Heiji & Kazuha one-shot

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Hi guys :) 

It's a story that came to my mind late at night and i thought i could publish it.
I have an other Detective Conan fanfiction but it isn't a part of that! :) 

I don't own Detective Conan and its characters. 

Enjoy :) 


Kazuha's POV

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon. I was lying on my bed thinking about what to do. I turned the TV on.

"Today we're here at Osaka Summer Festival. There are so many people here including tourists. Visitors can chose from various programmes and facilities..." - The reporter said and i sat up quickly. 

That's it..i'll go to the Summer Festival. 

I grabbed my phone and dialled Heiji's number.

"What is it Kazuha? I told you..."

"Heiji. I want to go to the Summer Festival."

"And what holds you back?" - I got angry.


"Kazuha. I told you that i would be going to Kyoto today."

"Kyoto? Why do you have to go there?" - I asked because to tell the truth i didn't really remember that he mentioned it to me earlier.

"So you weren't listening. Then tell me: WHY SHOULD I TELL YOU ANYTHING 

IF YOU DON'T EVEN BOTHER TO LISTEN TO IT?" - Now he was the one that shouted but he couldn't get me angry. I already had my plan.

"You're going with train, right? I'll be there soon so wait for me." - I said.

"WHAT? KAZUHA..WHY..." - I didn't let him finish..i hung up. 

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs.

"Bye otou-san..I'm going to Kyoto. I'll be back tomorrow maybe." -  

I said as i left. I was very happy that i could spend another day with Heiji.

Okay..okay...i have to admit: When he said he was going to Kyoto i thought that maybe he wanted to see his first love. I want to see that girl with my own eyes as well. 

You thought you could get rid of me? 

I was running to the train station which was only for 10 minutes away.

At the train station:

I was breathing heavily when i arrived at the train station. I went inside and looked for Heiji. There was so many people that i couldn't see him so i decided to call him again.

"WHERE ARE YOU?" - I shouted.

"Why are you shouting? I'm at the information desk waiting for you." - He replied with his calm voice. 

I looked around and i saw the information desk in the distance. I ran towards it and ended the call. As i got closer i saw him and i shouted:


I ran towards him and as i was closer and closer i saw that he wasn't alone. I stopped in front of him and the three boys who were with him started laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" - I asked, annoyed. 

I knew them very well. They were our classmates: Atsushi, Kouhei and Ryousuke. 

They were always around Heiji..like you know..trying to be with the popular guy.

"Why did you come anyway?" - Asked Heiji, not even looking at me.

"I didn't think she would come...." - Kouhei said, still laughing.

"I was bored..i had to do something." - I replied.

"Ah..Hattori! We have to hurry. We only have two minutes to catch our train." - Atsushi said worriedly and he started to run away, followed by the other two.

"We should go, too." - Heiji told me and i just nodded.


At Kyoto:

Heiji's POV

"Why did you want to come to Kyoto anyway?" - Kazuha asked as we left the train station in Kyoto.

"Today's Ryousuke's birthday and he always wanted to celebrate it here so we came to make his wish come true." - Kouhei replied instead of me.

"ATSUSHIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - We heard a voice from the distant and we turned round to see who was shouting.

"ATSUSHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - The girl shouted again and as she got closer we could see that she was with two other girls.

"I thought that you went away without us." - The girl with long black hair said.

"I see. So you planned to party with these girls, didn't you?" - Kazuha faced me furiously.  

Oh no..she will kill me now. Although i didn't even knew... 

"Kazuha...i..." - I couldn't finish because i saw her hand swinging in the air.

"Kazuha-san..." - Kouhei grabbed her fist.

"WHAT IS IT?" - Kazuha asked like a crazy woman.

"Hattori didn't know about this. I was the one who created this plan. You know because Ryousuke..." - He was cut off by a coughing Ryousuke.

"Don't try to continue that sentence." - He said and Kouhei let go of Kazuha's hand.

"So Ryou-kun didn't know that we would be here as well?" - Asked the black-haired girl.

"We can go away if we would disturb you." - The girl with short brown hair and especially blue eyes told Kazuha. She looked at me with an annoyed face.

"No..you were invited so you should stay. Actually i don't have the right to send you away as i wasn't really invited." - Now she looked at Kouhei with the same annoyed expression on her face.

