Chapter |36|

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Hinata opened her mouth ready to speak. But I stepped in front of her.

"Hiashi-san I want to thank you for letting Hinata watch over me, but I need you to understand this." I turned to look at Hinata with worry.

"I Uzumaki Naruto love your daughter." I said honestly. I stared him in the eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at me.

"What foolish-."

"Hinata has always been there for me. She not only was my bodyguard, but also my friend. We've had our ups and downs, but with Hinata I feel like can show her my true self. Hinata hasn't been exposed to much due to living in your compound. I want to take her out and show her the world one day as a thanks. I want us to both grow old together and I want to learn more from her. Even though you don't know me much, but if you need my grades to go up. Want me to become more capable in working for myself, I'll work for it. So please don't separate Hinata from me." I begged. He stared at me with a cold expression. He stared passed me. He looked at Hinata, I turned to Hinata who looked like she was holding her emotions back.

"You must not be serious you-"

"Father if you even love me a little you'll listen!" Hinata yelled. My eyes watched Hinata sadly.

"Hinata.." He spoke softly.

"There are many things I want, but if you never listen to me you'll push me away just how you once pushed mother away before she died."

This soon made him look like a bunch of weight fell on his shoulders.

"What do you want me to do then?" He asked. My eyes widened. Hinata walked over to her father, but gripped my hand on the way.

"I want to lead the Hyuga clan father. But before then...I want to enjoy my youth. Naruto-kun has taught me what love is, he taught me what friendship is. I've learned so much from him and his parents. I now know that I should stand up for myself. Please father let me continue school!" Hinata said. Her father watched her for a second.

Before he finally opened his mouth.

"If that's what you want..then I'll allow it. You'll go to school there,  but if you expect me to let you fool around this boy you are mistaking. You must focus on training for the Hyuga military. What you do with him must come second. Do you understand?

Hinata smiled. I felt myself feel joy from just seeing her happy.


It's been a while since then. About 1 month. Even though Hinata and I are technically together she's often busy at her house working and training. I of course visit her. But it soon leads to her kicking me out of her dojo due to me trying to smooch her.

I miss that she isn't living in the room right next to me, but I'm glad seeing her at school. No other girl could compare to her anymore. She was all I could think about. The Akatsuki was disbanded. Sasuke and Itachi returned home together.

Hinata's cousin even started going to school with us. Though he doesn't seem so fond of Hinata and My relationship. Sakura and Sasuke also got even closer. Though they haven't came out and said they are dating. Even though I'm pretty sure they are. But I'm happy for them.

I lifted my head to the sky. The air brushed through my hair and face. I felt a squeeze to my left hand. My smile grew. We sat on grass in a nice large field. It was warm out. It felt nice.

I turned to Hinata. Her eyes watched me with softness. Those eye which once were cold. Those lips that only ever spoke coldly to me were smiling at me.

"what are you thinking about Naruto-kun?" She asked. I shifted my head towards my shoulder.

"Anything you're thinking about." I said. She faked barfed. I laughed. I gripped the side of her face with my right hand.

"You never really change do you?" I then closed the distance between us. Her lips were as soft as ever. Something I really adored about her. I would have taken it a bit further but I tried being patient with her. I surprised when she slightly licked the outside of my lips. I backed up. My face flushed .

"H-H-Hinata what the-?"

She laughed.

"Sakura-san told me to tease you like this. I didn't think the so popular Uzumaki would be surprised by a little tongue." She teased.

I flicked her forehead.

"You're so mean~" I said. I then pushed my body ontop of her. My hands rested on both sides of her head. I stared at her face.

She simply smiled. I felt my heart melt. I was so happy.

"I love you Hinata." I said. Her cheeks flushed.

"I love you too Naruto-kun." She let out. She lifted her hand to brush against my cheek. Wiping tears I didn't know I was holding.

"You're such a baby. She pushed my face closer before we once kissed again."

She wanted to continue but before we did I lifted my head from her lips.

"Do you want to know something funny?" I asked. She simply sighed almost disappointed I interrupted our kiss.

"You're truly my favorite body guard." I said. She simply started laughing. She then pushed me over before sitting top of me.

"Is that so?"

So this is the end. Sadly I had fallen on writers block so I'm sorry if the disappointments you. I'm planning on making a sequel because there story isn't finished yet but Hinata no longer is his bodyguard. In next story some plots I wanted to continue will continue. Again I'm sorry if you're disappointed with this ending but I didn't just want to leave you guys hanging. I hope you understand.

Your trash author.

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