Chapter 1: New Girl

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• Evelyn's POV •
I secretly dreaded going to my new school because of two reasons.

1: I don't like being new.

2: I just don't like school in general.

I rolled my eyes, slamming shut my alarm. I stayed in bed for a few minutes and decided to get out. My new house wasn't bad. In fact, it was pretty cool. It was three story, with a main floor, a downstairs, and an up stairs. There were five rooms. I really don't know why five rooms were necessary considering there were only two people here, and felt bad because some people have like 10 people in their house with like, two rooms. I did my daily morning routine, showered, brushed my teeth, got dressed, ate breakfast, and scrolled through notifications. One was from one of my close acquaintances at my old school. Her name was Emmy.

Emmy: Hey Evelyn! How's Texas?

Wow. Someone who actually cared where I was going and actually took the time to text me. I contemplated of what to say.

Me: It's fine. There's actually temperatures that are above -10 around here.

Emmy: Haha! Lol.

I smiled. Someone actually laughed at a joke I made. At least I think they did. Usually when I see funny posts on Instagram I don't have emotion on my face. I comment like, "Lmao!" or, "I'm dying," also, "I can't breathe,".

I decided to put a laughing emoji and turn off my phone and head to school. I didn't bother saying goodbye to Cassie because I knew she wasn't here. I sighed and took my cold lunch and headed out the door. Cassie took the car, so I had to take the bus. There was two black kids, a boy and a girl, and one white boy and a girl who was probably mixed. "Hi!" The mixed girl said. I smiled shyly and waved. "What's your name?" She asked. "Evelyn." I replied. She grinned. "My name is Kiana but people call me Kiki. This is Jackson," She pointed to the white boy. He turned around to face me. He had piercing green eyes with sandy brown hair and freckles on the bridge of his nose. He was okay. Kiki had dimples and a smile that could light up a room. She had green eyes as well, that had a little brown in them too. She had brown hair as well that seemed almost black. She stood at about 5'7. "That's Ella and Jordan. They're twins." She said happily. Ella was stunning. Her beautiful black skin shone in the morning light and had light brown eyes that could see into your soul. She had a warm smile and was around, 5'8. Jordan was handsome. He had the same features as his sister, except you could sense a bit of cockiness from his smirk. I smiled back.

The bus pulled up and I chose a seat near the back. I put my headphones in my ear and looked out the window, hoping not to be bothered. I was wrong. "What's up, Evelyn was it?" The person asked. I paused my music and turned. It was Jordan. "Yeah." I replied. I tried not to come off annoyed, but it came out a little. "Okay, chill. I just wanted to ask you a question." He said, holding up his hands. I shrugged. "Go ahead." I said. He seemed hesitant. "Have you ever had a boyfriend?" He asked. Heh, I know he wasn't asking cause he liked me. I'm not the best looking. Plus, I just met the kid. I laughed. "Heck to the no. Have you seen me?" I said, gesturing at my face. He laughed too. "Yeah, you're right." He said grinning. He instantly covered his mouth. " Sorry." He said, scratching the back of his neck. "I wouldn't be offended. After all, I made that comment in the first place." I said. My fingers suddenly looked really interesting to me.

Our bus finally pulled up at our school and Jordan volunteered for me to go in front of him. "Thanks." I mumble. I got off the bus to wait for Ella because she said she'd show me around the school. When she got off, she smirked and nudged me in my side. "So you and Jordan?" She said, bouncing her eyebrows. I raised an eyebrow. "What? No! I just met the guy. And he doesn't like me like that." I said, looking at her. She was grinning. "You know, when he meets a new girl, he just makes fun of them about their looks or something like that. He did that to Kiki, until I became friends with her." As if on cue, Kiki jogged up to us. "Hey guys. Where you heading?" She asked. I sighed in relief. I really did not want to continue the conversation about boys. I looked down at my schedule. "Um, social studies with Mr. Delano?" I said. It seemed more of a question than an answer. She smiled. "Same class. He's just down the hall. See you later Ella." She said, waving to Ella. I waved to her too and she left to go to art class. Kiki bit her lip. "So, where'd you move from?" She asked. "Minnesota. I'm happy I moved. It was so cold. And crowded." I replied. She nodded her head. "What town?" She asked. "Minneapolis. I liked the whole big town thing I just didn't like the whole "big town" thing, you know what I mean?" I said. She looked thoughtful for a minute. She nodded. We arrived to class. As I was about to sit next to Kiki in the back, Mr. Delano called my name. "Uh, Evelyn Reagan?" I turned around. "Present." I said, raising my hand. He smiled. "I just want you to come up here and introduce yourself. Just say your name, age, and something you like to do for fun." He said, gesturing at the clearing at the front of the class. I walked there and looked around. This was a decent sized class. "Hi, my name is Evelyn Reagan, I'm 17 years old, and I like to sing." I said, waving. I guess I never mentioned this about myself. My mom always said my Guardian Angel gave me a part of his/her's voice, since it sounds like an angel. I've always felt confident about my voice, and when my mom died, I urged myself to make myself the best singer out there. Even though it just gave me painful memories of her. I took my seat next to Kiki. I felt something hit me in the back of my head. I turned around to find a crumpled piece of paper on the ground. I opened it, and all it had on it was a halo and angel wings. The weird thing is, I felt the ball come from behind me and I'm all the way in the back. Creepy, I thought.

WoAh. woah.

Heh, I actually had this typed the whole time...?

Well doesn't even matter since no one is reading it.

Should I continue this book?

Bye loves.

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