Chapter 1: Stars in The Big Apple

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The sun slowly rose to the sky as the morning winds were still cool, cars filled the streets of the large city as people rushed to get to work, the streets themselves were also filled with people who also rushed to get to work. This was normal in the city that never sleeps, everyone was here to achieve their dreams, this was the big apple aka New York City.

Speaking of achieving dreams, in a certain building which was currently occupied by three kids who have managed to create a successful game company. These kid's names were Hudson, Triple G and Babe, just three of the four Game Shakers.

Hudson was a boy with peach skin, bright blue eyes and large styled blonde hair with brown strands. He wore a green jacket, a plain black shirt, black jeans and blue-white sneakers.

Hudson Gimble:

Triple G was a shorter boy with brown skin, black-brown eyes and curly black hair. He wore a black and gold shirt with the words GG on the front, black jeans, red Nike sneakers, a red cap, silver earrings and a small gold chain around his neck.

Triple G:

Babe was a beautiful girl with long brunette hair with a few blonde strands with bangs that covered her forehead, peach skin that was a bit darker and brown eyes. She wore a red hemp with a black shirt under it, grey jeans and black sneakers.

Babe Carano:

Inside of the building, Hudson and Triple G were in the middle of one of their disastrous plots in the kitchen area while Babe minded her own business as she sat on one of the sofas and stared at her computer.

"So is that everything?" Trip asked his best friend.

Hudson smiled "Yup."

Trip looked at him with a raised eyebrow "Well the last time you said that, we set a pool on fire so run it by me again."

"Hey that was huge rat, how else was I supposed to get rid of it?" Hudson asked.

Trip deadpanned "It was a dog."

Hudson grimaced "Really? Never seen a tiny shaved dog before."

"That's because it was a- you know what whatever, just repeat the list to me." Trip said as he was already tired of the conversation, it was too early for something crazy to happen anyway.

Hudson picked up the paper next to him and began listing off the items "Banana, yogurt, eggs, bacon, toast..."

Trip nodded to the items that Hudson listed off as he stared at the blender full of said items in front of him. It was then that Kenzie Bell entered the building with a coffee in hand and a backpack on her back.

Kenzie was a girl with peach skin, big brown eyes and short brown hair. She wore a blue jacket with a white shirt underneath, a yellow skirt, brown boots and blue rimmed glasses.

Kenzie Bell:

"Morning." Kenzie greeted as she walked over to her monitor.

"Yo." Trip greeted.

"Hey." Hudson greeted.

"Mhmm..." Babe hummed as she continued to stare at her laptop.

Kenzie looked at her best friend in confusion, she's only seen Babe in a daze once and that was when she had a crush on Mason Kendall. But ever since she discovered that chasing after a guy who wouldn't reciprocate her feelings was hopeless, she eventually got over it. This was a strange sight but before she could ask Babe about it, she had to make sure the boys weren't doing something stupid again.

Kenzie folded her arms as she walked over to the boys "So what are you guys doing?"

"Ok so, Hudson told me that he forgot to eat his breakfast." Trip began.

"As you do." Hudson added.

Kenzie nodded awkwardly as Trip continued "So we went over to the store and bought the usual breakfast ingredients and since you guys have to go to school in a couple of minutes, I thought we could make a breakfast shake for Hudson."

"Wow that's very thoughtful of you Trip." Kenzie admitted earnestly.

"It would be but Hudson wouldn't let me cook the bacon and just threw it into the blender." Trip said as he looked at Hudson.

Hudson shrugged "I like to chew."

"Okay..." Kenzie said as she walked over to Babe on the sofa.

"What are you doing Babe?" Kenzie asked as she sat down next to Babe.

"Yeah..." Babe said in a daze as she continued to watch what was on her screen.

Kenzie was a little surprised by her reaction and decided to find out what got her best friend's full attention. On the screen was a video on YouTube, it was a video on 'CHAOS COMPANY' the indie game about a corporate company that faces disasters on a daily basis. The player has to maintain all the employees' sanity and figure out how everyone survives the disaster, it was a surprisingly fun game.

