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Percy was getting to transfiguration class from the bathroom with Corrie's help pushing their grey wheelchair, laughing together. Their stomach hurt so bad, it felt so good having pooped in the bathroom earlier. As Percy opened the door to the class, they noticed that McGonagall isn't here yet. Good, they're not considered late. Everyone else is, though, but none in their designated seats. Percy went to their seat earlier and widened their eyes.

"Woo made my esshay wedh?!" Percy asked the class loudly and angrily, making everyone look at them as they lift their completely wet essay. It's already 6 feet. As accommodation, Percy was the only student allowed to use a typewriter, along with special buttons on the wheelchair to make it able to fly when they're faced with Hogwarts stairs.

"What?" Ryan Scott asked, feigning innocence. Though Percy knew, it was him. Oh, his stupid 'innocent' look! "What's wrong, Percy?"

"Yoo made my esshay wedh!" Percy exclaimed, facing Scott. Oh, he's so dead! "Rigdh bevore Provesshor McGonagall wantsh idh submidded!"

"It's nae funay, Scott!" Corrie defended them. "Percy worked pure stoaner!"

"I didn't make your essay wet, don't blame me for something I didn't do-" Scott shrugged. Percy glared more, seeing red in their vision. On their thigh, Scabbers started running off.

"Yoo made my esshay wedh! Admid idh!" Percy tried their best to yell at Scott successfully. Scott rolled his eyes.

"I didn't, you disabled transtrender!" Scott exclaimed in anger. Just then, Scott yelped and Percy jumped, seeing Scott wriggling his body all over whilst screaming. Not long later, Percy sees on the floor, a brown rat starting to come out from Scott's robes and smirked, they knew they can always count on their friend.

"Shit, the hell is that?" Scott cursed, seeing a rat running to Percy's lap, letting out a horrified gasp. "That thing bit me several times!"

"Shorry-" Percy shrugged, not looking sorry at all. "Ish my pedh, nodh me."

"I'll give you something to be sorry about!" Scott took out his wand, enchanting 'densaugeo!', a spell Corrie quickly and easily dispels.

"What is happening here?!" Percy whipped their head to see McGonagall suddenly coming through the door, barking and dissipating the fighting teens. "Why do you have your wands out?! You know that duels can only be done in the courtyard under Filius' supervision!"

"Scott was being ableist to Percy, making their essay wet and yelling both ableist and transphobic slurs!" Corrie quickly answered, pointing to Percy's dripping wet essay.

"Is that true?" Professor McGonagall turned her head to face the rest of the class for confirmation, who nodded along. "Mr Scott, you know this school has zero tolerance for bullying. I will have no other choice but to take twenty points from the Gryffindor house for bullying fellow student and detention with me this Saturday. For Mx Weasley, as Mr Scott has made your essay wet, you may redo it and submit it again, due overmorrow."


"No buts, you may take your seats," Professor McGonagall cuts him, enchanting so Percy's wet essay disappears. Scott sits down, glaring daggers at Percy.

"Jist ignair heem, Perce," Corrie whispered, an apologetic look in his eyes. "He's jist a dick."

"Eashy for yoo doo shay, yoo're nodh dhe one he'sh glaring adh-" Percy rolled their eyes, preparing their lightened typewriter for the class. Percy carried Scabbers up their table, turning their attention to focus on the class.

"Class, today we'll be learning to conjure flowers from your wand, must be a lovely spell for the girls," Professor McGonagall commented. The whole class laughed, Percy included. "The incantation for this spell is 'orchideous'. Watch closely."

Professor McGonagall took out her wand, making a fast half-circle movement on her wand before moving it down, chanting 'orchideous!' A bouquet of pink orchids appear from the tip of McGonagall's wand, and she bowed in front of the students, gaining a couple of applause from them, Percy included.

"If you noticed, the colour this spell produces is pink, and the flowers are pink orchids. That's because I imagined the flowers to be pink orchids, but if I had imagined it to be another colour or another flower, it will appear. Watch-" McGonagall whisks out her wand again, and using her wand, she releasing some white light, conjuring a bouquet of white lilies. More students grinned in amusement, Percy included.

"Try producing your own, starting now," McGonagall nodded, and there are a few wandwaving seen from the students.

"Shcabbesh, wish me luck!" Percy grinned as they prepared their wand, preparing to conjure white acacia flowers. They'll have to use non-verbal magic since enunciating with their imperfect pronunciation can lead to disastrous consequences, not that it's impossible. Percy focused their heart to chant 'orchideous!', imagining white acacia flowers to appear from their wand.

Well, white sparks do appear, but not exactly a bouquet of white acacia. Percy can only grunt in frustration before they attempt it again, only getting the same result. Isn't this a pretty easy lesson? Aren't they a talented witchard? Why doesn't it come easily for them? Percy kept trying, and finally, a bunch of white ribbons got conjured out of their wands.

Good, but not enough. They want white acacia flowers, not white ribbons.

Percy contorted their face as they focused, working on to get a bouquet of white acacia flowers. Percy heard a cough and turned their head to see Corrie holding a bouquet of violet rose, grinning lopsidedly whilst running a hand through his hand.

"Ah thooght eh'd finally shaur mah secrit wi' ye-" Corrie admitted, handing Percy the flowers. Percy accepted the flowers gladly, grinning wildly.

"Waidh-" Percy sifted their attention to the table, their wand out and ready again. Chanting the spell internally with a flowering heart, a jet of white light starts appearing from their wand, dissipating to reveal a bouquet of white acacia flowers, which they handed to him with glee.

"Is 'at a-"

"Yesh!" Percy hugged Corrie tightly. "Yesh!"

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