"Ah..hahaha..sorry for that." - He replied.

"I think we should get going." - Atsushi told us while he walked to a car nearby. 

We followed him.

"Hey.." - A guy was waiting for us at the car.

"Guys. This is my brother, Kenji. He's studying at university here in Kyoto and we're going to stay at his apartment." - Kouhei introduced his brother.

"Nice to meet you guys." - Kenji said and looked at Kazuha with a huge smile. 

Why does he keep smiling at Kazuha like an idiot? 

"Kenji-kun! Nice to meet you. We're your brother's friends from here, Kyoto. My name is Ayame. This is Rika-chan - the black-haired pointed to the brown-haired - and that is Chiyo-chan" - then she pointed to the third girl who hadn't even said a word yet.

"And what is your name?" - He grabbed Kazuha's hand and kissed it. 

What the hell does he think? 

Kazuha's face was totally red by now and she didn't answer. 

I grabbed her hand away from the guy and answered coldly:

"Kazuha. And i'm her best friend, Hattori Heiji." 

Kazuha looked at me confused just like Kenji.

"Hattori Heiji? That famous highschool detective?" 

I didn't reply to his question. Nobody said not even a word.

"Then..you already know Ryousuke and Atsushi so i guess we should get going." - Kouhei broke the silence.

"Yeah..let's go." - Kenji replied and we got into his van. 

We drove through the city and went to the suburbs. Ayame and Rika kept on talking about unnecessary things which made me really mad. I didn't sleep much last night because of the case that i discussed with Kudou on the phone. No..it was not a murder.


"Moshi mosh.."

"Hattori...Could you help me a bit?" - He asked worriedly.

"What happened? Do you have a case again?"

"No. You know...It seems like Ran suspects me again. She's acting strange around me lately."

"How do you want to fool her this time?" - I asked.

"I don't know Hattori..now that you asked this question directly it hurts me even more. I don't want to fool her it's just..."

"That's not what i meant."

"I know. I just feel guilty again.."

"I have to go to Kyoto. But i can postpone it if you say it's that serious."

"No..But i would be grateful if you would show up here on Monday."


After his call i started to think about how he could feel about this. I felt the same.. 

I felt guilty and i was thinking about my relationship with Kazuha. I was wondering whether to tell her my feelings or not.

End of flashback

And that's why i wasn't sleeping. I looked at Kazuha who was sitting next to Atsushi. She was smiling and talking happily with the others. 

She's very cute when she's smiling.

I shook my head and look out the window watching at a distant building. 

What am i thinking again? 

Then we turned left and stopped at a huge house.

"WE'RE HERE." - Kouhei shouted excitedly.

We got out of the car and saw a woman standing at the entrance of the apartment.

"OI HINA-SAN!!!!" - Atsushi shouted at her and he ran towards her.

"Have you been here yet?" - I asked Ryousuke and he nodded as a response.

We all went inside the huge house.

"And what have you planned for today?" - Chiyo asked. And we all looked into her direction.

"Oh..so you can speak. I thought you lost your voice." - Kenji said and he was tugged on his side by Kouhei to not to continue.

"Oh Chiyo-san is just a little bit shy. That's all." - Ryousuke ended the topic.

"So.. What are we going to do today?" - Atsushi asked.

"You can go upstairs where you can find your rooms. Then we will tell you the details. I guess Kouhei did a great job with organizing programs." - Hina told us.

I looked to my right and I saw Kenji walking towards Kazuha.

"Then i'll show you your room and then i can show you around if you want me to." - He grabbed Kazuha's arm and he pulled her towards the stairs. 

What is he doing? WHAT IS HE DOING? 

I shouted on the inside but i tried to stay calm on the outside. Then i grabbed my bag and went after them.

"Atsushi..Do you know something about..." - Ayame aked behind me.

"Kouhei told me that we will stay here until evening. He's planning something to get those two together." - He replied quietly.

"He wants Kouhei to confess to Chiyo? That won't happen in a lifetime." - Ayame answered louder than Atsushi.

"Well he has a whole weekend to do that. And tonight we're going to the Summer Festival. He will have the chance."

The Summer Festival? Oh God..how did i get here? I get to see these lovebirds all weekend? 

