Meeting the Brother~ Lyon x Juvia & Gratsu

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Hi guys! BTW, I made Juvia and Natsu siblings because I got an idea that seemed really cute to me! Enjoy!

AU but still with magic :3


Third person's pov

"See ya Juvia, I'll miss you!" Lyon said as he kissed her on the cheek because she was going away for a while. Everyone else who was with them waved bye as she started to board the train.

"Good bye, Lyon-sama! See you too Gray-kun! Minna! Juvia will miss you guys! Don't worry, Juvia will be back soon!!" She said as she waved her friends and boyfriend goodbye.

As the train started moving, her friends started to cry because they don't know how long she will be gone.

"Think you can handle being away from her for a while?" Gray said as he patted his older brother's shoulder.

"I don't think so, but I can try for her." He said with a sad smile. Gray nodded and led him to their friends.

"Cheer up Lyon, we will all miss Juvia. Besides, I'm pretty sure that she will be back as quick as your ice magic can freeze." Lucy said as she held a napkin in her hand that she previously used to wipe her tears. Lyon nodded.

"Alright, let's go back to our school dorms now. It's gonna get late soon." Erza said. They all followed her as she leaded the way back to Magnolia High. (A/N: Yeah, I made all the guilds in Fairy Tail into one whole school.)

While they were walking, Lyon created a heart with his ice magic in less than two seconds and smiled.

'I'll be waiting for you, my love~'

-----------Time Skip-----------------------------------------------------------

Two Years Have Passed...

Lyon was busy playing on his computer when all of a sudden, a call for a video chat suddenly appeared on his screen. Lyon nearly jumped out of his skin since he had headphones on and the volume was a little above high. He clicked the answer button and a familiar face that appeared made his heart leap with joy.

"J-Juvia!!" He exclaimed but then quickly shut up because his little brother and sister, Ultear, were asleep and no one wants to get on their cranky side when they wake up. Especially Gray since he is a devil slayer and can literally freeze you to hell if possible.

"Hi Lyon-sama! Juvia misses you and apologizes for not contacting you ever since we first parted. Juvia has been busy over the years!" She said as she gave a small bow. Lyon only smiled and sighed.

"It's alright Juvia. I just got worried and wondered if you were ok over the last two years. I got scared, please don't ever do that to me again." Lyon pleaded as he went into a praying position with his hands together over his head.

"Teehee, iie. It's Juvia's fault. Gomen-nasai, please don't do that, it looks embarrassing for a strong man like you." She said with a giggle. Lyon only blushed.

"What's so embarrassing about a man caring about his woman who is over 1,000 miles away?! I AM TERRIFIED JUVIA!! I can't live without you! I miss your smile and everything!!" He whined. Juvia blushed at the confession.

"Lyon-sama! Y-you're embarrassing Juvia!!!" She exclaimed as she tried to hide her blushing red face behind her hands. Lyon only smirked.

"Juvia, who are you talking too?" An unknown voice said and Lyon got confused.

'Who the hell?' Lyon thought as a person came out of another room. It seemed to be a girl since she had salmon pink, shoulder length hair, big green eyes and a slender, but a bit muscular frame. She was also wearing nothing but a buttoned up white shirt that passed her thighs, showing her long legs. Lyon blushed at this girl's boldness for walking around in nothing but that.

"Oh, Natsu!!" Juvia exclaimed as she faced the person. 'Natsu' turned towards Juvia and walked towards her. She leaned down and saw that Juvia was talking to a guy.

"Who the f**k is this?!" Natsu suddenly exclaimed, scaring the s**t out of Lyon. Juvia started to panic.

"Natsu-nii, please stop!! Lyon isn't a bad guy! He's Juvia's boyfriend, the one Juvia has been talking about!!" She said as she tried to calm her sibling down. After Lyon's shock passed by, he finally interpreted the words he heard his girlfriend said.

"Natsu...nii?" He whispered, but Natsu seemed to hear it.

"Yeah, I'm her older brother, so what?" He said as he put his hands on his hips and glared. Lyon's eyes widened and began to sweat.

'H-He's a guy?!! Holy s**t, I legitimately thought he was a chick!!!" Lyon thought as he paled.

