Stratched book idea (1?)

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Hai guys!!
This was the book that I wanted to make into an actual wattpad book but I think I might want to cancel this idea. Maybe one day or soon, I will come back and make an actual book. I'm so sorry I haven't been online much anymore. I'm more of a reader now :(

Also there is another book that I want to currently make into a wattpad book. It's an isekai type of book so idk if I can do it good or not, but I will try :) thank you for taking your time to possibly read this.






A girl walks along the pathway

"Oh. I better get a snack before going back.. mum isn't cooking today", Chloe stops by a seven eleven shop and enters.

After she gets her meal and heats it up, she gets out of the place and makes her way home again. She walks alone once more and is silently looking at the trees and the pleasant atmosphere. The winds blowing quite strongly and the trees shake.

She puffs out warm air and puts her hands together for warmth. She makes her way across a park. A person is sitting on a bench alone and she stares.

Just as she is about to walk off, she looks again and recognises who it is. She immediately waves and greets the person cheerfully.


The person turns to face her, recognises her and smiles. "Hey", he says and waves back slowly. Slowly, she turns away from him after the greeting and makes her way back to her route.

She doesn't notice the stares she's getting from him.

She walks back faster as she feels like her food might get cold.

It's 7pm when she is 3 blocks away from her house. She slows down as she recognises her surroundings better. It brings her comfort.






but she feels like someone is following her

She slowly turns back and sees a person's head sticking out from the side of the building. She sees that the person has a jacket on so the face is covered by the shadow of the person's jacket cover.

She picks up the pace and stops close to a building 1 block away from their house. She spots a familiar face and runs to them to tell them about her situation.

She wants to feel safe.

She's speaking and slowly eases up when she notices no one is around her except them. The person listens to her, talks to her with few words but the frequent nodding of the head shows that they're listening.

It's 7:30pm


Her friend pats her back gently before looking at her watch and motioning her to hurry back home. She nods and walks off.

Her friend is slicing off the dead flowers on her garden.

'Ah I'm back home! Sweet home", Chloe is facing the door to her house and thinks to herself. However, something isn't right and she's feeling chillier than normal.


The person with the jacket appears with a mask covering their face. The person smiles but something is off. Before she can say a thing, the person runs towards her with great speed. She tries to fight off but she doesn't have anything expect her food and her keys. ' I should use my keys-", she thinks fast.

She's distracted and the person is going to use that for their own benefit. The stranger drives the knife into her shoulder and she screams in terror. She can't die so soon.

She uses some of her strength and pushes the person away. She's limping and the blood is coming out fast. She isn't going to last much longer. She pulls the knife away and swings it far away from them. At least , she hopes so.

She's engaging with the stranger again as the stranger runs towards her at full speed. Possibly trying to catch her off guard again, but she's prepared for this. She dodges a blow to the stomach and tries to get some distance away. The person squats and smiles. The stranger's happy for some reason and nods to her.

It's eerie.

She can't let him or her get to her but she's nearly passing out and the pain is unbearable. This time. She must attack.

She notices that the person is thinking, so she holds her keys close. She needs to do this. She runs towards the person.

Her heartbeat is beating fast and she sees the person get up. The person is dashing towards her as well.




She uses all her strength to aim to his eyes but she's cut short as he dodges her. 'Oh no', she cries inside and she feels something pierce into her left shoulder. She's falling. She spits out blood and her sight is blurry. She uses her hand to rip out the object from her back and feels worse. She stares at the bloody knife coating with her blood.

' I didn't toss it far enough. The person must have distracted me to get to the knife.' She stares at the person.

'I have to run away. I can't afford to fight', she's slowly losing consciousness but she's trying her best to stay awake.

Run. Run. Run. Run. RUN.

She runs and she can hear the stranger's footsteps keeping up with her.

She feels like she won't make it in time.

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