Happy's Money Making Service!~ Gratsu

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Sorry CloudKitti, your request was over a few months late and I just reread all the comments a few days ago. So to make up for it, I decided to do yours now and before any others since I was planning to from the start. Enjoy!

Warning: contains major amount of fluff!

Happy's pov😺

Huehuehue~! So far, I am a huge success right now! I was able to build up to 2,000,000 jewels this week! If this keeps going, I may have enough to buy a life time supply of fish!!!

I heard footsteps and flew into the nearest tree. I saw the two products that kept my business running and quietly chuckled. I got out my camera and began to take pictures of Natsu and Gray's date!

I learned to hide my presence from very sensitive people like dragon slayers over the year when Natsu and I were training. This really came in handy! Now I am ninja!

I saw Gray leaning in for a kiss to a blushing Natsu and got it just in time when Natsu decided to just give him a quick peck. I know that it's wrong to take advantage of my best friend's relationship and sell merchandise of those two behind their backs but hey, you people really seem to like fan service and would do just about anything to get even a tiny glimpse of your favorite ship or whatever.

I'm just simply helping you guys out and just earning a few extra cash as a side bonus! So all in all, you guys should thank me! Here! Something that is free!

It's a nice pic of Natsu, isn't it? Hehe! Oh! Gray has currently trapped Natsu against the tree I'm in and they're in a really heated make out! I have the most perfect view!


Now this will make some exclusive stuff for both my business and Sorcerer's Weekly! Honestly, Jason really needs to hire me. I can even get a smutty pic if you guys want.

Natsu's pov🔥

Okay, this has gone completely weird over the past few months! I've been feeling this creepy vibe that someone has been stalking us and keep hearing clicking/snapping sounds nearly everywhere Gray and I go when he want some alone time together and for once, it's not Juvia!!!!!

Gray began to rub his knee against my crotch and I unconsciously let out a moan.



I gently pushed him away before catching my breath since he literally took it away.

"What's wrong? You never cut off our kisses unless something bad is about to happen." He said. My knees nearly trembled at his sexy and husky voice, but I stood my ground.

"Gray, does it feel as if we're being watched every time we try to do something intimate with each other?" I asked. He let out a sigh and rested his head on mine.

"Oh thank god, I'm not the only one. I actually thought I was going crazy for a while until I just took it as one of my imaginations..." He replied.

"Yeah. Also, I've been hearing camera noises once in a while and they mostly come when we're, you know, k-kissing and hugging each other?..." I whispered the last part out as I buried my red face into his chest. Man, that was embarrassing to say...

"Well, if I am correct, I'd say we have a stalker following us and since this person is not actually really disturbing, we know it's not Juvia." He replied. I smiled at the little humor he put into the conversation and gave him another kiss on the cheek.


An irk mark was starting to form on my head and the next thing I knew, Gray is freezing me with his devil ice.

"W-What the heck you i-ice princess?!" I stuttered as I began to shiver. Usually the cold wouldn't affect me but he could for some reason. He sighed and unfroze his ice before hugging me. I cuddled into his ironically warm skin and gave him a glare.

"What's your problem? I didn't do anything!" I pouted as he stared me down with a disbelieving look.

"Are you kidding me? Did you really not notice that you were letting off flames while you were kissing me? The tree that was just behind you is now a pile of ash." He said in a as-a-matter-of-fact tone. To even prove his point, he turned my head to the pile of ash that was just a few feet away from me with a burnt stump in the middle of it...

"Oh..." was all I can say.

"Now, back to the point, you said something about camera noises right?" He continued. I nodded and he had his thinking look on (which in all honesty looks really handsome on him) before coming to an idea.

"Well, if you can hear it with your dragon senses, why can't you just follow the noise and find out where it's coming from? Surely the stalker would be having the camera in their hands so it would lead us straight towards them." He concluded.

Huh, I guess I never really thought of that. Damn him for getting such good ideas. I was busy mentally arguing with the fact that Gray was smarter than me when the thought finally popped into me head.

"Wait, I just realized. I don't even smell anyone near us so the person taking pictures must be someone who knows what they're doing. It's not some amateur or an idiot who just likes to stalk people, we may be dealing with some kind of criminal!" I pointed out.

"*sigh* Natsu, think about it. Why would someone be doing this sort of thing if they are out to get us? Especially if it's when we're together instead of when we are separate?" He said. I glared at him with a pout.

"To maybe interrupt us on purpose so they can take us out while we're angry?" I replied. He just chuckled and gave me another kiss.

*snap* *rustle*

I turned my head to the origin of the sounds and saw a few leaves fall from a nearby tree.

"Gray! There!" I yelled as I ran towards the tree with him following me. When we arrived, it seemed that we were to late...

Third Person's pov

'THAT WAS CLOSE!!' Happy thought as he escaped from his near encounter with his partner. He thought it was bad enough that Natsu nearly burned him to death and now, his identity was nearly exposed.

Meanwhile, Natsu was busy raging about the fact that he let the culprit get away.

"God Dammit!!! How does this guy get away!?!? It shouldn't take a fully grown person to disappear in a few seconds!! AAAAARRRRRGGHHHH!!!" While Natsu was angrily yelling to his heart's content, Gray couldn't help but think about what he just saw.

