My new best friend

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Me and this girl met in track two years ago. We started running together, and we'd always talk about anime we watched. Eventually we grew closer, and this year officially became best friends. Me and her both love drawing, reading, and anime. She taught me how to draw anime eyes, and I taught her how to draw jawlines. She's quiet and doesn't like socializing that much. She reads all the time. She really kind though, and she is amazing at drawing, and she can sing really well, but she thinks she's bad. She has long, thick, and wavy black hair, with beautiful brown eyes, and tan skin. I've honestly started to develop a crush on her, but she can't date anyone and plus her family's really religious so they'd disown her if she wasn't straight. Anyways, she got me into My Hero Academia, by forcing me to read the manga. She also got me a Yugio manga manga for Christmas and wrote a really kind letter. She's honestly so sweet and caring. She's really great at short distance running. In fact, her relay team made it to state and they placed! She's also pretty good at long distance. She in Cross Country with me, and she runs so well even if it was her first year. She didn't place in any races, but I'm sure she will this season! She's improved and I showed her how to do a great kick at the end of her races. I honestly think she will be the next best distance runner, while maintaining her short distance skill as well. She doesn't have a phone, so I can't contact her during the summer sadly, but I'm sure we will see each other at the sports meeting we have soon.  I hope we can be friends past high school, because she is so amazing and I want to support her all the time. Thank you so much friend, for supporting me and just being so kind to me when nobody else would. I love you best friend. ❤️

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