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Avni and Meera exchanged quizzical looks with each other not being able to comprehend the situation.Neil stood motionless with his hands placed behind him, trying to figure out a way to put forward his proposition without getting misunderstood.

" For the last time , the rent is too high for me right now Mr Khanna " Avni tried to clarify to a seemingly confused Neil.

" I know....Heard it the first time you said it. "

This confused Avni and her friend even further.

" Umm..I have a proposition for you."
He took a long pause before speaking again." You don't have to worry about the rent being too high if you do me one favour"

He knew it didn't sound right but then there was no way he could make it sound any better.He waited for her reaction but there wasn't any.Probably she was having a hard time coming up with a coherent sentence to justify her reaction or she didn't understand his words at all.

" What favour?" she managed to say keeping aside all the negative thoughts that came to her mind hearing him say 'favour'

" have my girlfriend"

" What!!!!!! How dare you ?? What kind of girl do you think I'm?? " Avni stood up immediately making Neil take a step back .

" Sorry .I meant you have to pretend to be my girlfriend" he corrected himself realising his mistake immediately.

" I'm not that kind of girl either ,who you can flaunt and boss around"

" Its ok Avni.Lets go.You can stay at my place for the time being" Meera intervened pulling on Avni's hand.

" But what about your roommate? " Avni enquired .

" She is out of town for now.Rest we will figure out before she returns" Meera reassured.

" Hear me out please" Neil requested 'a ready to storm out' Avni by quickly blocking her way .When he had her attention he spoke again "Listen..."

" Have haven't left me any other option." She looked towards the doorway which was occupied by him.

" Listen you got me all wrong.What I meant is You just have to pretend to be my girlfriend in front of my Mom.You don't have to be my 'show -to -the -world -girlfriend' You don't have to do any clingy or over the top things.Nothing that you feel uncomfortable doing.Just have to pretend infront of her and noone else.'' He waited for her to say something.

'' I'm listening'' she replied after carefully listening to him and going over it once in her head .

" Avni you don't have to " Meera intervened again.

" It's ok Meera.Lets hear what he has to say " Avni reassuringly put a hand on her friend's shoulder .Turning towards the only other person in the room she spoke again " Continue..."

'' You can stay for as long as you want in my old apartment.You don't even have to pay the rent at all.Good enough??''

'' But why won't I pay the rent?? I can't stay like that.Its like taking your favour'' Avni retorted back.

''You will be doing me a favour.So you can consider that as me returning the favour'' Neil tried to reason with her.

'' No no.Its just too much.'' she replied.

'' Hmm.Ok.So you can pay me the amount you consider fair .Will that do? '' he hoped for a yes this time considering it a great deal.In his lawyer brain it did sound like a really good negotiation.

"Alright" she said after considering it for sometime.Afterall she needed a place to stay and it was a good deal. The guy seemed decent and hopefully had no ulterior motive ,she prayed.

'' But I have a few questions'' she continued.

'' Shoot '' he said with confidence.

'' So no tight hugs and other couple stuff? ''

''No.Just a casual one maybe if required''

'' No calling you 'sweetie' , 'darling', 'shona', 'honey', 'love' etc? ''

'' None at all.''

A unexpected and pleasant smile made its way to his lips.Never had he met a girl who had asked him such questions.This was going to be an interesting deal he thought to himself.

''So no clingy stuff?''

'' None"

Her raised eyebrows wasn't showing signs of trust.

" None ....I promise " he tried his best to convince her .

'' So, It's just your mom?''

'' Yes''

"For how long do we have to put up this facade?"

" A month or two at best....till we convince her that it's real.Dont worry she doesn't visit regularly ."

"Now the most important question .Why are you lying to your mother?" She asked with some genuine expressions of concern on her face.

" Do you need to know that? "

"Ofcourse I do.I need to know the details of what I'm signing for . Who knows what you are actually upto "

" Don't worry I'm not scheming anything sinister " he chuckled.

" I'm serious.I need to know"

" Ok fine.I'll tell you everything later in the evening.Now I have to go" he replied checking his watch .

'' Ok.I'm in.But how will I learn about you and what to say and what not to say'' Avni posed the more serious question.

'' I'll tell you all about that.We will have to sit and discuss that after work. Now I'm getting late for work and I think so are you."

Avni immediately checked her watch.In all this confusion she had completely forgotten about the her real job.

" Don't you want to check the apartment before saying yes to the deal? You know you should always check your side of the bargain carefully too " Neil interrupted her thoughts.

" Who are you ? My lawyer? " She looked at him with a sarcastic smirk.

" Not yours.....but yes I'm a qualified lawyer and I think you should take a look at the apartment before you finalise our deal "

" The apartment is really good " Meera whispered in her friend's ears.

" We will take your word for it " Avni replied promptly .

" My word?? But I haven't given you any regarding the apartment " he sounded confused.

" Yeah right." She bit her tongue " You can give it now "

" Don't have time.Here are the keys.You can check it out with your friend.I have got to go."

Avni and Meera made their way out of his place after he handed them over the keys.

'' Avni you are one lucky girl. Every single girl around here just wants Neil to once look at her.Even I would have gladly accepted to become his fake girlfriend even if it was to flaunt to his colleagues for a day.But lucky you. He chose you. '' Meera sounded disappointed.

'' Why would you or any other girl want that?'' Avni was unable to understand what was so special about the guy she just met.

'' Didn't you see him?? He is so handsome and hot. Also he is successful, rich , decent and a complete gentlemen.He is every girl's dream " Meera answered in a matter of fact way.

'' Oh! "she remarked ,not knowing what else to say .She had to improve her skills of observation she noted to herself.

'' You are hopeless Avni!!!! A perfectly handsome stranger was talking to you for so long and you didnt even take a good look at him " Meera laughed playfully hitting the back of her friend's head.


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