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           I hear a loud crash out side of my door and my curiousity gets the best of me once again. I set down my pencil and put it neatly away. I open my door and step out into the dark hallway. I glide my hand along the wall and continue down the pitch black hallway. I see a bright light and stop. But then I wanted to know what it is and I walked staight into it. It teleports me outside a dimly lit nightclub. 

            I walk inside it and since it was emty I slowly walked up a staircase. The walls were all torn up and the place looked like it was ready to cave in. I see a boy looking through a dirty window. "Where are we" I say to the boy as I walk up to him. He gasps and turns around. "Oh sorry I don't really know I saw a bright light and then I came here" the boy says.

           "I'm Mia an the same thing happend to me" I say sricking my hand out for him to shake it. He smiles and shakes my hand. "I'm Toby. Want to get out of here before we get caught because I think there was a sign that said do not enter" the boy says. I nod and say "yea it said the owners been evicted from their nightclub". We both start laughing and he puts his hands in his pocket.

                "You know I've never seen you before so you obviously not from my town. Everyone knows everone there" Toby says. I say "I might soon my mother travels alot the longest we stay in one place is three weeks". We both go outside and look for a sigh saying where we are.

             "LasVegas! I'm all the way across the world" Toby shreaks. I laugh and ask "where'd you come from". He says "London, England. And you"? I say "New York ummm... America". He laughs and I join him.I glance at him and say "Toby are...I mean do you have any powers or talents un human". 

          He nods and says "you have powers too don't you".I nod and say "I'm a wolf". He smiles and says "that funny because I'm a coyote". He demonstrates his powers and he has snow white fur. He gives me a look telling me to show him my wolf. "I uhh... Can't control my powers yet so it happens randomly when I become a wolf" I say. 

             He shifts back and says "Oh you probaley just learned about your powers recently because I learned about mine five years ago so I had tons of time to practice". I nod and we continue to skip down to sidewalk. I don't know why but it felt so natural skiping an the sidewalk with him. I glance at him and then look at the ground. 

         Just at that moment I remember something. "Toby can you wait here for a minute because I need to make a call" I say. He nods and I walk a few meters away so he won't hear my converstation. I dial my mothers number and listen to the ringing. "Where are you I walked in your room and you wern't there" my mother says. She sounds paranoid now maybe I should calm her down. 

         "Rachel, I think I just discovered something. I'm in LasVegas I seen I bright light so I touched it and it brought me here. I'm with a boy named Toby the same thing happend to him and he was in London at the time. I think we were fated to meet because he seems to be only a year older then me and he is turned. Well not into a wolf into a coyote... A white coyote" I say all in one breath.

      She stays silent must likely letting all the imformation I gave her sink in. "So he is a coyote and your a wolf. Wait first where are you again" my mother, Rachel says. I tell her my location and then she hangs up.

                I run back over to Toby and guide him into an allyway."Promise to the Blaze pack that you will not tell a soul about this" I say in a dark but truthful voice."Promise to the Blaze pack" Toby says. "My mother is Raven and she works with the justice leauge. She is going to bring us to our space shuttle H.Q to find out why we only got sent here" I say.

         His eyes gleam in the moonlight and he smiles at me. A bright light appears and my mother apears as Rachel Roth not Raven. She changes into normal clothes when she is not on missions. "Rachel" I say and give her a hug."Toby this is my mother Raven but her real name is Rachel" I say. 

       "Hello" he says sticking his hand out lie I did.My mother shakes his hand knowing it was my doing that gave him the shaking hands idea. "If you don't mind Toby but what is your last name" Rachel says."Lake, but recently my mother said I was given to her by a brown wolf" he replies.

          I quickly say "the brown wolf might have been my father...... Zachary must have changed your animal so we would never meet. We might be family your must likely my other brother". He smiles and starts laughing. "That does sound true but a coyote and a wolf being sibblings, thats just funny" Toby says in between fits of laughter.I start laughing too now. 

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