"That was too easy!" I yelled before I headed to the school. When I entered the school I was greeted by many people. I simply smiled and waved at them before I finally found Sasuke. He was at his locker with a flock of girls near him.

I walked over then put my hand on his shoulder.

"What did I say about touching," Sasuke said, sounding annoyed,  before he turned and saw me.

"Naruto, what are you doing here?" He asked shocked. I grinned.

"I'm back! " I then pulled up my shirt to reveal the stitches on my stomach which caused girls to gasp. I only grinned larger.

"I'm all healed up!" I laughed as I said that. Sasuke only slammed his locker before he walked pass me. I then followed along.

The whole school day was fun but at the same time boring.

When the driver came to pick me up I said my goodbyes to Sasuke and Sakura before they walked off the same way home.

I couldn't wait to get home to see how my dad is going to react.

When I got home I noticed my dads car was home.

"He's home early this is great!" I said happily before walking up the steps to then enter my house.

"I'm home," I yelled. My mom and dad then walked out from the dining room.

My dad instantly noticed the missing of the man.

"Where's Satou-san?" Dad asked.

"He quit," I said with a laugh. I watched as their eyes opened.

"What?" My mom asked.

"You heard me, he quit. " I said once again.

My dad pulled out his phone before he tried calling. Like I wanted he didn't pick up. He tried again.

"I wouldn't try anymore, I mean I paid him not to answer your calls."

My dad looked up at me before walking up to me.

"You paid him to quit?" I heard anger in my dads voice. Mom had a frown on her face.

"And I'll do it over and over, so I wouldn't try." I told him. Dad only gave me a look before turning around.

"Since you are being so stubborn I won't quit on this idea, just because you dislike it so much." Dad said.

"But Minato-" Mom tried.

"Don't worry Kushina, I have a plan." He said before walking off to his office. Mom then turned to me before she walked over to me and whacked my head.

"Why did I have to have such a idiot son, you're lucky I'm not just grounding you for life!" Mom yelled before pinching my ear and pulling me to my room.

|Hinata Pov|

I sat in the diner. My father and younger sister on different sides of the rectangular glass table, just like me. We were eating pasta for dinner tonight, thanks to our amazing chief.

"Hinata.." I looked up from my plate before looking across the table to look at my father.

"Yes, father?" I asked. He continued to chew his food before putting his fork down. I paused and kept my eyes on him.

"I'd like to see you in my office after dinner." He said. I nodded.

"Alright," I said quietly.

I could only wonder what this was about. After dinner I followed my father but before that I had said good night to Hanabi.

When we made it to his office I watched as he sat in his chair. I then sat in one out of the two chairs across from him.

I sat straight and had my full attention on him, as he always wants me to.

"Are you ready for this meeting?" He asked, His voice low.

"Yes." I responded instantly. He grabbed papers that were on his desk.

"Today I was contacted by Namikaze-san, A famous inventor."

My eyes widened remember the woman who was married to him. This had caught my interest.

"It seems that his son is having problems with protection and was attacked by someone who he won't admit, or who he won't say where he was attacked from , and he told me that his son is quite stubborn and had paid his last body guard to quit because of it."

I held in a laugh, I mean that sure is smart, but what does this have to do with me?

"He wanted me to send my toughest guard, one who won't quit no matter the cost. But that being so it's quite hard for someone not to quit for money unless that person is of course my daughter."

My eyes widened.

"You are already rich so what's the point of quitting, plus you must follow my orders until you finally become the head of the Hyuga, that being so you will be assigned this job until they find out who it was and what had happened, I would've chose Neji but he's far gone."

He always brings up my cousin, he was assigned a location and all the information I get is that there's no telling if he's dead or alive.

"Plus, Hanabi is still too young but if you aren't strong enough for this you surely can be replaced for the head by Hanabi."

Ouch, that hurt. He put down his papers.

"Do you understand your position." He said almost not even asking.

"Yes I do, father." I spoke plainly.

"In here you may not call me father, I am sir to you." He said before he pushed the papers on his desk to me.

"Yes, sir." My voice sounding empty. He then flipped them upside down to himself so I could read them.

"This is all the information you need you will be driven there tomorrow morning so get ready." He said before turning his chair. I picked up the papers.

"You are dismissed."

