Butt Tattoo~ Gratsu

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This is a request from Thecrimsonscarf! And don't worry, you're not the only perv here~! Enjoy!

Natsu's pov🔥

"Thank you for coming, have a nice day Dragneel-san!" The artist said as she waved at me. I waved back, yelling "Thanks" as I ran away from the shop in embarrassment.

I just got a tattoo. On my a**. That says Gray's name...

Why did I do this again? Oh right, because I lost a bet with Happy...

I face-palmed as I reminisced that moment with a huge blush on my face.


"Hey Natsu! I challenge you to something!" Happy suddenly exclaimed into the house. I grinned and jumped up.

"Yosh! I'm all fired up! What are we suppose to do Happy?!" I said as I jogged up to my little blue partner.

"Natsu, I challenge you to a race! Whoever loses gets to do what the winner tells them to do!" The neko grinned mischievously. Me being the idiot I was, accepted the challenge, not knowing the stakes.


As you can see, I obviously lost because that little jerk cheated by using his max speed. I didn't even know we were allowed to use magic!!!

Anyways, now I have a butt tattoo with the name "Gray Fullbuster's B**ch" written in cursive writing on my right cheek. F**k.

"Hopefully, this wouldn't show when we get to the mission..." I whispered as I walked home to pack up my things.

Once I was finished, I headed to the gates of hell (the train station) and saw the rest of the team waiting for me along with a smug looking Happy. I glared at his puny little face before walking up to Erza.

"So, what are we suppose to do?" I asked. Erza then explained the mission and how it would take about three days to complete.

We got onto the train and I immediately turned green on the face while holding in my lunch. Erza offered to knock me out, but I just decided to sit in another booth.

I can't be with my crush now that I have his name on my a**! What will he even think?! Or say?!? I groaned and tried sleeping on the seat.

After a few hours, I was abruptly woken up by the same sexy ice mage who now apparently owns my a**.

"Oi flame brain, wake up already, we're suppose to get off the train ten minutes ago." He spoke with a glare before stalking off the train. I blushed at how husky his voice sounded before sighing and getting my stuff.

Once I got off, I was met with impatient faces and turned away so I wouldn't meet their glares, especially Erza's...

"Come on already! It's bad enough that the train delayed us one hour, now we're fifteen minutes more late!" Lucy whined before stomping away from us. Erza sighed and gave me one last glare before following her girlfriend.

I shivered and followed behind the group with guilt. Dammit, I can't focus with the fact that I have my crush's name on my butt!

"What's wrong Natsu~? Looks like somethings on your mind~? Or more like, your booty~? Nyahahahaha!!" Happy taunted before flying away so I couldn't grab him. I growled and closed my eyes in frustration...

Before bumping into a cold, hard chest. I looked up and saw Gray giving me a strange look. I jumped back and put my hands up.

"W-What?! You wanna f-fight?!?!" I stuttered, causing his face to look more confused.

"Never mind..." I heard him mutter before continuing to walk ahead.


The mission was now completed and we finally were able to get some rest.

"Alright, now that we still have two days in the hotel, how about we get cleaned up? Natsu, Gray, go to the men's wash room and shower yourselves. You stink like pigs." Erza said before grabbing our collars and throwing us in before any of us could reply.

"...Would you mind getting off?" I heard a voice come from under me. I immediately got off and turned around so he wouldn't see the tomato I am.

"What's with you lately? You can't even look in my direction with that idiotic gaze of yours." He sneered, causing me to flip him off.

"W-Whatever, just hurry up and get ready. I don't wanna get my a** kicked by Erza just cause you were too slow." I said as I stormed off.

I looked around the changing room for a locker far away from Gray's and ended up getting one in a corner. I quickly stripped down and put the towel on my waist before anyone could see my lower area.

Once I walked into the bathing room, I immediately saw the ice princess leaning on the inside of one of the hot, steaming baths.

I took the chance to slowly sneak past him, only to realize that all of the other baths were taken or full.

"Dammit..." I grumbled under my breath and walked back to where Gray was.

I took the liberty of slipping into the tub without disturbing him, only to fail as my foot slipped off the step and ended up with me splashing his resting face.

"Can't you do anything right flame brain?" He snarled before freezing the small part of water that I landed in. I shivered as the ice froze all the way to my hips, rendering my legs useless.

"OI! S-STOP IT, IT'S C-COLD!" I stuttered. He ignored my response and continued to lay there like the king he thinks he is.

I growled as I burst into fire, melting the ice, and pouncing onto the idiot ice mage.

We started to wrestle each other, not noticing the other men walking by us. Once we stopped, we noticed the time to see that it was already late at night and people should be sleeping by now. Good thing that this room is a 24 hour hot spring.

"Look what you did flame head! Now we're late and the girls probably locked us out of the room by now!" Gray yelled as he pushed me away, making me hit the ceramic side of the tub. I held in a yelp as I nearly bended backwards.

"Well it's not my fault that you decided to turn me into a popsicle, Popsicle!" We spent another hour yelling at each other until we were out of insults.

"Whatever, I'm going to ask if we can get another room key." I mumbled before stepping out of the tub.

"Oi, 'b***h', you forgot something." I heard him say. I turned around in horror to see him holding up my towel with a smirk. I looked down to see my lower part completely exposed with a blush.

He saw it! He saw my a**! He saw the f**king tattoo!

"So that's why you were acting so weird today. I just thought that you've somehow gotten even more stupider during the mission." He said before stepping out of the hot spring.

"You know, I can actually use this to my advantage and tell the whole guild that you admit submission to me~!" He teased.

"U-Urusai! J-Jokes on you! I actually like it on my butt so you can go ahead and tell the whole world about it!" I stuttered and turned away, only to realize that I just technically blurted out my feelings for him.

"Why would I do that..." He started off as he used my towel to wrap around my waist and pull me closer.

"When there's whole other people trying to steal what's mine." He huskily whispered into my ear. I blushed even harder than before and tried pushing him away, only for him to grope my a** cheek.

"Ngh! W-Who ever said I was yours?!" I exclaimed, only to be cut off by a heated kiss.

"You did." He stated once we parted, only to lean back down again to capture my lips. I kissed back with as much passion before actually submitting to his touches.

I felt something rising and poking my inner thigh, causing me to rub my thighs together around his member. I could feel his smirk as he clawed my hips, making me moan even more.

"Ngh! Haah~ s-stop it..." I moaned as he starts trailing kisses down to my neck and to my chest before pushing me down onto the floor.

"Now then," He looks down onto my embarrassed form with a sexy rape face,

"Let's see if that tattoo really lives up to its name~!"


Finally!!! I updated!!! Only a few more one shot requests to go!!! YAY!!!

Sorry I changed up the request a little bit, I thought you said to have Gray find out and then have a very intense love making session. Also, I didn't have time to do the smut so sorry I had to end it off there.

Until then💕

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