Long Time No See, Love~ Gratsu

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Request from YaoiAnimAzing555!!! Yay!

Gray's pov ❄

I stare outside the window as I saw the sakura petals fall from the cherry blossom trees. They remind me of a certain cute, fiery little flame head who always seems to be the exact definition of summer.

It's been years since I've seen him. Every single day, I think about him during my free time. I just can't get him out of my head.

That boy's name is Natsu Dragneel. He was my best friend and you can kinda say my first love. He still is actually.

I always remember the times we used to had, even though most of it involved fighting and competing against each other.

Stupid right? How did I even fall in love with someone who was once my rival?

I just wish he would come back...

"Attention class, there's some very important news that needs to be addressed." Clive-sensei said.

We all paid attention to the front of the class where he was looking at the door expectedly.

"Come on in, don't be shy!" Clive-sensei grinned. All of a sudden, a tuft of pink peaked through the door and I almost yelled as I saw familiar green eyes glance everywhere before landing on me and widening.

"G-Gray?" A small whisper was said before the new student suddenly let out a huge grin and bowed.

"Konnichiwa! My name is Natsu Dragneel! I hope we can get along through the entire school year!" Natsu smiled, making literally the entire class awe and blush at him.

"Wow! Looks like we got some spirit in the school! Well, welcome to Fairy Tail High, Natsu! Your seat is right next to Gray. Fullbuster, please raise your hand." Clive-sensei instructed and I wasted no time doing so.

Natsu's expression seemed brighter, and with pink cheeks, he nearly skipped towards the desk next to me and quickly sat down before soon passing me a note.

'GRAY!!! OMG, I can't believe you're here!!!!'

I silently chuckled, seeing his enthusiasm in the small little paper, and quickly wrote back.

'Me neither! I thought you moved away permanently!'

'Well, turns out that my older brother recently got a new job here, and with dad gone, I was officially moved into his custody. So, I had to move back! I can't believe it's been years though! You've changed!!!'

I heard him quietly giggle at my amused expression and smiled.

"Ehem, Mr. Fullbuster, Mr. Dragneel, is there something the class should know about? I keep hearing giggling back there." He said with an annoyed look, though he also had a smirk.

"Nothing sensei, I was just teaching Natsu the basics of government." I replied. Clive-sensei nodded and went back to writing on the board.

I went back to writing my reply and passed the paper to him before the teacher would notice.

'Meet me after the period ends, we have A LOT to talk about.'

He nodded with an adorable smile and tucked the paper into his pocket. Meanwhile, I was glaring at the clock, hoping for it to go faster.


Once the bell rang, I wasted no time getting out of my seat and running over to Natsu to pull him up.

"Wait, wait! I didn't pack my stuff!" Natsu whined as he shoved all his things into his bag and allowed me to drag him out of class.

"Hah, hah, you know, you could've waited at least two minutes you a**..." Natsu panted as he leaned against the wall.

"I'm sorry but I just can't believe you're here! I thought I'd never get to see you again..." I replied as I suddenly gave him a hug.

He looked surprised before hugging back. He nuzzled my neck, an old habit of his, and I could feel his smile against my collarbone.

"Me too, I thought that after I moved, we'd cut ties and never see each other again. But here you are, still living in Fiore and coincidentally in my new school as well..." I heard him trail off before sniffling.

"Oi, don't cry you big baby. I'm never leaving and I sure as hell am never letting you go again too." I replied as I wiped a lone tear from his soft cheek.

He blushed and wiped all his tears before pouting. I felt an arrow go straight through my heart and covered my face to avoid making direct eye contact at the cuteness in front of me.

"Eh? Gray, you okay?" He asked as I felt his smaller hands gently touch my own.

'Holy crap, his hands are so soft!!!' I took a deep breath and showed my red face before slapping my hands around his own.

"You are too adorable you know that?" I admitted before backing away as I saw him blush and stutter before he looked the other way with stubborn eyes.

"A-Am not! You are!" He replied before realizing what he said and blushed a deeper red. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Aww, what a cute couple~!" A familiar voice said as Natsu and I turned to face the one and only scarlet haired woman...