I stood up. I turned but before I left.

" Also Hinata, Try not being a burden to anyone while you are there. " He said calmly.

"Right," I said before leaving.


"Name: Uzumaki Naruto Age: 17 School: Konoha Highschool Sex:Male.." Then It went on with how he looked like and blood type.

On the paper it had said I will be staying there, that being so I'll be going to school with him to follow him at all times. A public Highschool? It means I'll need to be packing.

So that being so I began packing all my things. I have about three suit cases with a fair amount of clothing. When I sat on my bed I couldn't help but smile slightly. I'll be going to a different house and I'll be going to school with other people.

That is amazing. I watched as my door swung open.

"Hinata-Nee-sama!" Hanabi had yelled. I quickly put my finger over my lips hushing her.

"Oh right, father doesn't like us talking because it's a waste of time." Hanabi said carelessly while whispering.

I nodded. She started walking more into my room before she noticed all my things.

"W-Wha are you moving?" Hanabi said with a sad voice.

"Well, kinda. I'm going to be guarding someone for some time." I said. I watched her eyebrows furrow. I give her a small smile.

"It's alright,  I'll be back, but I'll be attending a public school." I told her. Her eyes widened.

"A public school!?"

I once again hushed her.

"Sorry, but that's insane." Hanabi said as she then sat on my bed.

"You're so lucky, I'm jealous!" She whispered. I nodded.

"Maybe you'll get a boyfriend." She said, with that comment I felt my cheeks slightly heat even though I barely ever blush.

"No, this is part of my job." I told her, my cheeks grew cold. I looked down at my hands.

I felt her grab my hands. I looked to her.

"Mother is going to be so proud, so don't worry about anything. She doesn't care if we fail or accomplish anything, as long as we try, she'll be proud." Hanabi said. I looked to her wide eyed before I then rested them.

I felt sadness fall down on me. She never knew mother yet she speaks so lovely about her, Mother died giving birth to Hanabi but I always told her good things about mother and showed her pictures. I never hated Hanabi for anything, not even taking the person I loved most in my life.

I slowly let my right hand out of her grip then I brought it up to her left cheek and grasped her cheek. She blushed brightly.

"Hanabi, I'm going to miss you." I told her, she simply leaned her head more so she could feel more of my hand.

|Next morning/ 6:00 am|

I was awoken up by a maid before I grabbed my stuff and was ready to leave. This was going to be new to me.  Two men carried my other two suitcases.

I could feel my heart beating fast in my ribcage as walked down the steps. Father and a sleepy Hanabi stood at the door.

I hugged Hanabi then bowed my head to my father before I left the building. On my way out I was given, I believe the school uniform. It was a navy blue skirt, a white shirt with a red bow that you tied below your collar.

When I got into the car and I was off.

I arrived at the building at about 7 am and when I got to the building, the house was quite big. Our house isn't that tall but wide from each side. This house is tall and wide. It even had a little fountain in the middle where cars were around.

When a guard brought me into the building I instantly looked around the large white building.

I heard steps and a man in a suit with spiky blonde hair walked down.

When they walked to me the man looked slightly shocked.

"You are the guard Hiashi sent?" He asked. I'm guessing because I am a teenage girl who is shorter then Kushina-san it seems a little strange.

I bowed my head.

"I am Hinata Hyuga, daughter of Hiashi Hyuga. I am the second strongest in the group of guards, 1st is my cousin who is off somewhere else, I'll be the one who will serve you." I said calmly.

"Well I'll be it, You must be pretty strong, it's a honor to be meeting the next Heir of the Hyuga clan." Minato-san said. I nodded.

He called a maid.

"Well you should get ready for school that will start in a few minutes. One of my Maids will be taking you to your room." Minato-san said.

I nodded before I then followed the maid up the stairs and into a empty room that had a bed and dresser near by. There even was a bathroom like my own room.

A few men then came in with my luggage. I thanked them before I shut my door and pulled out the school uniform. I'm guessing my father had already assigned my information in the school system.

I changed into it then looked at myself in the mirror. I watched as my cheeks warmed from excitement but I soon slapped both hands on each side of my cheeks. Before walking out.


I walked down the stairs with a grin on my face. Let's see what my dads has up next. I walk down and see him alone downstairs. No one there but him.