"W-wait, older brother? I didn't know you had a sibling, Juvia." Lyon said. Juvia sheepishly rubbed her neck.

"Hehe, gomen. Juvia thought it would be better if Lyon-sama didn't know about Juvia's family since Natsu is incredibly overprotective. He would probably scare you away if I told you about him..." She said. Natsu raised a brow.

"You never told him about me? Well then, I never thought my own sister would betray me like that...." Natsu said as he had a fake hurt expression on his face and put his hand over his heart. But Juvia still seemed to believe it.

"Ah!! Natsu-nii! Gomen-nasai!! Juvia didn't mean to do this!" She said as she was about to make the living room rain. It caused Natsu to freak out.

"J-Juvia!! I was just joking!! Don't flood the living room AGAIN!!!!" He yelled as he tried calming her emotions down. When she finally calmed down, she turned back to the screen to see Lyon with a WTF face.

"...uhh..." Thus the awkward silence began...

One Explanation Later...

"...and also, you see, Natsu-nii isn't exactly Juvia's real brother. He and Juvia knew each other ever since both Juvia and Natsu were babies. We were always there for each other and we seemed a lot like siblings, even though we don't look anything alike." Juvia explained.

(A/N: I'm getting tired with Juvia's third person kind of speech so I'm gonna put a bit of first person's like 'we' or 'us' to make it easier.)

"Oh, that makes a lot more sense." Lyon said in understanding. Natsu already went back to his room to get some pants since he just remembered why he was looking for Juvia in the first place. He needed to see where Juvia put the laundry this time.

"Oh!! Juvia just remembered why Juvia called Lyon-sama in the first place!" She said as she looked like she just cracked the world's hardest case. Lyon raised a brow.

"What is it, sweetie?" He said. Juvia smiled with her cheeks tinted pink.

"Juvia is coming back to Magnolia tomorrow!!!" She excitedly exclaimed. Lyon nearly yelled in joy and happiness, but saw that it was still in the middle of the night so he just did a happy dance.

"Really?!! YESSSS!!!" He happily whispered to the mic in his headphones. Juvia giggled.

"By the way, how has Gray-kun been doing?" She asked. Lyon sighed with exasperation.

"Don't even get me started on that. Over the years, puberty made him, and I quote from his fangirls, 'SUPER MEGA SEXY HOT' and he and a couple of other guys, somehow including me, are now known as the Princes of the School. Seriously, he needs someone to keep him in check every now and then, since it's my last year in high school. I'm not always gonna be here for him. And I'm pretty sure Ultear wouldn't even give a s**t..." Lyon said. Juvia just giggled.

"Well, what kind of person would you recommend for your brother?" She asked. Lyon just shrugged.

"I don't know, but at least someone who's strict and can handle his stubbornness with equal level so he can see how much it annoys people like me. Someone like Erza, but NOT." Lyon suggested. Juvia wondered with a smirk.

"The way you said that reminds me of Natsu-nii. He is pretty strict and very stubborn, but he's also sweet. He can do things a mother would do and Juvia knows from personal experience because he has babied Juvia more than once before..." She said. Lyon just laughed.

"I can totally see it happening!! Gray and Natsu would make a perfect match, but aren't they like polar opposites? I mean, Natsu has fire magic and Gray is ice." He said. Juvia just shook her head.

"No. Like they said, opposites attract. Besides, they're both slayer types! That's already one thing that they have in common and all the more reason they would make the perfect couple. Besides, Gray-kun is bisexual so gender wouldn't matter at all." She said. Lyon nodded in agreement while smirking at the image of his brother and Juvia's brother together getting married. Too soon Lyon, Too soon..

"Well, it's getting late now. Juvia should go to bed and Lyon-sama should too. Goodnight!! Love you~ See you tomorrow!! chu~" and after that blow kiss, they ended the chat and Lyon felt like he could die happy now.

'I can't wait for tomorrow!! Everyone is going to be so surprised!! Especially Gray! Ha! Good Luck, Ice Prince! Try winning Natsu Mr. I-Can-Date-Anyone-I-Want!!!'

-------------------------Another Time Skip-----------------------------------------

Lyon and Gray were walking with their friends out of the dorm buildings. After they exited, the brothers went separate ways. Gray went to his "popular people/VIP group" in the building with the others following him while Lyon just waited near the gigantic doors of the school.