Looking closer, Kenzie saw a small box on the top left corner of the screen. In that box was a girl wearing headphones who played the game, who Kenzie realized as the gaming sensation, Leo Star.


A blonde haired man in a black suit grabbed a fire extinguisher and ran to the bathroom, he slammed the door open to reveal a flaming toilet, he used the fire extinguisher and blasted the toilet with the white foam.

"C'mon David!" Leo exclaimed as she continued to tap on her controller "I don't even know how a toilet was set on fire during a flood."

As the fire was put out and David sighed in relief but before he caught his breath, the door burst open and the entire bathroom was flooded with water.

"Crud!" Leo shouted but she was surprised to see the toilet light on fire again, this gave Leo an idea.

She moved David towards the toilet as it floated around the bathroom, David grabbed the toilet and shoved it onto a nearby wall. The wall glowed red from the flames and it eventually exploded, the water flowing out and David coughed as he started to breathe.


Hudson and Trip noticed Kenzie and Babe watching something on the laptop, they looked at each other then back at the girls, wondering what they were so focused on.

"Hey what are you guys watching?" Trip asked.

Kenzie looked over to him "Leo Star, she's playing Chaos Company."

The boys widened their eyes and shouted "LEO STAR!!!"

They both dashed over to the sofa, with Trip sitting next to Babe and Hudson standing behind the sofa.

"Geez what's up with you guys?" Kenzie asked.

"We love Leo Star." Hudson said.

"She's like the greatest gamer ever!" Trip exclaimed.

"Shhh!!" Babe shushed angrily, which caused the boys to immediately shut up.

This made Kenzie even more confused but when she saw the way Babe was looking at Leo and the dreamy smile on her face, she began putting the pieces together.


That was when the screen turned off and the little box expanded to fully show Leo. Smiled at the camera as she put down her controller and took off her headphones, fixing her short hair from her beautiful face.

Leo was beautiful girl with short brown hair, brown skin and brown eyes. She wore a blue shirt with a Captain America shield on the front, black jeans, black sneakers and rings on two of her fingers.

Leo Star:

"And that was it my fellow stars! If you liked the video then actually leave a like, I would really appreciate it and if you like my videos then subscribe to see more of me. Before I go, I would like to say that I am super excited for my next destination on my worldwide tour. Where am I going you ask, well it's simple...? I'm going to New York! And I hope I can meet some of my stars in the big apple but I've wasted enough of your time so I'll see you guys later. Bye!!" Leo said as she waved.

And with that the video ended as it transitioned to a picture of Leo with two little boxes on her left and right. One said 'Last Video' and the other said 'Next Video'


"DUDE!!!" Hudson shouted.

"OH YEAH!!" Trip shouted as he jumped over the sofa, next to Hudson.

"Did you hear that!?" Hudson exclaimed.

"Leo Star is coming to New York! We gotta meet her." Trip exclaimed.

As the boys continued freaking out, Kenzie studied the way Babe stared longingly at Leo's picture.

'Could she...?' Kenzie thought then she grinned.

She stood up and grabbed Babe's hand, dragging her off to the other room in the building much to Babe's protests. The boys were too busy with their conversation to notice the girls leaving, as soon as they were in the room Kenzie shut the doors to avoid any eavesdropping.

"Kenzie, what are you doing?!" Babe exclaimed in shock.

Kenzie didn't say anything as she continued grinning which creeped Babe out a bit.

"What?" Babe asked as she was unsettled.

"You like Leo." Kenzie stated.

Babe widened her eyes in shock, she then started shaking her head and coughing awkwardly and trying to look at anything that wasn't Kenzie.

"What...? I don't know what you're talking about." Babe terribly lied.

"Babe come on." Kenzie said as she raised her eyebrow.

"I seriously don't know what you're talking about." Babe tried to convince as she shrugged.

"Babe I saw the way you were looking at her and I've only seen that look when you had a crush on Mason Kendall." Kenzie said.