Wow he gave up huh?

"Good morning, son." Dad said in a mischievous voice.

"What's going on ?" I asked as I reached the second step.

But suddenly I heard a door open then close. I looked up the stairs and my eyes widened when a girl appeared from the top of the stairs with the school uniform on.

I turned back to my dad.

"It's not what it looks like! I didn't sleep with her! Or did I? No! No! I didn't I don't know who she is. " I said quickly. She began walking down the steps then walked pass me and I was hit by her scent of shampoo.

She stood by my dads side.

"Naruto, this is your new body guard Hinata. She will be attending school with you." Dad said.

This has to be a joke. I then began laughing.

"Ahaha! Nice joke! A tiny cute school girl is going to be my body guard! That's hilarious!" I yell out but no one laughs.

I watch as she then bows her head the traditional female backpack in hands.

"I am Hinata Hyuga, I'll be assisting you at all times to make sure you are safe." This "Hinata" said. I stopped smiling.

I then looked at my dad.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"You better be going it's almost 7:30." He said then turned away.

Mom came and gave me a plate of eggs and bacon before she also gave one to Hinata. Hinata thanked her.

I frowned but I then relaxed.

"Fine," I said then walked pass them then out the front door.

I heard Hinata excuse herself before she followed. When we got in the car I simply watched her as she ate her food like a princess with the fork and nife.

I simply ate my with my hand before wiping my hands on my pants. I caught her eyes looking as I did so, but she then turned the other way.

I could still smell her sweat smell. I rolled my eyes amused. This is going to be easier, she's a girl! She'll love money, she can go shopping and all that, sorry dad but you lose once again. Plus how is this little girl going to protect me.

When we got to the school and stepped out she looked amazed. I wondered what was her deal, it's like as if she's never been to Highschool.

But this was no time to be thinking, time to bribe her with the few hundreds I still got. I grabbed her wrist before pulling her but then stopped her feet.

" I would prefer that you keep your hands to yourself." She said. I lifted a brow I quickly let go. But we were far enough. I pulled out my wallet.

"How much do you want to get loss?" I asked as I looked at my money. She didn't respond so I looked up at her.

"I am sorry but I have enough money and I can not quit for money alone, My job is to make sure you are safe." She said, her voice was soft yet calm.

I frowned.

"You sure I mean I can give you lots," I told her.

"I have enough money, this is solely a job for my father." She told me but soon enough the bell ringed.

"Gosh this is annoying! This can't be true!" I yelled as I walked away but she followed.

I walked through the hallways. Great I'm late for my first period,I have a tiny girl as my guard and she's going to be going to school with me. This is bullshit!

I turned to her. She was looking at her schedule. I snatched it from her hands.

"You have all my classes!?" I yelled. I looked over to her, she bit her lip before she stuck out her hands. I furrowed my eyebrows.

I gave her the paper before I walked away. When I enter the class Iruka sensei was just about to yell at me.

"Naru-!" But he paused. I lifted a brow.

"Naruto who is that behind you?" He asked.

I turned my head. Hinata stood there. She blankly looked at my back, she once again bit her lip.

I stepped more in the class room and she followed.

"Are you Hinata Hyuga?" He asked. She nodded before walking into the classroom.

"Ah we got a new classmate!"

"Aw she's so cute!"

"She's pretty hot I wanna date her!"

The classroom went off. I looked over to Sasuke, who was simply looking out the window. Before he turned to me.

"Hush down class, this is our new student Hinata Hyuga, please welcome her." Iruka sensei said. Everyone said hello before he turned to me.

"Naruto why are you late!?" He yelled

"I-I was uh..-"

"He was helping me get here, I'm sorry." She said then bowed her head. Everyone awed her. I lifted a brow.

"Oh is that so, well that's..good. Hinata why don't you sit at the fifth row somewhere. " Iruka said and I quickly went into my normal desk next to Sasuke and Sakura.

"If it's alright, is there any way I may sit in the 8th row?" She had asked. I cursed to myself. I was in the 7th row I looked behind me and that was Kiba but then to his side was no one.

"Sure, go ahead." She then walked up the steps then into the row, everyone watched her. She then sat next to Kiba.

I have a good feeling today's going to be such a annoying day, probably going to die from embarrassment.

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