'What was that flash of blue? It seemed so small and fast that I couldn't see it clearly...' And with Gray's final thought, he shook his head and went to calm down his pink headed lover from exploding so they can continue their search.

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Natsu's pov🔥

That bastard managed to get away from me but soon, I will catch them! I arrived at home and quickly went in, only to be greeted by a panting exceed.

"Oh hey Happy! What happened?" I asked. He flinched and looked up with nervous eyes before stuttering out his excuse.

"O-Oh, hey Natsu! I-I was just, uh, r-rushing to the nearest fish store and back since it was getting pretty late a-and the fish would spoil!" He said pretty quickly. I nodded slowly, wondering why he was so nervous and went to bed.

"Ok! If something is wrong, you can always tell me buddy! Well, goodnight!" I said.

"O-Ok Natsu! Goodnight!" He replied and went into his room. Before he closed the door, I noticed that he was holding something shiny in his hand.

'Eh, probably his fish or whatever. Sweet dreams, here I come!'

Next Day

When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was that Happy wasn't home. That was weird since he was always found in the kitchen making some fish for breakfast.

I entered his room to check if he was really not home and I found his room empty. Honestly, where could that cat have gone?

I dismissed the fact and assumed that he was probably with Carla. I chuckled at the thought of my cat being desperate enough to try and woo the poor exceed early in the morning and probably wake Wendy in the process.

When I turned around to head out the door, I accidentally knocked down a box that was laying on his little table and saw some contents spill out. The first thing I saw shocked me so hard.

It was a poster with Gray and I cuddling in bed, both NAKED, under the blanket with the word "Gratsu" in bolded cursive!!

I stepped back in shock and slipped on another item, which was a photo, and blushed heavily. In this picture, Gray and I were in the middle of a make out session with me trapped against the wall in nothing but his shirt and with him groping my a** in only his pants!!!

I glanced to the side to see a familiar moment. It was on a small, fluffy pillow, also entitled "Gratsu" and it was when Gray and I were kissing under a tree. Wasn't this just yesterday?!?!?

My face literally burned to the point where I was embarrassed so bad, I accidentally set Happy's blanket on fire.

I couldn't take any more of this so I grabbed a couple of pictures, THAT WERE NOT M-RATED, and marched towards the guild.

Happy's pov😺

I was so exhausted. I spent all night working on my newest products and didn't catch enough sleep. I had to escape the house before Natsu got any suspicious on why I was very tired.

When I got to the guild, I was so tired that I ignored the "good mornings" from all the guild mates and even the comment from Carla on why I look like a zombie cat. I just went straight to the table and laid down on it as if it were a bed made of clouds.

"Happy, daijoubu? You don't seem okay. Has Natsu been keeping you up again from all his snoring?" Lucy asked concerned before she deadpanned in the end.

"Iie, I'm okay. As for Natsu, he stopped snoring so he hasn't been keeping me up anymore. But... let's just say that it was something like that..." I replied before resting my head on the table.

Lucy gently rubbed my back and was about to say something until the doors burst open and revealed Natsu blushing like a tomato with a few pieces of paper in his hands. My eyes widened in realization and I was about to fly away but Natsu beat me to it thanks to my lack of energy.

"HAPPY, WHAT THE F*** IS THIS?!?!?!" He yelled as he threw the photos onto the table. Lucy looked at them before blushing heavily and passing out from a nosebleed.

"OMG, HOT!!!!" She exclaimed which caught the attention from all the guild mates. Soon, everyone gathered at our table only to pass out from nosebleeds as they looked upon the pictures displayed.

"WHAT THE?! HAPPY, THIS WAS YOU?!?!" Gray yelled as he grabbed one photo and blushed at the intimacy he and Natsu were in in the photo.

"Happy~ you got a lot of explaining to do.~" Natsu said sweetly as he lit his fist on fire.

Gray calmed down from his blush and secretly tucked the photo away in his pocket before cracking his knuckles and glaring at me.

"Um, i-is it too late to say I-I'm sorry?"

The next thing I knew, I was surrounded by ice and fire and ended up in the hospital for a few days with burns and frostbite.

Even worse, Natsu and Gray are not even finished with their punishment towards me yet!

Someone help me!!!


Awe, poor Happy. I apologize that this one shot was very late and that I haven't been updating. I also nearly lost inspiration for this book until I read other fanfics from you guys.

Man, you guys are so good at writing that it's not fair for me to write on wattpad.... T^T

Anyways, I still have my inspiration so don't think I'm quitting or deleting this book any time soon.

However, I must warn you all. There is a chance that I may complete and end this book in a few more chapters. It's not that I hate writing or I don't appreciate your comments/votes or anything, it's just that now that I am moving on to highschool in a few months since I don't have much school days left and summer vacation is VERY near now, I found out that I probably won't even have much time for wattpad.

I already saw how the freshman schedules would look and plus, I'm going to the most competitive highschool in all of the island.

I will still try and update even when I have so much work to do but I'm just warning you that there is a chance I will complete this book early. So please don't expect much updates from now on.

I'm sorry but at least I won't quit wattpad... I think? Just saying.

Until then...💕

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