Babe sighed "I may have a teeny tiny crush on her."

Kenzie didn't look convinced "Babe."

"Okay!! I have a huge crush on Leo! Happy?!" Babe shouted agitated.

Kenzie widened her eyes in shock as Babe sighed again.

"Sorry, I...I just thought you'd...hate me." Babe explained.

"Why would you think I would hate you?" Kenzie asked.

"Because Leo's a girl and a girl liking another girl isn't really normal." Babe explained as she rubbed her arm.

"Oh Babe," Kenzie said as she hugged her best friend "I don't care who you like and it doesn't really matter anyway, love is love and I'll be happy once you find that special someone even if it's a girl or a boy."

Babe shed a few tears after what Kenzie said and engulfed her in a tight hug causing the glasses wearing girl to giggle. As they separated, Babe immediately wiped the tears from her eyes as they both smiled at each other.

"So?" Kenzie started as she smirked.

"So?" Babe asked.

"Don't leave me hanging, when did this crush start?" Kenzie asked.

"Well, I guess it started when Mason got a girlfriend." Babe said.

"Babe that was 4 months ago!!!" Kenzie exclaimed in shock as Babe shrugged sheepishly.

"So when we found out I went home, cried then drowned my sorrows in Cheezits and YouTube. I was watching a few videos until I found Leo's channel and Kenzie I can't explain it but I immediately felt a connection." Babe said as she sat down on a sofa in the room.

"Like love at first sight?" Kenzie asked.

"I mean I wouldn't go that far but yeah something like that."

"How'd you know?"

"Well when I first saw her I couldn't take my eyes off her, I mean she is so beautiful and funny and she's so real. Like she wasn't being fake for the camera, she was just being her." Babe rambled.

Kenzie smiled fondly "Aww, you're in love."

Babe rolled her eyes "Whatever."

The door to the room opened and Trip's head popped in.

"Sorry to interrupt but you guys have to get to school or you'll be late." Trip said.

The girls looked at the clock and noticed that they had 15 minutes to get to school.

"Oh yeah, Kenz come on." Babe said as she walked out of the room with Kenzie following behind.

The girls picked up their bags as Trip walked over to the kitchen with Hudson, he opened the cabinets as Hudson stood next to the blender.

"Okay dude just let me find the cap then you can turn it on." Trip said.

"Turning it on." Hudson said as he pushed the on button on the blender.

Trip turned around and widened his eyes "No Hudson wait-"

It was too late since the Blender started spinning and all of its contents flew out and spilled everywhere. As all of the contents where gone from the blender and everywhere around the kitchen especially Trip and Hudson, covering their entire bodies. Babe and Kenzie looked on in surprise but they were also amused as Trip wiped the smoothie off his eyes and huffed when he looked at Hudson. Hudson also wiped his eyes as picked up a piece of bacon from his shirt and started eating it.

"Chewy." Hudson commented as he chewed, Trip frowned as Hudson giggled.


In a large hotel room in LA with three bedrooms with a bathroom in each room, a living room and a kitchen. In one of the rooms Leo snored softly in the land of dreams but that was all ruined when her alarm clock rang, Leo's arm moved towards the alarm clock. She repeatedly tapped on it but it wouldn't stop ringing so she just grabbed it and threw it to a nearby wall.

Unfortunately, the alarm clock woke her up and she couldn't go to sleep anymore, so she groaned as she got up from her bed and went to the bathroom. When she was done she walked out of the bathroom and her room towards the living room.

When she got to the living room she saw that her best friend, Danny Griffith, was already dressed and ready for the day as sat on the sofa and played video games. She sat down next to him and saw that he was playing Mortal Kombat 11.

Danny was a handsome boy with peach skin, shaggy brown hair and brown eyes. He wore a red shirt, black jeans and red and white Nike sneakers.

Danny Griffith:

"So you're finally awake." Danny stated, briefly glancing at her before he continued playing.

"I broke the alarm clock." Leo stated.

"Another one?"

"You know how I am when I'm sleeping."