"Erza!" "E-Erza!" We said in unison as he hugged each other on instinct. She chuckled before coming up to us and rubbing both our heads.

"You two never change." She said with a smile and Natsu grinned. I smirked before letting Natsu go.

"So it is true. I heard that Natsu was the new transfer student and wanted to find out for myself. I had to go to the ends of the school just to look in every corner of where you may be located." She explained with a glint in her eyes as we sweat dropped.

"E-Erza, I literally just transferred and I'm only a junior just like you guys." He said with an awkward smile. Erza shook her head in disagreement.

"That may be true but it has been how many years since you moved. For all I know, you could've skipped a grade or have been held back, most likely the latter." She stated and I stifled a laugh. Natsu pouted and stomped his foot.

"Hey! I'm not that stupid!" I smirked as I wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"So you admit that you're stupid?" I mockingly questioned and he pondered for a little before blushing again and making a grab at my head.

I dodged his upcoming arm and went behind Erza so that I could laugh. Even she was chuckling a little too.

"Okay, that is enough. Natsu, stop attacking Gray. I'm sure Zeref-san wouldn't like it if I had to send you to the principal's office on your first day of school." Erza said. I stuck my tongue out at him as he stopped in fear of what his brother might do.

"And you..." Erza then looked at me with a strict look on her face. I shivered behind her as she turned her body to face me.

"Stop teasing and provoking your fellow classmates. They deserve respect no matter who they are." She scolded me and walked away.

"Natsu." Natsu stood straight as Erza called out to him.

"Hai!" He responded. Erza faced him and smiled.

"I'll see you during lunch." She said. Natsu froze before grinning.

"Hai! See you Erza!" He replied happily. I silently smiled in the background as I saw the light radiate from him.

"So Gray?" He turned to me. I looked at him questionably.

"Can I see your schedule?! I want to know if we have any classes together!!!" He asked.

"Oh, I forgot!" I said as I pulled mine out of my binder and he pulled his out of his pocket.

We showed our schedules and thank the gods, we have all the same classes!

"Sugoi! I can't believe I'm in all your classes! Now we get to hang out even more!" Natsu squealed and jumped up and down.

"*sigh* Great, now I have to deal with your annoying a** every single day of my life again." I sarcastically replied. Natsu pouted again (💘) and hit me on the shoulder.

"Fine then! Guess I won't be sitting next to you for lunch!" Natsu then stomped away, leaving me in shock.

I didn't expect for him to actually fall for it!

"Oi flame brain! Come back here!" I soon chase after him. This adorable little idiot is going to be the death of me...

~♡~ (because I want to get to that part now)

The bell rang and lunch has officially started.

Natsu practically skipped beside me as we made our way to the cafeteria. Along the way, we've been getting looks from a lot of students directed at us, mostly Natsu.

I silently raged in fury as I saw hints of lust being directed at my Natsu.

"Eh? Gray? What's wrong?" Natsu asked. I gave him a fake smile and pulled him closer to me by the arm.

"Oh nothing, just greeting the other students," I replied, 'with a knife through their skull...'

Natsu, being the oblivious cotton ball, gave me an uncertain look before nodding and smiling all the way.

Once we entered the cafeteria, suddenly, everyone was silent. They stared at Natsu in awe as he hid behind me from all the creepy gazes pointed towards him.

"Alright." A sudden voice said behind us, causing everyone in the cafeteria, including us, to jump in fear.

"We recently just had a transfer student and I believe he would not be very comfortable being eye-raped by every student in the campus. So please keep your eyes on your food and your dirty thoughts to yourself." Erza scolded, releasing a dark aura.

Everyone went back to what they were doing, shivering from fear (and their erection from Natsu). Erza then faced us and smiled at Natsu.

"Natsu, follow us to our table. It's about time you meet everyone else." She said as she and I grabbed Natsu's arms on both sides and carried him to our table as he weakly protested.