I was looking for Kazuha with my eyes but i couldn't find her anywhere. I quickly went into my room, put my bags onto the bed and ran to the aisle. I hurried downstairs and i saw Kenji sitting next to Kazuha on the couch.

"I finally found you..I thought you got lost." - I told Kazuha and she quickly stood up from the couch.

"Did i disturb something?" - I asked, trying to stay calm.

"No..." - Kazuha answered quickly. 

She's acting strange. I swear if that guy did something bad to her i'll...

"Heiji..He just showed me some pictures about Kouhei. Look at him..isn't he funny?" - She said, pointing to a picture. It was a photo from elementary school.

"Yeah.." - I couldn't say more.

We remained silent until Rika came and told us:

"Okay..now Kouhei told me that we will play a game."

"What kind of game?" - Kenji asked.

"Well we have to do something until 6 so i thought that we could play Truth or Dare." - Came Kouhei's voice from behind.

"I think i'll pass." - It was Ryuosuke.  

Haha..i guess he had seen through the trick. 

"No you can't!!!!" - Ayame grabbed the escaping Ryousuke's arm and pulled him back.

"What do you think Chiyo-chan?" - Rika asked and Chiyo just sat down onto the couch, opposite Kenji.

"Let's play. Right Heiji?" - Kazuha pulled me towards the couch as well.

"This is gonna be fun." - Kenji added.

"And where is the bottle?" - Ryousuke asked.

"We don't need that. We will ask the person we want to." - Atsushi asnwered and i saw Ryou turn pale.

"Then i'll start. - Rika said - Atsushi. Truth or dare?"


"Let's start with something easy. Atsushi..is it true that last summer you dated that girl from the upper class in our school? You know...that one who is working as a model while attending school."

I could see that this question was not wanted by Atsushi. It was obvious for us that he liked Ayame and that she liked him back. So it was a embarassing question.

After some silent moments he answered quietly:

"We dated. But only for a few days. We weren't on the same idea about our relationship so we ended it." 

We remained silent.

"Alright...your turn Atsushi." - Rika said.

"Chiyo-san. Truth or dare?"

"Truth.." - Chiyo asnwered shyly.

"Do you know about a certain person who has feelings for you?" - Atsushi looked at Ryousuke with one of his eyes and smiled wixenly. 

But he wasn't as happy about this question as Atsushi.

"Well..I don't know anybody like that." - Came Chiyo's answer. 

Just as we suspected..so Ryou has never made her feel like that..

"Kouhei-kun..truth or dare?"

"Dare me.." - Kouhei answered excitedly.

"Your task will be to confess your love to you know who this weekend."

Our eyes widened. 

So she really learns much from those two..

"Okay... - he said slowly but then he got back to the game -  Kenji, truth or dare?"

"Dare of course."

"I dare you to kiss Kazuha-san." - Kouhei told him. 

As soon as his words reached my mind, Kenji was already next to Kazuha, leaning closer to her. 


In the next instant i found myself grabbing Kenji on the shoulder, then on his arm. I pulled him back and i pushed him down onto the floor.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING??????" - I shouted in anger. I went towards him.

"HEIJI!!!!!!!" - Kazuha shouted and she tapped my shoulder. 

I turned my attention to her and i saw her disappointed look. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the room.

I heard Ayame saying to Kouhei:

"Look what you've done."

The pictures of the last moment kept haunting my mind.. I saw him leaning closer to her.. 


Wait a minute... - I stopped but i didn't let go of Kazuha who was standing behind me. 

Because??? What is the reason? I can't even admit it to myself.
I'm a bastard like Kenji. I try to keep her for myself even though i don't even know what is going on between us. I don't have the right to.... 

"Heiji?" - I heard a beautiful voice from behind. 

I let go of her wrist and she ran in front of me.

"Why did you do that?" - She asked so innocently that my heart was aching for keeping her wait.. 

Does it mean..does it mean that i'm in the same situation as Kudou? That's why i could understand him so much??


"Would you... - i started while i was looking at the ground.

"Would you really let him kiss you?" - I asked but now i was facing her. I was looking straight into his eyes.

A light blush appeared on her cheeks as she answered:

"It didn't even reach my mind that he wanted to..i didn't have enough time to resist."

