Chapter - 1(Arrival of the Human Tornado)

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It's not very difficult to live a normal uneventful life. Trust me... I've lived 30 years of my life that way... but there's one single condition. Never get involved with troublesome people. In my case, it was "Never get involved with troublesome people, specially when it's a short woman with a twisted mind". But as you can expect, I didn't realise it until that certain calamity hit me... *deep sigh*

By the way... It's been so long, I hope you guys still remember about me... I'm what you guys can call the "main protagonist" of this story... Omkara... Omkara Singh Oberoi. All thanks to Miss Writer... err... Mrs Writer for taking such a long break, I almost fell asleep waiting.

Well... It's never too late to hear a story about love, friendship and craziness... So Khushi...  Shall we begin?



13th February, 2017... This day is going to be the most beautiful and special day of my life... Yeah... That's what I thought when I was storming out of my office since I was running late for a special meeting.

"Oye O....!!! Watch out!!! " I heard Rudra shouting my name as I almost bumped into him, causing him to frown as the files in his hands were now lying on the floor all thanks to me. Rudra Singh Oberoi, my baby brother who was assisting me in order to understand the workings of Oberoi empire gave me a glare before I helped him pick up his files.

"I'm really sorry I didn't see you Rudy" I said placing the last file on his palm.

Ru - O... Aur thoda speed mein bhaagte toh Usain Bolt sharma jata... Kaha jaa rahe ho itni jaldi mein?

(O... If you could run just a little faster, Usain Bolt would have gotten ashamed of himself you know... Where are you going in such hurry...?? )

I smiled at my brother who was now looking at me in full suspicion as I got up on my feet followed by him. Staring at me for a few seconds, he was finally able to solve the mystery behind my high voltage smile.

Ru - Don't tell me... You are going to ask her.... Today!!! Woah... Woah... Finally... All the best... What the heck are you still doing here you lazy bum... Go... Jeez... You're seriously running late...

"I know... " I said before speeding up towards my car.... After all it was the day I decided to propose to my long time girlfriend Ishana.

I met her during a business party and we hit it right from the start. She is what I would call a "perfect woman". Kind, confident, understanding and wise. Ishana Malhotra is ideal woman of every man's dream... And that dream was my reality. After dating for 3 years, it was time for me to level up my relationship with her. She was coming back from UK attending a business trip and my plan was to give her a surprise right at the airport. Everything was ready...from flowers to music everything was prepared as per her taste. Advantages of being an Oberoi, it didn't take much of a time to get the airport authority agree to my special plan.

"Once she steps out of the flight, she's gonna get the biggest surprise of her life. I just can't wait to see her reaction... " I thought to myself as I parked my car outside the airport and made way towards the Terminal area.

I... Omkara Singh Oberoi... Like to be in balance. Infact... I love my life being all balanced. I don't like to get involved in distortion of any kind. That's why I never minded being single for so long even after getting nagged by my committed friends. Getting all worked up because of someone else's presence is simply unacceptable to me.

But frankly speaking... Ishana was worth waiting for... Unlike other guys who were always busy explaining every single matter to their girls... I never needed to utter a single word to make her understand my point of view.... My moods, my priorities, my likes or dislikes... She never complained about any of it... Let alone ask me to change any of my habits... She accepted and loved me as it is. And that's what I have always liked about her. She came into my life without distorting it and yet she brought new meaning to it.

People say every relationship has its ups and downs... But honestly... Our relationship was so balanced, we never needed to argue with each other in these 3 years. Those so called committed friends who always used to make fun of me for being single forever, found it difficult to accept.... They often asked me how could we not argue on anything? It was just so unnatural to them... But having similar taste in everything was the best quality in our case.

"Sir the flight has arrived" one of the officials informed me. I nodded with a smile before taking the Bouquet of white lilies in my hand in order to welcome my girlfriend...

Although I knew she would definitely say yes... Yet a little nervousness was occurring my mind. Afterall it was such a big decision of my life... It took almost 2 months of deep thinking before I could come to this conclusion.