"O-Oi! Put me down!" He whined and did his signature pout, almost causing us to let go. Damn his cuteness...

"NATSU!!!" Everyone from our table shouted as they started to crowd around him.

"Minna!" He exclaimed back as he accepted all the hugs and cuddles from everyone.

'Fight it Gray, don't hurt them, they're just greeting Natsu...with physical contact...' A shadow past over my face and Natsu noticed.

"Ah! Excuse me guys! I gotta talk to Gray for a second!" He said and dragged me out of the doors and into a nearby restroom.

"Gray! What is with you?! You've been acting strange!" Natsu said as he crossed his arms. I sighed.

"I'm sorry, it's just...people were touching you and giving you lust-filled looks and I don't want you to end up in the wrong hands. Anyone's hands." I admitted. His look soften and his blush came back.

"B-Baka. I can handle myself just fine! I don't need you to protect me or anything!" He argued.

"Natsu, I'm not saying that you can't protect yourself, it's just that...well..." I couldn't spit out the words and become tongue tied.

He huffed and stormed out of the restroom. I groaned and splashed water on my face.

"Damn it..." I punched the wall and followed Natsu out the door.

Once I came back, I saw him sitting on the edge of the table looking grumpy.

"Hey, what did you and Natsu talk about?" Lucy asked. I shook my head sideways and she understood. I sat across him and he turned away from me.

"Natsu..." He didn't answer, he just began eating his lunch. I sighed and went back to my meal.

It wasn't until halfway through lunch that an incident happened and I nearly snapped.

"Um, excuse Natsu-san." A certain blonde tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

He turned around and saw the one and only Sting Eucliffe.

"Yes? May I help you?" He asked. Sting blushed and asked...

"Ano...will you go out with me?!" He asked. The whole cafeteria gasped and another student slammed the table as he stood up.

"No fair! I was going to ask him out!" Another student named Loke yelled out. Then, more students stood up and started complaining.

"No! I am!" "Natsu-chan deserves someone special, not a player!" "As if he'll go out with you!" "You expect him to go out with you?!" More students were now shouting upon each other about who's going to go out with Natsu and I couldn't take it anymore.

I slammed my hands on the table so hard, it nearly broke.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP! NO ONE IS TAKING NATSU OUT ON A DATE!" I yelled, making everyone quiet down and look at me.

"Gray..." Natsu whispered. I stood in front of him and blocked him out of everyone's vision.

"No one is taking Natsu away from me. It's either you sit your a**es down and whine about your business somewhere else or you will end up in a hospital, provided by me." I threatened, releasing a menacing aura that caused even Laxus to gulp.

"Gray! I told you that I didn't need you to help me!" Natsu said as he grabbed onto the back of my shirt.

"Natsu, stop. I already told you that I'm not letting you end up in anyone's arms, nor am I letting you leave my life again. I won't allow it." I replied.

He growled and stomped his foot in frustration.

"What! Then how about you fight me?!" He exclaimed. Not this again... I could hear our group groan as I sighed.

"Natsu, I will not fight you, you're being ridiculous." I said. He leaned up towards my face as he glared into my eyes.

"What? You think I can't handle a punch?!" He growled. I smirked and grabbed onto the back of his head.

"No, but can you handle this?" I sealed of his soft lips with a kiss and the cafeteria practically exploded.

The girls were squealing with endless nosebleeds as the guys were growling and shooting death glares towards me. I merely flicked them off.

Natsu grabbed ahold of my shirt and moaned. I wrapped my arms around his waist and brought him closer to me.

Once we separated, Natsu was panting with a huge blush while I smirked at his fatigue.

He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it and snuggled against my chest to hide his extremely red face.

"...you could've said you like me too, you baka..." He mumbled. All I did was laugh and kissed his head.


Holy shiz, I updated... Good Job me!

Oh, and by the way, I have a surprise for you guys.

The credit goes to gratsuforever since the original drawing was their idea and design. I just merely drew my own version of their drawing! Please don't hate, I tried my best...

This picture is the only one that belongs to me.

Thanks for waiting!

Until then💕


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