Everyone thought it was strange to see Lyon standing in front of the doors as if he were waiting for something instead of hanging out with his friends. However, that was answered when the doors busted opened with a large bang, shocking everyone in the building. Then, a familiar blunette followed by a pinkette came rushing through the doors.

"Lyon-sama!!!" Juvia exclaimed as she jumped onto Lyon and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a passionate kiss. Lyon was surprised by such an entrance but immediately ignored it as he kissed her back. So many people were awing and squealing at the cute reunion of one of the best couples in the school.

Their friends were even more surprised! They did not expect Juvia to come back today of all days! Heck, she didn't even contacted them once since she left two years ago!! The least she could've done was text them or somethings, sheesh...

After the two finally separated, everyone was clapping to see that their nakama has come back and that the two are finally back together. Although, it was disrupted when the sound of clanks and jingles came from a strange pinkette, holding his wrist up.

"Alright Juvia. Now that you're finally with your boyfriend and back to your school, can I leave now?" Natsu said as he crossed his arms. Many had turned their attention to Natsu and there was only one word they could think of once they laid eyes on him.

'HOT!!!!' Was the word.

"Oh come on Natsu-nii, you promised you would stay here for a little longer so you can meet everyone!! We even ran together all the way here for a really long time!!" Juvia said with a pout. Natsu glared and help up his left wrist again.

"I did not agree to come with you! You locked me and you together with these chains and dragged me here for more than a mile while riding multiple vehicles and running nonstop to get all the way here!!!" He yelled.

Lyon and all the other onlookers sweat dropped as they heard Natsu say that dramatic explanation. And there was no reason not to believe it, the chain was there hanging on both their wrists, in plain sight. They were even wondering how they did not notice it sooner.

"Fine, but Juvia will only unlock the chains if Natsu-nii stays and gets to know everyone here!" She said. Natsu looked around, feeling incredibly awkward as he tried to ignore all kinds of stares he was given.

"How about No..." He replied. Juvia only crossed her arms and turned her head to the side to emphasize her point. Natsu sweat dropped in return. He sighed and run his fingers through his hair, creating a sexy look which made some people try their very best in holding back their nosebleeds.

"Uuugh! S**t! Fine! I'll meet your friends! Just get this damn chain off of me, I'm starting to get a bruise from all your pulling!!" He exclaimed as he held his wrist towards Juvia. She squealed and skipped towards him as she pulled out a key from her jacket and unlocked the chain on Natsu's left wrist.

Once he was free, he immediately started rubbing his wrist while whispering something about Juvia being a yandere and her evil ways of getting what she wants. She only smiled in response.

"Well, come on!! Juvia wants you to meet Juvia's tomodachi!!!" She said as she pulled her brother from the center spot to her friends and Lyon.

"Minna! This is Natsu Dragneel! He is Juvia's older brother, well, not really but we're extremely close and almost just like siblings." She said as she pushed him forward closer to the first person in front of everyone, which was Gray...

Natsu fidgeted since he was not exactly a social type but tried to greet them back anyways.

"Hey, I'm Natsu..." He said as he waved a bit. 'What the f**k? That totally sucked...' He thought as he furrowed his eyebrows and looked down. Gray decided to break the awkwardness in the atmosphere and gave a smile. There goes the girls squealing again....

"Hey. I'm Gray Fullbuster, Lyon's brother." He said as he stuck out his hand. Natsu's head perked up. He looked at him straight in the eyes and almost got lost, even Gray did as he stared back. Almost...

"You're Lyon's brother?" He asked. Gray nodded. Natsu smirked and then did his kawaii signature smile. Nosebleeds everywhere and I don't have to tell you where they came from...

"Well," he started off as he grabbed Gray's hand, "it's a pleasure to meet you, future brother-in-law!" Natsu said as he glanced at Lyon and Juvia who were starting to blush like crazy. Gray got the signal and smirked as well.

"Nice to meet you too!" He said. They both turned their heads towards the couple and asked...

"So, when's the wedding?" The both said in unison. Juvia blushed so much that she almost fainted and Lyon just bursted.

