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"And don't get lost or I'll kill you!" my mum moaned. "Like I would," I thought but didn't say out loud. We were on the train to London for the anti-war march to protest against the war on Iraq. It was mid morning and the weather was cloudy. I was slightly looking forward to it because I had never been on a protest before. I was with my brother, my dad and my mum. They were sitting in the three seats nearest to me.

We had some sweets and soon we arrived at Tottenham Hale. We boarded the underground train and arrived at the march. It was noisy, very crowded and the crowd was slow moving.

I tried to keep with my mum as we held up signs saying NO WAR ON IRAQ. "So this is what a protest is like," I thought. We walked forward as slow as a tortoise, chanting, "War is not the way!" I was becoming quite bored by now and then it suddenly dawned on me that I could not see my parents any more. Now I was extremely worried and I thought I'd better look for them or look for a policeman.

I could not see my family anywhere, but could see crowds of people. Then I found a policeman and went up to him feeling a bit shy. "Excuse me," I said, "I've lost my mum and dad. Can you help me find them?" "Sure I can help you. Do you know their phone number?" I told him my parent's mobile phone number and he helped me look for them.

When I found my parents, my mum said, "Oh, thank God you're here! Just try not to get lost again," and we hugged each other. My dad said, "Well done for remembering the phone number". We were all very pleased.

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