I didn't say or ask more. grabbed her wrist again and pulled her up the stairs. I pushed her into her room, closed the door and told her:

"Yous hould rest a little. We're gonna meet at half past five downstairs." 

I didn't wait for her reply. I turned round and went to my room to clam myself down.

On my way i saw Kenji coming up and isntead of going to my room i went towards him.

"YOU BASTARD.." - I grabbed his shirt.

"What are you shouting for?" - He asked calmly.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" - I tightened my grip on his shirt.

"Now you can see. Kazuha deserves a more straightforward man." 

I was about to give him a punch when i heard Kazuha's voice. 

She was standing at her door.

I let go of Kenji and went towards her. I pushed her into hre room and i followed her, too.


"I told you to rest." - I went to her bed and pulled her with me. 

She layed down and so did i.


"Shhhhttt...." - I told her as i closed my eyes and i hugged her from the back. 

She didn't say else after that. Seemed like she was as tired as me and we both fell asleep.

In the evening

Kazuha's POV

I heard somebody shouting and knocking so hardly on my door that it almost broke.


I slowly sat up in the bed, released myself from Heiji's grip and went to open the door.

"What is it?" - I asked half-asleep.

"It's time to get ready for the festival. Ayame will bring your kimono soon." - Kouhei told me.

"Uhh..okay." - I wanted to close the door but he didn't let me.

"Have you seen Hattori?" - He asked.

"Yes. I know where he is..but don't disturb him." - I answered.

"I got it."  

I was about the close the door but he stopped me again..


I opened the door to see his face and he continued:

"I'm sorry for earlier..." 

I sighed. He just wanted to tease Heiji and so did Kenji.

You don't have the slightest idea that you've chosen the wrong person for that. You could have looked for his first love. 

"It's okay..I'm not angry." 

He smiled at me and that's when Ayame came with my kimono.  

She gave it to me and told me that we have to meet downstairs half an hour later. 

Then i closed the door, placed the kimono into the wardrobe and went to my sleeping prince.

"Heiji..." - I called his name quietly but he didn't respond. 

Then i tugged his side and called him again. But it wasn't sucessful either.

I went closer to him and i placed my mouth next to his ear and shouted:


He got out of bed as quickly as a ninja and i burst out laughing.

"Why did you do that?" - He asked angrily.

"Because you didn't wake up." - I was laughing even more.

"And why did you want me to wake up?" - He asked while he yawned.

"Kouhei told me to get ready for the festival and you know...i have to change my clothes..."

"Ahh..i see.. So you want me to leave?" - He asked

"No...i want you to stay here and watch me changing." - I said sarcastically and i rolled my eyes.

"Ok then.." - He sat back onto the bed.

"HEIJI!!!!!!!!" - I grabbed his arm and pushed him out of the room.

"Stay outside!!!!!!!!" - I shouted to the closed door.


After 20 minutes:

I went downstairs and saw that everybody was there. 

Heiji came to me as soon as i got down. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the other side the room. 

So you want me to be apart from Kenji, huh? 

"Everybody's here? Then we should get going." - Ryousuke told us.

"Yeah.." - We all answered at the same time.

At the festival:

"Guys..as we all have things to do...why don't we seperate?" - Rika asked.

"That's a great idea! Ryou-kun can go with Chiyo-chan.." - Ayame answered.

"Then...we should go together." - Atsushi told Rika and she nodded as a response.

These two couples went away.

"Ayame..can we go? Let's leave Kazuha-san and Hattori alone. I'm sure they have many things to talk about." - Kouhei told Ayame.

I felt my face burning as i looked to my side to see Kenji there.

"Ah...Kenji.. Could you help with something?" - Ayame shouted back and Kenji sighed.

"Haven't you heard? She needs help." - Heiji told him and the man who wanted to kiss me before left.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" - Heiji asked me

"Sure." - I answered and i followed him.

Heiji's POV

Now i know...no... I'm sure.. 

I love this woman with all my heart and nothing can change that. 

That's why i felt so jealous all this time when another man laid his eyes on her. 

That's why i always felt embarassed when i did something awkward in front of her. 

That's why my heart is racing right now and everytime she's around me. 

There's nothing more to explain.. 

I love Kazuha Toyama. 

