Secret Party by myself and my brother

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Okay, so at the downstairs part of my house, we have a big couch with the tv facing it (like most living rooms) and we have an Apple TV connected to the big tv across the couch. Occasionally my parents let me sleep downstairs by myself and I always stay up late (it's summer break I mean why not). My little brother is downstairs with me while I'm eating snacks, drinking sprite, writing on wattpad (if I wasn't you wouldn't be reading this), and me and my brother are watching Rage Elixir (very good YouTuber so sub to him, if you already subbed then I don't know what to say) and it's 11:39 pm while my parents are asleep, me and my brother are having out own little party and I am feeling great!!!!!! Have a nice morning/afternoon/night rest of your day. Bye Readers~Senpai!!!!!!

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