Christmas Special pt. 2~ Implied Gratsu/Everyone x Natsu

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I forgot I had a request for Christmas, dang it... Requested by crystaldragon02! Sorry I nearly missed your request, I only post one chapter every time I update but I tried to squeeze this in. Enjoy my cringy one shot!

PS. This was the only song I could think of at the moment, sorry...

"All right minna! It's time for karaoke!" Mirajane announced. People were already lining up to sing their hearts out as others brought out their phones or recording devices.

"Woohoo! Good luck guys!" Natsu cheered as he continued eating his holiday dinner. He and Happy were busy celebrating their Christmas together with everyone they knew since it was the first time all the guilds got together again.

He watched as some people performed really well or completely embarrassed themselves. Overall, it was a pretty joyful event.

"Ne, Natsu." Said Happy. Natsu looked down at his partner and hummed.

"Do you think you can sing up there?" Natsu shrugged and swallowed his food.

"I don't know, I've never done it before." He replied.

"Eh?! That's not good! At least everyone in Fairy Tail has karaoked more than once!" Happy said. Natsu merely shrugged and continued looking at the stage. Happy pouted and put down his fish before flying to Mira.

"Mira! Natsu says he never karaoked before! Can you put his turn next?" Happy asked. Mira, caught by surprise, nodded and quickly imputed Natsu's name into the list.

"Since he is one of the last few people, he will be singing this song along with some other members." Mira said as she pointed at a specific track. Happy nodded and flew back to his table.

"Good news Natsu! I signed you up!" Happy cheered. Natsu smiled and patted his friend on the back.

"Aw, thanks Happy! Though you didn't need to do that." Natsu replied. Happy responded by shaking his head sideways.

"No way. If I hadn't signed you up, you probably would have never had a turn. Now is your chance to shine, however you will be singing with other people." Happy said.

"Oh, well okay! At least I don't have to embarrass myself all alone, hehe!" Natsu smiled. Happy cheered as they both waited for Natsu's turn.


"Alright minna! We're down to our final contestants! However, since these people decided to join last minute, they will be doing a sort of acapella with the song Little Drummer Boy!" Mirajane announced. Everyone laughed as the ones who are supposed to be performing cringed, except Natsu. 

"Now I will be calling the performers!" Mira continued. Everyone waited in suspense as she looked at the list.

"Gajeel Redfox, Orga Nanagear, Wendy Marvell, Kagura Mikazuchi, and... Natsu Dragneel!" Everyone laughed while some whispered in confusion.

"Eh? Natsu is singing?" Lucy asked. Erza responded with a confused shrug. The fact that Natsu was singing caught everyone's attention, even the most handsome guys in the area.

As the five walked their way up the stage, Natsu was forced to stand in the front while the girls stood by his side and the men went to the back.

Some people started snickering as they saw that Natsu had been grouped with two of the worst singers in all of the guilds. Natsu, oblivious to the snickers, turned around and shyly smiled.

"I don't know how karaoke or acapella works so can one of you give me a short explanation?" He asked. Kagura volunteered and explained everything there is to know about the two.

"There is just one thing, I cannot sing and I believe no one wants to hear those two in the back. So you and Wendy-chan may have to carry out the entire song..." Kagura admitted. Wendy and Natsu glanced at each other before they smiled.

"Okay Kagura-san! Natsu-san and I can handle it! But we still need something for you guys to do..." Wendy said. Natsu put on his thinking face before he beamed.

"Gajeel, Orga! Come here!" Natsu said. The three were whispering to each other as the girls sweat dropped at their sudden behavior.

"Okay! We're ready!" Natsu said. Mirajane gave a thumbs up before heading to the track.

"Kagura, Wendy and I will take care of all the singing. All you need to do is follow our vocals and harmonize with us. You don't have to sing if you don't want to." Natsu reassured. Kagura nodded and went to her place.

"Okay guys, you're on!" Mirajane yelled. Everyone settled down. They waited and were surprised to see Gajeel and Orga starting to beatbox.


"Come they told me,
A new born King to see,
Our finest gifts we bring,


"To lay before the king,



"So to honor him,
When we come"

Everyone: (X4)

"Little baby,
I am a poor boy too,

"I have no gift to bring,
That's fit to give our King,

"Shall I play for you,
Mary nodded,
The ox and lamb kept time,

"I played my drum for Him,
I played my best for Him,

"Then He smiled at me,
Me and my drum,
Pa-rum-pum-pum (X2)
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh"

"Come they told me,
A new born King to see,
Me and my drum (X4)

Everyone sat, jaw-dropped at the most unexpected, beautiful performance they've ever seen.

Natsu's voice, along with the group's melody, had captured their hearts and now all they wanted to do was listen to them play all day.

"T-Thank you!" Natsu squeaked into the microphone as he quickly jumped off the stage and walked to his partner...

Only to get tackled by huge number of fans.

"NATSU!!! YOU WERE AMAZING!!!" Everyone yelled as they tried pulling Natsu into the crowd.

Natsu screamed in horror as some tried to pull on his clothes, making them start to rip. Out of panic, he set himself on fire and escaped to the outside before anyone can put him out.

Once he ran out into the snow, he fell onto his knees to try and catch his breath. He nearly jumped when he felt a large hand suddenly clasp onto his shoulder.

"You okay flame brain?" A certain ice mage's voice said. Natsu looked up in relief to see his rival standing in front of him.

"Oh my gosh, thank goodness it's you Gray! I thought you were another crazy fan..." Natsu sighed as he tried to stand up.

He looked down to see that most of his sweater was torn and his pants were barely keeping themselves up on his slim waist.

Gray had to fight back a blush. After witnessing Natsu's singing performance, his mind began to wonder what other sounds he can make. Most preferably his moans.

Gray sighed at his dirty-mindedness and quickly stripped off his coat. He wrapped it around Natsu's smaller body and made sure it didn't fully cover him.

"Come on, let's get you out of this weather, I can see you shivering even with the coat on." Gray said. He wrapped his arms around Natsu to provide more warmth, which caused Natsu's cheeks to heat up.

"O-Okay..." And so they went.

The End!


Wow, another Christmas special. That's new. Anyways, Merry Christmas again!

Until Next Year! 💕

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