And now I have the best chance to tell her how i feel. It's now or never. 

As i was lost in my thoughts i was looking at something at the distance that didn't really reach my mind.

"Heiji..Heiji!!!!!!! EARTH TO HEIJI!!!!!!!!!!!" - Kazuha's voice brought my out of my thoughts.

"What is it Kazuha?" - I asked innocently.

"Are you thinking about her?" - She asked and i raised one of my eyebrows.

"Her? What are you talking about?" - I asked uncomprehendingly.

"You were watching that dancing girl for the last couple of minutes." - She said, pointing to the spot where i laid my eyes when i was thinking.

"Always thinking about her, when we're in Kyoto, aren't we????" - She said raising her voice.




Her voice trembled and i saw tears run down her cheeks. In the next instant she was already running away from me.

I couldn't understand her but i knew that if i would let this chance go by, maybe i won't have more opportunity to settle things between us. 

So i ran after her, shouting her name...but she wasn't paying attention.

After some minutes i could finally grab his upper-arm and pull her back.

"KAZUHA!!!!!!!!!!!!" - I shouted as she stopped.

"LET ME GO...." - She shouted back at me, not even turning to me.

"We have to talk about this."

"Why? WHY?? IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW.." - She replied and she turned to face me.

"Don't shout at ME BECAUSE YOU'RE MAKING ME ANGRIER!!!!!!!!"



"What are you talking about?" - She asked now with a low voice.

"Taku...So you really can be quiet." - I said tiredly.

"WHAT DID YOU MEAN BY..." - I cut her off:

"Excatly what i said. Or isn't it obvious?" 

She didn't reply. I let go of her arm and started the most difficult case of my life.

"Kazuha...now i can see clearly that you're jealous of..."

"I'M NOT JEALOUS!!!!!!!!" - She shouted.

"Please listen to me..Kazuha." 

Now i could see that she was truly paying attention to me.

"It's not a good thing if you say that you are not jealous because i was when that bastard wanted to kiss you. And even if you were jealous because of my first love... i have to tell you that you wouldn't have the reason for that. It's not about the fact that i don't love her anymore..."- I saw some tears rolling down on her cheek as i said that.

"Why do you tell me all of this?" - She asked sadly.

"Because...because i've always wanted to confess my love for that girl. And that's what i'm doing right now."

She looked at me with a strange look like i was crazy.

"Kazuha..When we came to Kyoto with Ran and the others last time.. i found out..i found out that you were the girl who played with that ball at that time at the temple. The girl i was in love with was always there by my side."  

Now she was confused. Her tears were falling without an end.

I went to her and wiped her tears away. Then i was ready for the most difficult sentence.. the fact i always wanted to tell her. 

I cupped her face, looked into her eyes and told her:

"Kazuha..I love you. I love you more than you've ever known."

With that i leaned closer to her and kissed her fully on her lips. I saw her eyes widen but she closed them as she returned the kiss.

After some mesmerizing moments we both pulled apart. 

I put my forehead to hers.

"Heiji...I love you, too." - Her arms were around my neck as she kissed me this time. 

I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her back passionately.

"HEY!!!!!!!!!HATTORI!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - I heard Kouhei's voice and we pulled apart.

They all came to us.. 

Kouhei was holding Rika's hand, Atsushi was holding Ayame's and even Ryousuke was holding Chiyo's.

"Where's Kenji?" - I asked.

"He told us that he completed his mission so he went home.

Don't tell me he wanted to make me jealous to make me confess to Kazuha??? Kenji..you baka.

I kissed Kazuha's forehead and she hugged me. 

That's when we saw the firework on the sky.

We were standing there, hugging and i thought that i should advice Kudou to do the same with his girlfriend..i mean to confess. It doesn't matter how complicated it is.. she has the right to know. And it's his duty not to make her suffer.

"Heiji.." - I looked down at my beautiful girlfriend in my arms.


"I love you."

"I love you, too...Kazuha."


So that was the story which didn't let me sleep two days ago. :D I hope it was worth it. ^_^ 


And of course comment if you have any opinion. I'm really curious if it was worth it not to sleep one night because of this :D 

If you're interested you can check out my other DC fanfiction as well. It's called: In the end (Detective Conan Fanfiction) :)

Bye guys ;)

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