Chapter 2

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A silent, but quick shadow padded it's way back to Infinite's bedroom, balancing a plate on his head as he swiftly made his way back. He looks around to find no one in sight and looked forward, only to almost run into the legs of Infinite himself. The gray jackal looks down at the black wolf and notices the plate of cooked meat with slight indents at a small piece of it. Infinite glared at the wolf before snatching the plate. "You know that I can get my own food." The wolf whines slightly. "Sorry. Animal instincts." Infinite sneered at the wolf before taking a bite out of his 'breakfast.' 

"I hope you had something to eat before getting me something." The wolf nods. "I left early in the morning since I woke up from hunger." Infinite doesn't say anything as he walks back to his room, thinking over the plan his Guardian gave him. "Are you sure the plan will work?" Infinite asked when he sat down in a brown chair close to the window and close to a bookshelf. The wolf scoffs. "Are you doubting my plan? Trust me, Infinite, it will work." A flash of regret caught Infinite's attention which caused him to take a more distressed bite of his breakfast. "I know that you don't want to help me, but-"

"But I'm your Guardian, your spiritual guide. You don't think I know this already?" The wolf then transformed into a snake and slithered out of the room, leaving Infinite to ponder.


"We have to go back and look." Wolf told the tired Resistance. The sun was still below the horizon when she woke them. "Wolf, why did you wake us up this early?" Sonic whined, laying on the table. His eyelids became droopy and he nearly fell asleep until Wolf slammed her fist on the table, causing Sonic to jump up with alarmed emerald eyes. "Because we need to find an advantage point to get Infinite and we have to do it before he's even up." The group groaned, all except for Rouge, Silver, and Espio. "Wolf is right, you guys. We have to find a way to get Infinite to end this war. He may also know what happened to Shadow." Wolf narrows her eyes at Silver. Silver narrows his eyes back. "I don't care if we're done searching for him. Infinite may have an answer and if he does, I won't let that chance slip." Wolf growls at Silver, taking an intimidating step towards him, but Espio stepped in front of him. "I agree with Silver. If we manage to catch Infinite and end this war, we could find out where Shadow is. We can't just forget about him. After all, we have to give him credit for telling us how those copies are." The group agrees, leaving Wolf to skulk in the corner.


The sun was at the treeline when the Resistance found an easy area not to far in the woods. Sonic and Tails were the bait and became alarmed when they saw the masked jackal flying down towards him. Infinite stops right in front of them, landing softly onto the ground. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the blue rat and his sidekick, Courage, the Cowardly Dog." Tails bristles at the name, but doesn't make a move as Sonic smirked. "What do you want, Edge Clown? Another balloon animal?" Infinite doesn't give a reaction, only crossing his arms. "If you're looking to defeat me, Hedgehog, then I suggest you shut it." Infinite charged at Sonic, catching the blue blur by surprise. "Tails, go!" The yellow Kitsune flies off, going towards the trap. Sonic dodges to one side and dashes into the woods, Infinite following close behind. Sonic easily made his way towards the set trap, a smile finding it's way onto his muzzle. The area for the trap came into view and Sonic started to slow down. He looks over his shoulder to find Infinite flying at him at a speed that almost impressed him. 'Wait for it.' Infinite got closer and closer, causing Sonic's heart to accelerate. 'Wait for it.' The masked villain was close now, getting too close. 'Now!' Sonic ducks just as Infinite flew over him; slowing to a stop only to suddenly be trapped in a net filled with dead leaves. He growls, clawing at the net before giving up. The group walked out, Wolf being the most disappointed one. She expected more. In fact, she expected for the annoying blue nuisance to die. Her daydream wasn't granted. Charmy starts teasing Infinite, making the jackal even more annoyed. "Charmy, stop it!" Vector shouted, grabbing Charmy's wing and harshly bringing him to his side. "Ow! Sorry." Espio sighs with both the heart filled with a father-like perspective and of utter disappointment. Infinite was rather disgusted. "I can't believe it worked. We managed to trap Infinite." Amy commented, a relieved smile on her face.

Infinite claps sarcastically. "Oh, bravo, Sonic Resistance. Bravo." Wolf was the first to cut the excited chatter as she walked up to the net. "Great. Now, if you cooperate, we may let you live, but only if you leave this city for good. If you don't cooperate, however, I won't hesitate to spill your blood. Got it?" Infinite sighs as he, as sassy as possible, put his hand against his cheek. "Yes, Mom." Wolf growls her displeasure. "Where's... Shadow?" Infinite takes his hand away slowly from his face, finding it intriguing how hesitant Wolf was about finding their oh-so-precious friend. He didn't ask, however. He chuckles darkly as he laid back. Silver was the first to feel the suspicious detective side of him come through. "Wait, this seemed too easy." He mumbled. Infinite stood up. "Oh, how dumb you all are. He's in the most obvious place possible." The group shares an uncertain glance, all getting a horrible feeling. "The lab."

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