Chapter 34

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"Oi!!!!" I yelled as I carelessly walked in.

"Anyone home!! I'm here to finally beat you guys up!!" I said as I looked around. The place was dark but there was some light lit up in candles on the walls of the tunnel. I truly wondered what this place was before. But stopping me from my progress was none other then Deidera.

"Welll well well, looks like the rich Uzumaki didn't learn his lesson the first time." He mocked. I frowned. But a grin reached my lips.

"I was going easy on you last time. I didn't want to accidentally kill you." I said. He rolled his eyes before digging into his pocket. The same knife from before was in my lane of vision.

"I see, well this time no one is going to save you. " Deidara said before finally rushing.

I grinned before saying the code word.

"Art is an explosion." I said pressing on my ear piece.

Instantly I started dodging. For some reason his movements seemed slower. I quickly gripped his arm that had the knife before striking him in the stomach with my fist. I could tell I knocked the breath out of him. But he suddenly kicked me in the stomach pushing me back.

"Some how your movements are different. Who's lap have you been sitting on?" He mocked. He then out of no where threw his small dagger at me slicing my cheek.

He ran at me before I could even react to blood rushing out of my left cheek. I stayed prepared. I then slapped his fist to the side like Hinata showed me, then I punched him right in the stomach. When he bent over slightly I elbowed his neck causing him to fall on the floor unconscious.

I simply then stuck out my thumb, rubbed it against my tongue then whipped the blood on my cheek. I grinned before calling in.

"One is down." I simply said grinning.

I heard static before hearing Hinata.

"Great work, as expected." She said. I felt myself rubbed the back of my head. "Oh gosh Hinata no need to flirt" I thought to myself.

"Sasuke-kun and I are heading in through the deepest tunnel. We'll be meeting you at the main spot soon. " she simply said before monitoring off.

I then heard Sakura and Lee monitor that they took down Sasori. Then Kiba, Shino, and Shikamaru took down Hidan. Next was for me make my way down the same path Choji, Ino, and Temari would be taking. It was working nicely. There was a set back by extra wannabe gang members but we easily took care of them because we expected it.


The splashing of our feet was heard as Sasuke and I made our way down this tunnel. We had to make our way on the farthest side of the forest to enter. Hopefully the others will meet us on time before we encounter the strongest members.

"Hinata.." his cold voice called me.

"What is it?" I simply asked. We didn't turn to each other as we ran.

"What do you expect we find out from these guys?" He simply said. I felt my eyes sharpen.

"I need to know what they did to my cousin." I said. I could feel his pressure of agreement.

"Let's destroy them." He said. But suddenly we were stopped. A half wall was blocking our entrance.

We simply looked at it before hearing a faint step behind.

"You two.."

Sasuke and I turned quickly. My eyes widened.

"You guys aren't supposed to be here." His voice said. The figure, the eyes, the hair.

"Neji-nii-san.." I simply said in shock. He wore a cape that the gang members wore.

"'re supposed to be dead." Sasuke said. I turned to him. I could tell that he was jealous of the fact Neji was alive and Itachi wasn't.

"What are you guys doing here? Hinata-sama return from where you came. It's far too dangerous for the two of you." He said. What was happening!? Wasn't Neji supposed to be dead?

"Neji-niisan explain what's going on? Why are you wearing that?" I asked. Everything I believed wasn't adding. Up. He simply closed his eyes

"It's far too much to explain. You must leave now or-"

"Well well, I knew that Itachi should have never invited a traitor like you to join us." A deep voice called. Rising from the water was a man with almost bluish skin and sharp teeth. He was a member who absurdly tattooed his whole body blue and changed his appearance to look ghoulish.

"Itachi!?" Sasuke asked out of shock. Hope in his voice. "Where is he!?"

"It seems that this situation has lead to a downfall for you three." He pulled out a large bat with nails all around it. "Unlike the other members, I don't mind tasting blood." He said laughing. "I'll be handling you first Neji." I frowned but before I could to anything he ran and swung at Neji. A group of 20 men soon jumped over the wall and ran at Sasuke and I to distract us.

Neji quickly dodged his hits. But I felt that Neji was about to receive a hit. Just as I thought Neji was kicked in the stomach. The bat was risen. I ran at the blue man. But unexpectedly the bat was swung in my direction causing my arm to get stuck with the nails. I cried out in pain. The man smiled as he lifted my arm with his bat attached to it.

"My my, this is why women shouldn't fight."

"Hinata-sama!" Neji quickly grabbed Kisames arms. While he did that Sasuke gripped me from behind before harshly pulling my arm out of the nails.

I gripped my arm.

"You were careless! Here." He threw bandages at me before throwing a kick straight at a randoms neck. I could feel the holes in my arm, but I quickly ignored the throbbing as I wrapped my arm. Sasuke tried to hold off people coming to me but I soon stood up and began fighting. I wasn't going to be weak, like I use to.

I with ease took out five men as I made my way To Neji Who was slightly hurt but was keeping himself. I turned to Sasuke.

"Throw me a smoke!" I said. Sasuke did as told i then threw it towards Neji and Kisame. I made my way to Neji. I knew he could see through the smoke because we trained for this.

"You fools! Haha! Just wait I'll find and kill you!" Kisame yelled.

I gave him eye contact and we both knew what was going to happen.

We got in position and started our secret combined fighting technique. 4,096 fist under five minutes. But the first thing we needed was Sasuke.

Sasuke a advanced swordsman pulled out his staff before dashing at Kisame. Kisame simply slammed his bat on the staff but soon received a turn from Sasuke which lead to the staff inflicting and stabbing his eye. He yelled out in pain and gripped his eye with his left arm while he held on to the bat with his right.. But Neji and I were ready now.

We then both started which caused every single inch of his right and left sides to be punched in. Leading to his defeat.

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