Blissful Moments

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Shivangi's POV
So today was the start of our time off work after a long and well deserved 4 years of shooting. We both planned to take a break from the show to be able to fully enjoy our wedding... mind you were not leaving the show, just taking some time to ourselves.

I quickly freshened up as we planned to meet at my house and leave for a picnic. Both us and our families were so indulged in the preps of the wedding including the stress of doing work on behalf of us as we were busy shooting that we all forgot to relax and spend sometime together to de-stress.

Mohsin's POV
We went to shivis house and did our greetings while looking around for my girl, she purposely never stands ready with her family when we come over just so she can get her first source of entertainment when I get caught looking desperate for her like a love sick puppy. I don't mind it tbh everyone knows how much I stare at her. Anyways speaking of her here she comes...

Shivangi's POV
I walked into the living room and greeted everyone quickly so we could leave ASAP and spend as much time together... soon I was standing next to Momo and held his hand to pull him and everyone else indicating we should leave.

They soon reached the park and walked towards the picnic area near the lake finding the perfect view to have lunch with.

Both families knew their kids needed sometime alone after a hectic shooting schedule and wedding planning so they let the couple be together and give them some much needed private time.

They both sat down leaning against the tree and Shivangi snuggled into Mohsin playing with his fingers.

Shivangi: you know with all this is happening I missed spending our alone time...
Mohsin: I know baby I didn't realise how difficult it's gonna be even though we're doing everything together
Shivangi: you ready for this next phase of our lives
Mohsin: more than ready I just wanna officially have you with me forever now
Shivangi: I can't wait too babe we've been through so much. I've realised no one really matters part from us and our families
Mohsin: I know and I love the fact that we're not going for the typical big fat indian wedding
Shivangi: right this wedding will be so much like us and none of that extravagance
Mohsin: can you believe there's only a week left to the wedding?
Shivangi: time flies so fast when I'm with you it just feels so surreal
Mohsin: I'm so lucky to be able to have chosen you as my life partner
Shivangi: Aww give me a kiss now!
Mohsin: ooooh someone's being bold today eh madam? I'll happily fulfil your wish...And he gave a loving kiss until she was out of breath
Shivangi: haha btw you know how we both decided to still carry on acting after we get married... I kinda changed my mind and want to know your opinion
Mohsin: yeh go on I'm listening babe
Shivangi: lately I've been thinking about all the things that has happened to us and what life has thrown at us and it's really hit me deep. We've spent so many years building our career making sure it doesn't affect our personal life and I love how we've been able to protect it but now all I wanna do is spend the most time with you and live all these precious moments to the fullest. I probably sound really silly and immature but momo while building our career we've forgotten how to live. All we do is shoot and come back home, the only time we get to spend together or with our families is those few mins between shots and a few hours after we come home. I really just wanna take a break for a while and and focus on our relationship and family. These past few months have just proved how short life can be and how anything can happen at anytime and I really don't wanna lose all the precious things I have in life... please understand where I'm coming from
Mohsin: what makes you think I don't understand... I know it's a big step for both our careers especially yours but you know what I completely agree. I'll always choose family over career any day any time. I was also thinking about how many times we've spent quality time in the last for years and honestly if people find out the number they'd think we're not in a relationship. With our marriage being one of the most important things in our lives I complete agree with making use of that time and living it to the fullest. We've spent enough time and money for our career to be able to be stable in our life. We're never gonna get this time again so why not choose the thing that's so close to our hearts
Shivangi: it's true when they say once you find your soulmate you'll never feel let down. I love you thank you for supporting me
Mohsin: I love you too baby and I'll always support your no matter what comes our way.
Shivangi: can you feed me now I'm hungry!
Mohsin: come on then sit up I'll feed you
Shivangi: no I wanna stay in your arms please if my comfort zone... it's our last few dates before being tied in an official knot and I wanna act like the typical couple
Mohsin: haha we're already one aren't we... and he fed her lovingly while playing cute with each other...

Meanwhile the ready of the family came back from their walk and were in awe when they saw the most cutest couple spending quality time with each other... sometime parents have to be the ones who play Cupid since they just know what it takes to make a successful relationship. They knew no doubt Mohsin and Shivangi had the best relationship but amid their busy lives they forgot to give each other their time and that was fulfilled by their parents today being content after seeing the love and happiness on their kids faces...

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