"WHAT THE F**K??!! WE'RE NOT GETTING MARRIED!!! The hell is wrong with you two???!!!!!" He yelled as choruses of laughter resonated throughout the building and now, the couple was once again in the center of the spotlight. Natsu just laughed and Gray enjoyed the sound of it.

'Holy s**t, am I actually starting to fall in love with this guy?!! We literally just f**king met!!!" Gray thought as he began to blush, enjoying the warmth and the softness of the other's hand.

------------Another Fudging Time skip cause the author right now is running out of plot and still hasn't reached her goal in the word count...-------

After Natsu has been introduced to everyone, and I literally mean, EVERYONE, he sat down to rest for a while since its been a long time since he has talked so long just to introduce himself and make witty comments. He was in the corner of a hall so no one could really notice him. He felt a tap in his shoulder and saw Gray when he looked up.

"Hey. You ok?" He asked. Natsu just nodded his head. He leaned back against the wall and moved over to let Gray sit on the vacant space.

"Yeah, just tired. It's been a really long time since I actually got out the house and began to socialize." He said. Gray laughed and ruffled his hair. Natsu shoved his hands away and pouted.

"Don't do that!" He said. Gray only laughed more.

"You're so adorable!" He said with a longing look. Natsu's eyes widened as he began to blush.

"E-Eh? Adorable? What do you mean?" He asked while trying to bury his face into his scarf. Gray smiled and tilted his chin up so he can look straight into his big beautiful eyes.

"Adorable. I think you're so cute, especially with that fiery temper if yours. You make the room bright up with your smile and you're always the center of attention." He said. Natsu started to blush even more.

"Even that blush of yours just adds to your cuteness." He continued. Natsu looked down and pried Gray's hand off of his chin.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about. Do you even know what you're saying? Besides, you do realize I'm a guy right?" He says. Gray just smirks and leans down to his ear.

"It doesn't matter since I'm bi anyways." He whispered as he nibbled on Natsu's ear. Natsu gasped as his face exploded with red color as he pushed Gray away and held his ear.

"W-what the----!" He was cut off when Gray put his finger in his lips.

"I know we just met and only know our names, but, do you want to go out with me?" He asked. Natsu was speechless. He couldn't say anything  so he just let out a squeak.

"I'll take that as a yes." Gray said as he leaned down and captured Natsu soft, innocent lips. His eyes widened as he felt a jolt of electricity run straight through his spine. It seemed that Gray did as well, because he soon pushed harder and swiped his tongue across Natsu's bottom lip.

Natsu gasped at the sudden action and Gray took the chance to slid his tongue into Natsu's warm cavern. He closed his eyes in pure bliss as he grabbed a hold of Gray's shoulders and Gray wrapped his arms around Natsu's waist.

After a few minutes of heavy make out, they finally separated, gasping for air. Gray pulled Natsu closer to him as he just blushes even more.

"You know, you kinda suck at kissing." Gray said with a laugh. Natsu playfully hits his shoulder.

"So! You took my first one! How should I know anything about it?!" Natsu confessed. He soon realized what he had said once he saw Gray's devilish smirk.

"You're first, ey?" He leaned closer, "I can't wait for the full tutorial then." He ended as he gave a squeeze to Natsu's ass. Natsu let out a moan and instantly hides himself in Gray's shoulder. He leans up to his ear.

"Fine, get me if you can, Fullbuster~" Natsu purred into Gray's ear and stood up. Gray, stunned by Natsu's move, stood up as well and followed him, but not before smacking his sweet ass and walking a head with a victory grin. Natsu, who was embarrassed by the action and the thing he just did, stayed behind the wall and reached where Gray had just slapped him an his butt.

He felt a piece of paper on his pants and when he took it off, he found digits with a signature that says Gray Fullbuster's name and a little message.

"Better run little dragon, cause this demon is gonna hunt you down~"


Anyone like? Hehe, I got this Inspiration from multiple gratsu fics where Lucy and Natsu are best buds and Juvia was just the love rival or something. So I decided to make Juvia take Lucy's place, but as his sister because it seemed so much more interesting...

In fact, this was originally a Lyon x Juvia one shot, but I decided to add Gratsu in the end because it says it in my description that this is a YAOI book. Remember that, readers. Oh well, nothing else to say.

Until then💕

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