Clinginess~ Gratsu

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Gray's Guide on How to Get Your Lover to Hug You❣

#1. Take Advantage of the Height Difference

"Gray! Give me back my scarf!" Natsu whined as he tried reaching for his precious scarf. Gray snickered as he stretched his arm even higher.

Natsu tried jumping in hopes to even get a touch on the familiar soft fabric. So far, no avail...

He tried putting his other arm on Gray's shoulder to try getting him down. Didn't work...

Natsu's last resort was trying to climb Gray. He wrapped his right leg over Gray's calf and hoisted himself up. He did the same with the other leg and cried in victory when he managed to snag his scarf back.

However, his moments of glory were interrupted when he squealed as Gray wrapped both of his arms around his waist.

"You're too cute, you little fire ball." Gray said as he brought Natsu down for a kiss. Natsu blushed and wrapped his scarf around the both of their necks.

"Shut up, snowflake..." Natsu whispered before wrapping his arms around Gray's shoulders.

#2. Watch a Scary Movie (or an emotional one if your up for it)

"No, no! Don't go into the basement! Don't go into the---EEEEP!!!" Natsu buries his face into Gray's chest as Gray wraps his arms around Natsu's smaller body.

"Natsu, it's just a movie." Gray reassured as he ran his fingers through his pink hair. Natsu looked up at Gray with teary eyes and a blushing face.

"Gray, hold me..." Gray didn't need to be asked twice.

#3. Cook Behind their Back

Gray was flipping pancakes in just only an apron and some pants, showing his muscular build.

He was about to set up the plates until he felt slim arms wrap around his abdomen as well as a chin resting on his upper back.

"Well good morning to you too. Hungry?" Gray asks and on cue, Natsu's stomach grumbles.

"I smell food. I want food Gway~!" Natsu mumbles as his grip on Gray's upper body tightens.

"Yeah, yeah. Coming right up." Gray grumbles. Natsu let go of his boyfriend, but took a hold of his chin and gave him a good morning kiss on the lips before turning to the table.

Gray ends up blushing with a smirk for the rest of the morning.

#4. Let Them Wear Your Clothes

"Natsu? Natsu, what are you doing?" Gray asks. He hears his boyfriend's squeals coming from the bathroom.

The door finally opens, only to reveal the most beautiful sight Gray has ever seen.

Natsu wearing his shirt. It was very big that one side was slipping off of his shoulders and it was long enough to reach up to his thighs.

For an even better view, Natsu was also wearing his briefs, teasing Gray with even more tanned, delicious looking skin waiting to be marked.

"Sorry Gray, I had nothing else to wear and I kind of wanted to try your shirt. I'll take it off if you'd like." Natsu said with a soft smile as he turned back to the bathroom, only to be pulled back by the waist.

"No, keep it on. It looks good on you." Gray said. Natsu brightened up and turned around to give Gray a bear hug. He gives him a passionate kiss and drags him to the next room for some more cuddling.

Gray couldn't help but smile.

#5. Pretend to be Sick (or in Gray's case, actually get sick)

Gray let out a cough, catching Natsu's attention.

"Gray! Are you okay?" Natsu said as he stopped what he was doing and immediately ran to his lover. Gray nodded and sniffled.

"I-I'm fine Natsu. I think I caught the flu though, damn Lyon for making me catch his stupid disease..." Gray grumbled as he let out another cough.

Natsu noticed that his knees were shaking and grabbed one of Gray's arms, putting it around his shoulders and held onto his waist.

"What are you doing babe?" Gray asked as Natsu began guiding him to the bedroom.

"You are obviously not feeling well and plus, you're shaking. You need rest, let me take care of you." Natsu softly spoke as he pressed a kiss onto Gray's cheek. Gray was shocked at Natsu's gentle tone but let him continue what he was doing.

Once Natsu put Gray to bed, he left the room to get some medicines and a wet towel bowl. When he came back, he saw Gray all snuggled up in his bed sheets. Natsu let out an adoring smile and continued with his preparations.

After he put the wet towel onto Gray's forehead, he gave him one more kiss before whispering "I love you."

But before he could exit out the room, Gray grabbed ahold of Natsu's vest, tugging him into his embrace.

"Stay with me, please?" Gray whispered before wrapping his arms around Natsu's waist. Natsu merely nodded and snuggled into Gray's chest with a smile.

#6. Just Relax and Spend Some Time Together on the Couch

Gray and Natsu were found cuddling each other on their couch as they decided to finally take a break from all the guild nonsense.

They were watching one of those cheesy romantic movies because they felt like it. Also, it was kind of recommended by many people.

When the two people in the screen decided to seal their promise with a kiss, Natsu turned to Gray and spoke.

"Gray?" He started. Gray looked down to his side to see a worried gaze directed at him.

"What is it Natsu, is something wrong?" Gray asked, no longer paying attention to the movie. Natsu bit his bottom lip bashfully before looking up with doe eyes.

