Chapter 5: Gym class...again

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"Come on Anti I gotta get to school" I woke him up

"Ughh...I hate school" he groaned

"I do too" I said

I accidentally woke up Dark. Dark jumped up and tackled me to the ground with wide eyes. 

"Whoa Dark, Dark! Get off her!" Anti tried to pull Dark off of me. Dark made a growling noise at Anti before blinking a couple times. His eyes glowed slightly red like fire. They softened and returned to black as he got off me and snapped out of whatever daydream he was in

"Sorry" he grumbled "I don't like people waking me up on accident"

I laid there in shock for a few moments

"Hey Y/N? You ok?" Anti waved his hand in front of my face. I blinked

"Yeah...yeah just slightly terrified" I said sarcastically pushing myself to my feet

"C'mon I made your lunch for you" Anti said giving me my backpack and walked out to my hallway with me

"What? Anti you didn't have to do this!" I said smiling at him

"I just thought...I're kinda cute and...uh..." Anti fidgeted with the drawstrings on his hoodie nervously

I kissed his cheek and looked inside to find (fav meal) in the bag

"Aw you little sweetheart" I ruffled his hair

Anti was bright red in the face and giggling nervously

"Oh blah blah blah" Dark said coming out of my room and throwing a shirt on "Can you please not flirt all day long? I don't think I could stand that in a confined building with Anti. Scratch that, I couldn't stand being in a confined building with Anti at all"

"Whoa Dark you're not coming with us" Anti stopped him

"Why not?" he asked

"Well...uh..." Anti said

"Great see you on the bus" Dark grinned and pat him on the shoulder as he walked passed us

*Laterz in Gym class*

"Wait so now you have two boyfriends now?" Angelina laughed

"No I do NOT!" I yelled at her as we were running laps

"I am not opposed to this idea" Dark said whispering over my shoulder

"Shut up Dark" I grumbled along with Anti

"What? Is he here?" Angelina asked

"I kinda like her" Dark walked to her side "She's cute"

"Dark quit being so creepy to her" Anti punched him

"Dark thinks you're cute" I said to Angelina "He's right next to you"

Angelina looked to her left

"Other way!" I laughed

"Oh sorry Dark" Angelina said

Dark looked at her with a look of...heartbreak?

"She's sweet" Dark said looking at her with almost fascination. He tentatively tried to hold her hand, only to pass through it. He stared at his hand and hung his head low "I wish she could see me"

I felt my heart hurt a little

"What's he doing?" Angelina asked

"He's sad you can't see him. He really likes you" I explained with a pained voice

She blushed and laughed a little. Dark had a small smile on his face as she laughed

"Ask her if she wants me to help Anti does for you" Dark said

"Dark wants to know if you would want him as a protector" I said

"Um...sure" Angelina said "It's difficult that I can't see him...but hey, he'll be my 'guardian demon' right?"

I nodded

"Thank you Y/N" Dark hugged me "I've never had anyone care for me before. Angelina's different. She...She's ok with me"

"No problem Dark" I smiled

*Anti POV*

I climbed to the top of the bleachers with Dark to watch over the two girls

"Anti...I hope I can do this" Dark said with his head in his hands

"What do you mean?" I asked him

"Y/N can see you so it's much easier for you to take care of her...Angelina can't see me" Dark sighed and ran his fingers through his hair

"Dark...Y/N can see me because she was lonely. Think of it as a good thing. That means Angelina doesn't feel lonely at all. She's happy" I put my hand on Dark's shoulder.

He smiled at me "Yeah I guess"

"HEY GUYS! CAN I HAVE A LITTLE HELP!" we heard Angelina yell as she was trying over and over to shoot a basket

"You got this one buddy" I pat Dark on the back while I focused my attention on Y/N. Dark gave me a smirk before helping Angelina

(A/N: This...was long. But I haven't written anything in what feels like forever! I've been stressed lately and I just like writing to calm myself. So yeah, hope you enjoyed)

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