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Dear Corrie Wood,

That's great news to hear! I'm so glad your parents took the coming out so well! And it's fine, you can change how you want to be called as much as you need until you find the one that feels right for you. Does 'Corrie' feel right for you?

Anyway, as promised, I'm going to come out to mine, now. Wish me luck!

Percy Weasley

Percy bit their lips, folding their letter before sending it with Errol. Can they actually come out to their parents? Maybe their father would be more accepting, he was more to an agnostic, but not so with their mother, who is more to a devoted Catholic. But she wouldn't be violent, would she? She can never, Catholicism teaches to love.

"Scabbers, will you accompany me to come out?" Percy asked. Percy giggled as they felt Scabbers' small feet running up their hand to their arm, Percy petting Scabbers' fur. He really is trustable, Percy's best friend, always there at times in need.

"Alright-" Percy took a deep breath in, wrapping their hands around the handle before pushing it down, letting the door open to let them out. They stroke Scabbers' fur more and more, it's so therapeutic and they need the support. But their mind is elsewhere, back at their parents. Will they bark at him for this? Will they laugh at their gender identity? Will they scoff at it? Will they be violent? What if they kick them out? Percy can't live by themself, they don't know how to truly care for themself yet and how to get money by themself.

"What's wrong, Darling? You seem white as a ghost, let me fix you some hot chocolate and marshmallows-" Molly smiled so warmly at them, urging Percy to sit down at the dining table, their shoulders massaged by Arthur gently as Molly pours some milk in a kettle.

"Son, what's wrong?" Arthur asked, looking at Percy gently. "You can tell me anything."

Can they?

Percy took a deep breath in as they sighed, nodding. Molly poured the hot chocolate mug and presenting the mug in front of Percy, one Percy gratefully takes and downs. Percy takes a look at their parents' worried glances.

"Well, I didn't receive anything less than an O, if that's what you're worried about-" Percy chuckled, putting Scabbers down from their shoulders. Molly frowned at the sight of the rat, she never liked the rodent, no matter how much of a great friend he is to Percy and how much Percy loves him. Scabbers snuggled closer at Percy, and Percy chuckled. They're best friend.

"Then, what is it?" Arthur asked, holding Percy's hands softly. "You can tell us anything. And please, put Scabbers away. You know your mother hates rats."

"But I love him and he's family-" Percy shook their head, their voice instantly sharp. Percy took a deep breath in, that's not going to be useful. "Anyway, I would like to tell you something you previously might not know about me, something that's an integral part of my being that I discovered since I was nine. I hate to keep you in the dark, but I did because I wasn't ready to share the fact with you, but now, I am."

"What is it, Percy?" Molly placed her hand on Percy's as well, navigating so her arm is not in any way close to Scabbers.

"I'm transgender nonbinary," Percy admitted. "I still like the name 'Percy' and I want you to call me that, but I don't like 'Percival'. I don't like being referred to as a boy and with he/him pronouns, I want you to refer to me as your child and use they/them pronouns in regards to me."

"But Percy," Molly shook her head. "You do know that dressing up to be the gender you're not is a sin, right? It says so in the bible."

"They are dressing up as the gender they are, Molly," Arthur defended Percy. Percy smiled, feeling warm in their guts. "They're not pretending, they are nonbinary."


"What if we carry this discussion in the room, Molly?" Arthur cuts his wife in such a way to leave no room for Molly to argue. Speechless, Molly rushed up the stairs, not to be seen. Arthur slides his chair closer to Percy, his hand squeezing theirs softly.

"I'm proud that you've found yourself and you're brave enough to tell us-" Arthur nodded. Percy smiled widely. "Would you like me to tell your siblings or do you want to do it yourself?"

"Can you do it for me, please?" Percy requested. Arthur nodded. "What about Mum?"

"I'll talk to your mother about this-" Arthur nodded. "If she's still the woman I married, she will respect your gender identity and your pronouns. But if it comes down to it, I'm afraid we'll have to move-"

"Don't!" Percy interrupted. "It's just, you seem so in love with her and so comfortable and it's so selfish that just because of this you're going to divorce her, it's a decision that's going to affect your other kids too!"

"Look at me, Percy," Arthur requested. Percy sighed, looking at their father in the eyes. "You're one of my children. My children's safety and happiness matter the most to me, mine comes second. If staying here costs you your safety and/or your happiness, we will not stay here. Do you understand?"

Percy nodded, and Arthur extended his arms for a hug. Percy gently puts down Scabbers before they hugged their father so tightly as if they've never hugged before. Arthur rubbed circles behind Percy's back. "I love you, my child."

"I love you, Dad-" Percy nodded, face still smashed in their father's pot belly. Arthur chuckled, kissing Percy's wild flaming curls, hand rubbing their back.

"Percy?" Percy looked up to face their father.

"Yes, Dad?"

"Can you teach me about how to use they/them pronouns?" Arthur requested. "I fear I'll get it wrong."

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