My first day at school

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That morning, after waking me up earlier than unsual, my mother helped me to wash my face, and get dressed.The school things which had been bought by my parents the previous day were put carefully in the light black leather schoolbag.

On the way to school, my mother tenderly held my hand looked at me fondly.The road to school now seemed quite strange to me although in my childhood I rambled along it so many times! The other children of my own age, in new clothes like me, were timidly accompained by their parents to school. A strange and unexplicable feeling bloomed in my heart. Then I had a feeling worry and fear when I caught sight of the imposing and gigantic elementary school in front of me. It looked so majestic in its new colours.The schoolyard was packed with pupils and their parents. The old pupils were running up and down, talking and laughing merily. The teachers , neatly dressed, were standing under the school verandah.

Suddenly the sounds of a drum echoed in my heart.We were all ordered to stand in the line before the flagstaff to salute the colours.This was the first time I saluted the colours, so I didn't know how to sing the National anthem, so I just stood and listened seriously. When the flag salute was over we by turns went into our class-rooms. A young and mild-looking teacher greeted us at the door. And by a gentle voice she taught us the first lesson.

Hey guys, I didin't cry when my parents came back home. And you? Did you cry?

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