"Yeah I do, you're the grumpiest of grumps." Danny stated with a smirk.

Leo chuckled as she gave him a slight shove which also caused Danny to laugh. Leo looked around and noticed that someone was missing.

"Hey where's Alexa?"

"Oh she went out to get us breakfast, since she was too lazy to cook." Danny explained.

"She's always too lazy to cook." Leo said as she rolled her eyes.

Danny laughed "You're not wrong."

Danny groaned as he lost again while Leo laughed, she got up from the couch and started walking back to her room.

"Where are you going?" Danny asked.

"To take a shower." Leo said as she went inside her room, but she quickly popped her head out of the door and looked at Danny "By the way, focus on grappling your opponent. You'll be able to stun him easier."

With that said, she closed the door to her room for her shower. Danny considered what she said and implemented it, surprisingly he won this time.

"Oh yeah!" Danny cheered.

"Your welcome!" Leo shouted from her room which mad Danny laugh.


It was now about 11AM, Leo finished her shower and she now wore a red leather jacket, white shirt with a shooting star running across the front, blue jeans and brown Timberlands with her rings on her fingers.

She was sitting with Danny on the couch, wrecking him in Mortal Kombat, but by now they were getting hungry. They heard keys outside the hotel door and someone unlocked it, the person entered and shut the door with their leg. The person walked over to the kitchen and placed the bags takeout on the counter, that person was actually Alexa as she looked at the two with a smile.

Alexa Griffith:

"Thanks for the help guys, really appreciate it." Alexa sarcastically stated.

"Mom!" Danny shouted as he jumped up from the sofa and ran over to her, giving her a big hug.

'What a mama's boy.' Leo though as she playfully rolled her eyes and walked over to them, giving Alexa a brief hug then going to the takeout.

"What took you so long?" Danny asked as he sat on one of the seats near the counter.

"Ugh, LA traffic is terrible and the line at McDonald wasn't any better." Alexa explained.

"At least you made it." Leo said as she ate a chip.

"Yeah you're right." Alexa admitted then gestured for Leo to sit next to Danny "Now sit down so I can give you guys your food."

Leo did as told and sat next to Danny as Alexa gave them their food, they immediately started eating while Alexa looked on in surprise.

"Whoa, slow down! You guys might choke." Alexa warned as she chewed on her own burger.

"Sorry but we're hungry." Leo said.

"We wouldn't be so hungry if someone actually learned how to cook instead of buying us takeout all the time." Danny said as he looked directly at his mother.

"Hey I've cooked for you before." Alexa defended.

Leo groaned and rubbed her stomach "Don't remind me."

"I couldn't stop going to the bathroom for a whole week." Danny said as he shivered.

Alexa rolled her eyes "Moving on, I booked our flights and it leaves at 19:00 so I want you guys ready and packed 18:00 okay?"

"Cool." Leo responded.

"Got it." Danny responded.

"And I think we've had enough takeout so I'll cook us some lunch." Alexa said with a smirk.

"NO!!" Leo and Danny shouted in fear as Alexa laughed.


It was now four in the afternoon in New York and things were a bit calmer but it was still the same busy city. Babe, Kenzie and Hudson took the subway and arrived at the Game Shakers building, they walked in and saw Trip playing on his phone, sitting on the sofa.

"Hey Trip." Kenzie greeted as she walked over to her monitor.

"Have you been here for the whole day?" Babe asked.

"Someone had to clean up all that kitchen smoothie." Trip said with a sigh.

"By yourself?" Kenzie asked.

"Yeah, after that I took a shower and just relaxed." Trip explained.

"Wow I'm impressed." Babe said as she sat down.

"How'd you get cleaned up Hudson?" Trip asked.

"I licked it off." Hudson stated with a smile.

Trip looked at him in a confused matter "Uh...What?"

"We got to class just in time and sat down with everyone else, Mr. Sammich got in the class and started taking names." Kenzie explained.

"You should've seen his face when he saw Hudson." Babe said as she laughed.