"There she is" I thought to myself as I saw her walking through the gate with her luggage. She was smiling at me as I soon approached her with that special bouquet of flowers.

"Omkara..." She called my name as I give her the flowers and pull her into a tight hug...

"Did you miss me so much that you came all the way to the airport to receive me? How cute..." She said while looking at her favourite flowers whereas I just nodded. Little did she know what kind of surprise I was going to pull off.

To her surprise, all of a sudden... The lights went out...

"What... is happening?" She asked cluelessly.

"There's something I want to say to you Ishu..." I whispered before disappearing from her sight. As soon as that happened, a spotlight fell on her as she looked here and there searching for me.

Her favourite music began to play as she smiled, slightly getting a hint of what was cooking in my mind. And then a compilation of our memories together started displaying on the big screen...

"I never knew life could be so beautiful until I met you..." I said in the microphone as she kept looking at the screen cherishing all the moments we have spent together...

"We have been together for years now and yet every day I meet you... I feel like I am seeing you for very first time all over again... And that's the feeling I want to feel for the rest of my life..." I said slowly walking towards her again. I knelt to the ground before her with the ring in my hand under the spotlight, looking at her with all the love I finally uttered the words I have been practicing for God knows how many times....

"I want to love you everyday... Just like the first day... Will you allow me to? Miss Ishana Malhotra... Will you allow me to cherish you forever? Will you marry me?" I could see her sparkling eyes... Overwhelmed by the emotions, she covered her mouth with one hand while tearing up a little bit.

"Yes... Ofcourse..." As the words came out of her mouth, the lights came back as I have instructed them before... Between all the applause and hooting and raining flowers, I forwarded my hand gesturing her to give hers in mine. With a shy smile, she was about to put her hand on mine when suddenly her assistant ran in making me frown as she was spoiling my moment. But her expression were more than terrifying which made me wonder what made her look like a woman who just saw a ghost.

"Ishana ma'am.... Mmmmmmm..... Aaaa.... Ummm...." She fumbled as she gave Ishana her cell phone while trembling like a fever patient.

"Liza... You could just wait there you know... I'm busy here can't you see" Ishana said with a frown...

"But ma'am.... It's.... Ummm... Mmm.... Miss Sharma...." She uttered....

"What??!!! Give it to me" Ishana immediately grabbed the phone to answer... Completely ignoring the fact that we were in the middle of something very important and I was literally on my knees. I won't lie I did feel offended...

"Omkara... I'm really sorry but can I? It's really important..." She asked with guilt of ruining our big moment. I nodded at her with a smile still staying in that position as my knees began to hurt. But her tensed face was saying how important the call was... I was willing to wait for her... Afterall that's what she would have done too...

"Hello... You... How..." Ishana said. It was first time I saw her having such difficulty to start a conversation. "Who on earth is this?" Is what I thought to myself.

"Really...??!!! No no... I'm coming right now..." She said before cutting the call...

"Omkara... I'll talk to you later... thank you for such a lovely surprise... But I have to go right now..." She said hurriedly as she took the ring out of my hand and put it on her finger by herself. Like wasn't I suppose to make her wear it?

"This is really beautiful Omkara... I'll meet you at dinner tonight... Sorry I have to go right now" she ran and disappeared before I could even say something. The people around me were staring at me in utter confusion trying to figure out what just happened. My marriage proposal was accepted technically but for some reason I did get the feeling of rejection because of some random Miss Sharma...

Little did I  know, that girl wasn't random. But a nightmare I have to deal with....


"She's your what?!! But you've never told me about her..." I was in deep shock as I gradually came to know who Ishana's Miss Sharma was.

"She's my bestfriend Omkara... " Is what she said with so many mixed emotions.

"Ishana I've been with you for like 3 years and you never once told me about her... And you were looking so tensed when she called... You didn't even let me complete my proposal and ran away... Don't you think there's something very important about her you should tell me...??" I said... Finally letting her know that I did felt hurt because of it.