"We'll always be together right?" He shyly asked before blushing. Gray smiled at his lover's words before leaning his forehead onto the other's.

"Forever and always." He promised as he and Natsu sealed their promise with a kiss, followed by a hug.

#7. Comfort Them on Their Time of Need

Gray wrapped his arms around Natsu as the said pink haired boy was crying against his mate.

Today was the anniversary of Igneel's death and Natsu never exactly got over it after all these years.

"He's gone Gray, he's still gone..." Natsu whimpered as he held onto Gray even tighter. Gray rocked the both of them back and forth, comforting the pinkette with sweet words he'd never say to anyone else but his love.

"I know baby, I know. We'll get through this together." He said, bringing some relief and warmth into Natsu's broken heart. Gray smiled knowing that he was fixing Natsu's heart and held him even tighter to comfort his own.

The couple spent the rest of the day in that position, holding each other close and no one would ever be able to break them apart.

#8. Get Them Jealous

Natsu growled as he saw Juvia try to get Gray's attention once again. He knew he could trust Gray with all his heart, but it's always the love rival he's worried about.

There's no telling what Juvia would have thought next trying to steal Gray away from him. Even after explaining the entire process of mates, Juvia still refuses to believe that Natsu and Gray are true lovers.

Natsu could usually handle his urge to throw her in a ditch, but all that resolve was broken immediately when he saw what happened next.

Witnessing Juvia's little victory on managing to steal a kiss from a disturbed Gray while he was not looking, Natsu flipped the table and ran towards the two mages.

He almost viciously tore the poor girl off of him and pushed her away from them, grabbing Gray's neck and giving him the most possessive kiss that would have sent Gray to immediate heaven.

After Gray noticed what was happening, he gladly grabbed his mate and pulled him onto his lap, kissing him back with the same amount of possessiveness.

Natsu nearly submitted to his lover before realizing that they were still in the guild and Natsu just practically blew his fuse in front of everyone.

Natsu broke the kiss in embarrassment before hiding his face into Gray's bare chest as he tried to ignore Gray's and everyone else's laughs and cat calls.

'Mine.' Was his last thought before he snuggled into Gray's chest with the smell of his scent, making all the embarrassment worth it.

#9. F**k Them as Hard as You Can

"G-Gray~!" Natsu moaned as he felt Gray literally pound him into the bed. They were both panting but they had more than enough stamina to last all night. Well, Gray did at least.

Natsu felt extreme pleasure coursing through his body as Gray kept thrusting into that one spot.

Natsu held onto Gray's back tight, leaving scratch marks all over as Gray sucked on his neck.

Gray always made such powerful thrusts so Natsu always needs to hold onto something when he's on the receiving end.

"N-Natsu, I-I'm about to..." Gray whispered as his thrusts became even harder and faster.

"G-Gray!!!" Natsu screamed as he held onto his mate even tighter, his legs already feeling numb.

Natsu came hard as his prostate was abused, followed by the ice mage as he let out one more powerful thrust and came inside of the poor pinkette's hole, moaning out his lover's name.

Gray slowly pulled out and they laid down, breathless and panting together.

"Hah, hah..." They began catching their breaths as they turned to each other, giving tired smiles.

"You know I love you right?" Gray whispered. Natsu smiled and gave Gray a tired kiss before snuggling into his side.

Gray wrapped his arms around Natsu in a protective embrace, bringing their bodies close together as they both fell asleep into sweet bliss.

#10. Surprise Them!

Gray and Natsu were walking hand-and-hand over a beautiful beach side with the most perfect view of the sunset.

They have officially been together for more than seven years and it's about time they decided to make it official.

"Gray, thanks for the lovely date. Out of all the ones you've taken me on, this is the best!" Natsu exclaimed, giving Gray that adorable grin he loved so much.

"Well, wait for a little bit, it gets even better." Gray said. He then covered his lover's eyes, facing him in the direction of the beach.

"Look." Gray said as he uncovered Natsu's eyes, showing him the most beautiful sunset.

"Wow! Gray, it's amazing!" Natsu said as he gazed in awe of how beautiful the sunset is.

"Yeah, but this sunset is even more special than the rest." Gray said.

"How so?" Natsu questioned as he turned around, only to be shocked at what Gray was doing.

Gray was on one of his knees, holding a little box out with a gorgeous band of silver inside. On top of the ring was a small diamond that looked to be like a combination of fire and ice.

Natsu was speechless as Gray finally uttered the four words...

"Will you marry me?"

Gray didn't even get a chance to stand up as Natsu tackled him to the ground, repeating yes multiple times with tears streaming down his face.

Gray chuckled at his fiancé's reaction and slipped the ring onto Natsu's finger, earning him a passionate kiss and a sweet, loving hug from the fire mage.

And That Is How You Get Your Lover To Hug You❣❣❣

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I was bored... Anyways, yay! Two chapters in one day!

Wow, this feels like an accomplishment. I am so proud of me.

Until then💕

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