"He told Hudson to leave the class and clean himself up but Hudson decided to-" Kenzie was about to say but she was cut off.

"Lick it off!" Hudson exclaimed.

"Okay..." Trip said.

"Alright let's get to work." Babe commanded and everybody got busy with their new game.

As they worked, the doors were suddenly kicked open and the people they did not need in that moment had arrived. It was Double G, Triple G's father, and his entourage.

"Dub! Dub! Dub! Dub! Dub! Dub! Dub! Dub! Dub! Dub! Dub! Dub! Dub! Dub! Dub! DUB!!" Bunny sang as Double G danced and Ruthless made a beat.

With a final 'Dub' Double G stopped dancing and Ruthless cut the beat and they all posed with a man in a grey suit who wore glasses standing next to them, this would be a surprise to many but to the Game shakers, it has become more of an annoyance.

Double G:




"Hey dad." Trip greeted.

"Trip! How are ya son?" Double G asked.

"Fine, which is the same answer I gave you on the phone...five minutes ago." Trip stated.

"Did I?" Double G asked as he looked at Ruthless and Bunny, the two shrugged as well as Double G "Must've forgot."

"Why are you here Dub? We have work to do you know?" Babe questioned.

Dub glanced at Bunny and Ruthless then the man in the suit "Tell em Mr. Banker man."

The banker cleared his throat and stepped forward as all eyes were on him now "Statistics show that Game Shakers is suffering a heavy loss, your income has not reached the point of your expenditure thus leading you into debt."

Babe, Hudson and Trip looked at the man dumbly. Clearly showing that they understood none of that, but surprisingly Kenzie nodded in understanding. She looked at her friends and was shocked to see them staring at the man dumbly.

Kenzie groaned "He said that we don't have any money and now we owe the bank for spending more money than we had."

"OH..." Babe and Trip said as they finally understood.

"I don't get it." Hudson said as he looked around.

"Hudson we're broke." Trip explained.

"Oh..." Hudson said as he finally got it then frowned "That's bad."

"So how do we fix this?" Babe asked.

"We have an idea." Bunny said giddily.

"A BIG ONE!" Ruthless shouted.

"So what is it?" Trip asked.

"Most gaming companies have representatives that participate in gaming tournaments or competitions, so we thought it would be a good idea for Game Shakers to have its own representative so they can win the tournaments and competitions, gaining more recognition for this company and earning the prize money." The banker explained.

Again, the Game Shakers were clueless to what he said besides Kenzie.

Kenzie sighed and explained it to them "We'll get more money if we hire someone to play games for us."

"Oh..." The three other Game Shakers said.

"That's so cool!" Hudson said.

"Who's going to be?" Babe asked.

"Is it me? I'm good at playing games." Trip suggested in excitement.

"Sorry son it's not you..." Dub said as he held his son's shoulders then he grinned "It's someone better!"

Tip looked at his father in shock as he stepped back and grinned at all of the kids.

"What do you mean it's someone better?" Kenzie asked.

"Ya'll see Leo Star's latest video?" Dub asked.

"Yeah." Trip answered.

"Uh huh." Hudson answered.

"Yeah." Babe answered dreamily.

"Yes." Kenzie asked.

"Well I saw some of her videos and when she announced that she was coming to New York, we decided that she would be our gamer!" Double G shouted.

"Really?!" Hudson and Trip shouted in shock.

"W-what..." Babe stuttered in complete shock.

"We got in contact with her manager and we will have a meeting here tomorrow." The banker explained.

"Isn't that great?!" Bunny asked.

"Uh, yeah!" Trip exclaimed.

"WOOHOO!!!!" Hudson cheered.

"Isn't that great Babe?" Kenzie asked with a smirk.

"Going down..." Babe said as she fell to the floor and fainted.


Leo, Danny and Alexa got off the plane and picked up their bags, they walked out of the airport and saw the bright lights and busy streets of New York. Leo and Danny were in awe of the large city while Alexa grinned and looked at them.

"Welcome to New York."

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