"Omkara I'm really very sorry for what I did... I'm really sorry for ruining your plan and I'm seriously on cloud nine for what you did for me... You know I love you right? You know marrying you is my dream as well... But she is... She is someone I... Omkara... She's someone I can never turn my back on... Someone who's opinions matter to me very much..." She told me with a serious look.

She's that much important to Ishana and yet she never mentioned anything to me about her... I kept wondering why... Honestly, it sounded like she was much more important than I am to Ishana... That seriously pissed me. I felt little jealous too... But looking at how genuine Ishana was about her, I kept my ridiculous thoughts aside and finally asked her about the girl

"She's so much important to you and I know nothing about her... So my dear girlfriend... Tell me about your best friend" I said holding her hands in mine.

"Gauri Sharma... CEO of STAR KNIGHT... One of the most popular animation studio of America... My best friend.... Whatever I'm today... It's all because of her..." She told me... Well atleast she's someone I could Google so I didn't take much stress about the details....

"But where was she all these years?" I asked.

"She had an argument with me three years ago... She never contacted me after that... She's really sweet you know... But her anger stays much longer than normal people... That's why I never told you about her... But now it's all good... She's coming back to India soon... For our wedding ofcourse... It would be so nice... I want you to meet her so badly..." She excitedly told me. Well... Since she was gonna attend our wedding, ofcourse I was going to meet her sooner or later... Only if I knew that meeting will change my life...

As we both were enjoying our dinner, Ishana's phone rang suddenly...

"Hello... Gauri... You won't believe, I was talking about you... " She smiled brightly while talking to her best friend... Not that I complained. I had never seen her being so excited over anyone's call like that. May be it was good that they both patched up although I didn't know why they had argument in the first place. But she was Ishana's friend... Obviously she's going to be a good person just like her.... Yeah yeah... That's what I thought that moment... Until she asked Ishana to give that damn phone to me...

"Omkara... Gauri... She wants to talk to you" Ishana said...

"Me?? Why??" I couldn't help but ask... I mean... Why she wants to talk to me?

"Take it naa... Please..." Ishana whispered giving the cell phone to me.

"Hello..." I said...

" I heard you proposed Ishana for wedding... Congratulations... I can't wait to come to your wedding" a tender voice from the other side of the call told me...

"Thank you... I hope to see my girlfriend's bestfriend too... " I said. Honestly I'm not good with sweet talking anyways... It always seems so awkward.

"Oh really... I hope you won't get scared after meeting me... *Chuckled*" she said... Making me awkward again... Why would I get scared of her... Talk about Weird sense of humour...

"Hahaha... You're really funny..." I tried to fake a laughter... I really wanted to cut the call to be honest... She was giving me some odd vibes.

"Am I? Well... I do plan on making you cry...." Yeah you guys read it correct... That's what she told me over the phone...

"Sorry??" I thought I didn't hear her.... What on earth she was saying to a man she never even met...?

"I mean... I'll crack so many jokes... You'll end up crying because of laughter..." She explained what she meant. Not that I accepted that explanation...

"It was nice talking to you Omkara... Can't wait to see you face to face..." she said before abruptly cutting the call. I confusedly looked at my girlfriend trying to read the situation.

"I think she doesn't like me" I said before she could ask about our first conversation. She chuckled before taking her phone back.

"What are you saying silly... She doesn't know you yet... Don't worry she's a nice girl... Just have a little dark humour..." Ishana said before converting her focus back to the Italian cuisine.

"She really doesn't like me... I can feel it... But... Who cares... She's just a friend... Her opinion really doesn't matter" I told myself before shifting my focus to the meal as well...


Looooongggggg time no see

I know it's been so long that I don't deserve any forgiveness... But this new bride was writing her own love  story during this off time... Now I'm not Miss Writer anymore... 😂

So enjoy this first chappy until I give you the ending of other ones...

Sorry a trillion times...

I did miss you all. 

Love... KHUSHI ❤️

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