~Chapter 5: He Speak German?

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*Thank You Vampire_Writes for making me this gif :) :D* 

*Jeremy's POV*

I struggled to open my eyes so I left them closed. I felt around with my hands to find out where I was at. I couldn't remember what happened but I felt the floor was cold so it had to be tile floor, right? No. It wasn't tile floor. I was touching him. His skin was so cold. My eyes flashed as quick as lightning to his face and he was looking at me intensely. I quickly looked away in shyness and removed my hand from his skin but his hand moved quicker than someone could follow the movement with their eyes.

He moved my hand back to his skin but I was confused and didn't know what he wanted from me. What could a guy of his stature, ability, and experience want with a guy that isn't experienced at all? I knew I needed him, I knew I wanted him but most of all I knew I loved him from the first time today that we laid eyes on each other in the hallway. The things I noticed about him at this moment was different from what I noticed about him earlier. He had facial hair and I didn't. He was the dominant type of man and I was the submissive type of man. He was the leader and I was the follower.

Sure maybe his smile was one of the things that made me want to follow him and let him lead and guide me. That crooked smile he gave me each time he saw me, it was bringing me closer to loving him each second it appeared on his sexy face and I knew I couldn't just look away from that easily without any consequences. The consequence was hurting to a certain extent because his smile was just that beautiful and perfect.

Am I crazy enough to just surrender my full being to this sexy stranger than I only known for only a matter of a few hours? In just only a few hours prior to meeting this man, he made me feel like I was someone and made me feel what love was actually about. I sat next to him as he looked at me and studying my actions and expressions, wondering if he knew what he does to me and how he makes me feel. Not just sexually but emotionally as well. Even though I'm not really the emotional type of guy.

I stare back at him still wondering and questions overcrowding my head with unanswered questions. I fully commit myself to him but does he know that? 

The Addiction is the way I feel as he crosses my mind. His perfect body, I love sliding my hands along his abs and kiss his lips as he tries not to smile and laugh. The smile on his lips I feel under my lips. The deep chuckle he makes when he tells me he is satisfied. I only met him today yet the feelings of emotions are so strong yet as soft as a feather being lifted from your shoulders. Does he feel he loves me as much as I love him? I hope so. 

"Du denkst darüber nach?(What are you thinking about)" Demitri said in a much-interested way as he slowly starts to move closer to me.

"What language is that? I know it's not English" I said as I tilted my head slightly awaiting his response to my question.

"The language is called German," He said as a smile grew on his face.

"German?" I asked.

"Yes," Demitri said.

"Why?" I asked and immediately I thought that was a stupid question.

"Because I speak both German and English" Demitri answered with a low chuckle. 

"No, I mean why did you speak German to me?" I asked as I was still quite confused.

"Because very soon I will teach you how to speak German," Demitri said.

I didn't question him again after that statement because I knew what he was talking about. It wasn't that I indeed have him for a German class but it was also because I knew what was gonna happen after college classes were finished for the day... He wanted me to talk to him dirty in German because barely anyone knew the German language around here... and because he wants me to do that I just hope he knows this...

I need him... I want him... and most of all... I Love Him more than life itself...  

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