My Opinions

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1- Pokeshipping 

Ok. This is the OG Ash x Someone ship, but for me, someone who didn't grow up in ~2000, I have no positive feelings towards this soulless... Thing. One thing that heavily off-puts me is her ease-to-violence. How many times has she hit Ash, Brock or someone completely stranger to her? Sorry, I just don't like Misty at all. Points for being OG, though.

Alternative: Nope


2- Advanceshipping

Unlike Misty, I take a great liking to May, however, I always thought of her as Ash's little sister, who he was training to be great. She's kind, compassionate etc. All that, and she has a very defined... face (anyone who's seen the anime knows what I'm talking about). Points for a second place contestant if the next contender didn't exist.

Alternative: Drew


3- Are you kidding me? There's a story an my account about these two.

What can I say about Dawn that isn't already obvious? All the hints toward their "relationship", in my opinion (Ash watching her contests, which he didn't do for May, Dawn's little cheerleader outfit for his Gym Battles etc.) cements this ship as my absolute favourite 'till the end of Dialga. Also, Dawn is just pretty. The design choice to make her eyes and hair match was perfect, and the contrast of her dark shirt over her lighter one, her pink skirt contrasting her blue hair. Blue and pink is one of the most popular colour combinations, after all.



4- Negaishipping

This ship is kind of close to Pokeshipping. Come to think about it, Iris and Misty are extremely similar. Except I actually respect Iris. Pretty much put everything I said about Misty here, just take out the 'takes to violence easily' bit. Also, the episode where she tamed the Hydriegon was awesome, and when her and Cilan left, I almost cried. I'm not made of stone, dammit.

Alternative: Cilan


5- ... I don't wanna cover this one... Amourshipping

I apologize in advance to anyone who love Amourshipping, I just... I can't. Imagine, if you please, that your favourite ship in some type of media that was teased for over a decade was al of a sudden proven non-canon by some blonde, French, croissant-looking eggshell!!

I'm sorry, but I absolute hate Serena with a fiery passion, and hope she gets hit by a rusty, nail-ridden 20 km/hr bus, in space.

Alternative: Clemont. Fite mii m8 


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