Chapter 22: I fell for the darkness

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"You''re joking right?" Mark asked "What do you mean he's not human?"
I sighed "This is gonna be really hard for you not to think I'm insane, but..."
"Just try to explain it. I'll believe you" Mark said
"I wouldn't make any promises. What I'm about to say is going to be very weird" I said "I'm AntiSepticEye's girlfriend"
Mark started to laugh a little. I stared at him with no sign of joking
"Wait you're serious!? Does that mean...Dark-" Mark began
"Yes Mark, Dark is real too...this is how it started..." I began to explain everything that had happened over he past couple months. I explained to him what Dark did for me and Anti and eventually led to us being stuck here
" dark half is an idiot" Mark chuckled
"Yeah he kinda is" I giggled a little
"What's going on? Why does my head...Mark? What the hell are you Doing here?" Jack woke up finally. He noticed me and smiled "Hi"
"Hey" I said nervously "Are you okay?"
Jack nodded "Yeah. Who-"
The door suddenly opened. Slow over-dramatic footsteps trudged down the creaky wooden stairs. I rolled my eyes "Oh great here comes the drama queen"
Mark bit his lip and tried to stop his laughter. I heard Warfstache growl "Watch your mouth!"
I looked at Mark with a trace of worry, but I forced a smile. Wilford came into the light and smirked
"Now, as I promised, we're gonna have LOTS of fun!" Wilford smirked. He grabbed the back of Mark's chair and dragged him into the middle of the floor. He put his knife at Mark's throat "Now Y/N you're going to do exactly as I say or else Markimoo over here gets a knife dragged across his throat"
I nodded and stared at Mark scared for him. Wilford chuckled " first, I want you to explain to Sean over here about his other half and how you're involved"
Jack looked at me "What are you talking about?"
I gulped "Um...this is gonna be hard to explain"
*Anti POV*
I tossed my knife up and down as I waited for Light to figure out where Wilford was
"Anti stop. You're making me nervous" Light said "You know I don't like weapons"
I sighed and put the knife back in my pocket "Light how are those maps coming along?" I sighed
"I've got it!" Light yelled "It has to be right here"
I looked at it and smiled. I yelled "GUYS LIGHT FOUND IT!"
Everyone ran in
"Does this mean I get to use this?" Dark asked holding up his fire sword. Basically it was a katana engulfed in flames from the depths of hell. Light raised an eyebrow at it
"This one I actually traded something for" Dark promised
"Then I get to use this!" Light said materializing a shotgun from seemingly nowhere
"Whoa where'd you get that!?" Dark said
"That escalated quickly" I heard Glitch say
"I keep it just in case" Light said checking if it was loaded
"Alright then" I blinked "Glitch you do your thing to deactivate any defense stuff. Google will go with you"
Glitch nodded in understanding
"Dark and Light, both of you are gonna lead the front of the attack" I said
Dark didn't look too enthusiastic but agreed anyway "Alright then, what about you?"
"I'm sneaking in and going for Y/N ASAP" I said patting my knife in my pocket
"What about me big brother?" JG piped up finally. He had been playing with his toy trucks the entire time until now
"Oh..." I said "Um..."
"He can be bait" Glitch said
"I'm sorry, run that by me again?" I asked
"I got a plan" Glitch smiled
"Your last plan got us stuck with Google" Dark said before quickly adding "No offense"
Google glared at him "None taken you douche" (A/N: Damn Google has sass!)
"Look this is gonna be good, alright?" Glitch promised
Wilford put his gun to my head "I'll ask you one last can you see all your 'friends"
I sobbed a little "I-I don't know! I'm sorry! I'm sorry please don't kill me!"
He smiled "Well that's a little extreme don't you think?"
He chuckled and removed the gun only to cut my cheek open slightly with his knife "But that however was quite necessary"
"Wilford you sadistic bastard I am gonna kill you!" Mark pulled at the ropes. Jack screamed something at Wilford too, but his mouth was covered by tape cos Wilford thought he was too noisy
"Oh? And you're gonna do exactly?" Wilford smirked and sliced Mark's cheek open so it was like mine
"I-" Wilford was cut off by the sound of knocking upstairs
"Excuse me for a moment" he said with a hint of shock and worry in his voice.
I knocked on the door and waited. I looked back for Big Brother Anti who was hiding in the trees. He gave me a thumbs up. I nodded and turned back as I heard footsteps
"Who's there and what the hell do you want!?" I heard Wilford yell
"I'm J-JackGlitch a-and I want Y/N back!" I said shaky and nervous
There was laughter behind the door
"Kid go back to your brother!" Wilford said
"Not till I have Y/N back!" I swore and started trying to pry the doorknob off with my knife like Big Brother Anti showed me. Suddenly the door opened. My knife fell back into my hand
"Kid...shoo" Wilford attempted to push me back. I saw the opportunity and slashed at Wilford's leg with my knife. He cried out in pain and I ran past him. I got to the basement and flung open the door. She had to be down here! I saw her and two other people
"JackGlitch!?" Y/N saw me
"Big Sister Y/N!" I cried and ran down the stairs. I jumped in her lap and hugged her, crying into her shoulder.
"Um...why is your shoulder getting wet?" A familiar voice asked
"Uh, JackGlitch is crying" Y/N explained "Kid go on the desk over there and put on one of the world-switchers so they can see you"
I did as told and felt slightly sick as he world spun. I looked to see...
"Jack?" I asked seeing Anti's look-alike. He had a look of shock and confusion on his face. I went to him and gently took the tape off his mouth so he could talk. He stared at me and I smiled "Hi big brother Jack!"
"Uh, hi...JackGlitch, right?" Jack blinked in surprise
"So they're actually real?" Dark's look-alike said
"Are you Mark?" I asked
He nodded. I looked at him and laughed
"What's so funny?" Mark asked
"You look almost exactly like Dark and Glitch!" I giggled
"Stupid kid" I heard Wilford grumble as he opened the door again. I gulped and hugged
Y/N tightly. Wilford growled as he saw me
"Just like your brother, a troublemaker" Wilford said picking me up by the front of my sweatshirt. I tried kicking him but missed as he held me farther from him
"I guess I'll just have another hostage" Wilford shrugged and pulled a smaller chair over. He forced me down into it and tied me up. I sniffled and started to cry
"Fine you can be next to Y/N" Wilford grumbled
I looked up at her and laid my head by her shoulder
"Kid you shouldn't have come here by yourself!" She scolded after Wilford left
I shook my head "This is part of Big Brother and Glitch's plan. They're gonna ambush the place any second now"
(A/N: Next part will be the finale! It might come out tonight idk. I'm super excited!)

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