Happy Halloween! - Part 1

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Hello Guys! Just what to tell ya beffore we start the chapter! I put on my deviantart a drawing of Frix and Sumn dresswd for halloween! you can see it here: http://acgamer2.deviantart.com/art/Frix-and-Sumn-Halloween-568015494 Hope you enjoy it! Next, this chapter is the reader POV soo... yeah... if I mess something up say it in the coments OH! and I almost forgot! this is a 2 part chapter! the second one is gonna come out 30/10 ok guy? Happy Halloween! and Trick or Treat? =P

Night time, the wind doen't blow a single bit, the atmosphere is tense as Niny, Uky, Sumn and Frix stare at each other and at the middle where there a spirit board... Niny sighted.

"Guys, you think this will work?" - She asked unsure and Frix smirked at her.

"Are you scared? You WERE the one finding it in your basement." - Frix muched.

"What ever! Let's get this over with! It's spooky..." - Sumn trembled.

"Ok... put your hands on that thing." - Niny comanded and everyone did as she said. "Is anyone there? Give us any sign..." - No response.

"You have to be confident sis! Let me try!" - Uky puffed and took a deep breath. "Anyone from the spirits, we call upon you... give us any sign that you are within us..." - After Uky finished his sentence, it sarted mooving pointing at the letters 'H', 'E', 'L','L and 'O'.

"Did he just say hello?" - Sumn chucked. and the thing moved again pointing at the letters 'D','O,'N',T','SPACE','M','O','C','K,'SPACE','M' and finaly 'E'.

"...He doen't want to be disturbed it looks like..." - Niny tilted her head.

"What a way to waist time!" - Frix fell backwards putting his back on the floor.

"Well... we still have some thime before going out Trick or Treating...Oh! Before I forget! Good Bye Spirit!" - Uky smiled at the board and it pointed at the letters 'B','Y', and 'E', they all took their hads out of the wooden thing and Niny cleaned everything.

"We shoud get into our costumes..." - Sumn sugested and everyone looked at him.

"I guess so... but then what woud we do afterwards?" - Frix objected.

"I don't know! But... I didn't see your costume yet Frix! Nor yours Niny!" - Everyone looked at each other and Niny started to walk to the bathroom taking a small amount of clothes with her. "Huh? Niny?"

"I'm gonna change... you guys shoud too while your at it!" - She winked at them and went into the bathroom smiling.

After some time everyone was ready and Ruperd got in with Liu, Ruperd dressed as a Vampire and Liu as Frankenstein, Sumn dresed up as a werewolf and Frix as a Demon... shitless...

"Frix! Are you going out like that!?" - Ruperd exclamed and Frix just smirked.

"I am! I will get all the girls!" - He pointed at the air making a pose.

"You are ridiculous... even I just made some cuts on the shirt and got this tail and ears..." - Sumn swinged arround until he hit Niny dressed as a wizard. He imideatly locked eyes with her and bluched. "I-I'm sorry!" - He quikly steped away.

"You look soo cute!" - Frix trew his arms around Niny hugging her. "I coud eat you!"

"Frix!!!" - Ruperd shouted and Liu catched Frix by his tail taking him away from Niny.

"Let me go! I did nothing wrong!" - Frix struggled to get away from Liu but to no avail.

"Y-You do look c-cute..." - Sumn said looking slightly down at Niny and scratching the back of his neck.

"Thanks Sumn!" - Niny blushed slightly and smiled brightly at Sumn.

"Chall we go guys?!!!" - Uky bursted into the room dressed as a reaper.

"Cool costume kid!" - Sumn gave a high five to Uky.

"Chall we?" - Ruperd took Niny's hand.

"Hey what are you doing?!" - Frix and Sumn protested.

"What you guys are too reckless to do. Let's go, I'l take you by the hand like this. Princess." - He placed a kiss on Niny's hand making hes blush even more.

"...You over did it dont you think..." - Liu comented crossing his arms.

"I guess... let's go!" - Still in thought, Ruperd took Niny, by the hand still, out of the house with everyone following behind with also Frix and Sumn still protesting about what Ruperd was doing.

They went from house to house getting candy from everyone as fast as light. Meanwile someplace faraway engulfed in darkness... someone with a dark look is looking down at them exprecionless with his hood covering his eyes and a huge scythe in his hand.

"No fun?" - Another dark figure apears but this one is more life like than the other one.

"..." - He doesn't reply.

"I guess you are the same as ever... They ARE doing a good job... but are you not going to steal her soul before the others do?" - This one smiled mischiveously.

"...I'm waiting for the perfect moment..." - He finaly replied.

"How so? The others must be preparing something... aren't they?" - With this he disapeard.

"..." - He jumped down falling from that dark place and entering another dimention where a black winged guy and a white winged guy are chatting.

"How so?" - The black winged guy asked.

"You will see... ah!" - They both turned to find him, the chady character walking their way.

"Hello, you finally show up?" - The black winged guy crossed his arms.

"..." - He did not reply.

"Ok be that way! Look down at her while you can becouse her soul will be mine!"

"He, you still think so?" - The white winged guy smiled telling out a small lauthter.

"Hphm... We will see..." - He finally said. "The future will tell... it is near..." - All of them looked down.

As that, Niny and the others got to their last house, they decided to do their front neibors last becouse they just moved in a while ago. Niny knoked on the door and it opened to reveal...

"Nick?!" - Niny shuttered with her mouth open.

"Niny?" - The boy named Nick did the same thing and then smiled. Niny smiled too.

"It's been a long time! I didn't know it was you that moved here!"

"Well i'm happy to see you! Ever since like... three years and a half if i'm not mistaken... oh! and not to forget that you left without saing a word!" - Nick scolded Niny and patted her on the head. "But I guess it's all right. After all those years seeing you being b-" -Niny covered his mouth.

"Shh!" - Niny said and Uky tilted his head. Frix and Sumn looked petrefied.

"What?!" - They both screamed in union and Frix grabbed Niny's arm.

"You shoud not stay away from us Niny!" - He hugged her tightly.

"Frix! What tha hell man!" - Sumn tryed to take Frix away from Niny, but he didn't budge. Sumn looked at Ruperd and Liu. "Where did you guys even get that table and tea?!" - Ruperd and Liu were both drinking tea with Uky looking at them.

"...I am a profecional at keeping things hidden... and we are steps away from home..." - Liu said siping on his tea.

"Who are these guys Niny?" - Nick questioned.

"They are my cousins..." - After some thought Niny said.

"They are... wierd... to say the least..." - Nick comented while Frix and Sumn suddently looked at him.

"This is gonna be a long night..." - Niny sighted still in Frix's arms.

"Indeed sis..." - Uky nodded.


What?!!! Plots! More even?! How?! xD Hope you liked it! New boy on the run! New character appear!! What even is this?!!! xD ok sorry... extreem freak out here... Calm down myself... Ok ok... Well Nick is gonna join this! Let's have an aplause for the new character! and for those shady ones as well! :3

Liu: ...Yay...

Me: Be happy Liu! I'm sorry you don't have much lines! *Hugs Liu*

Liu: ! *Blushes*

Hes soo cute x3 nya!

Coment! Vote! AND, and share! dont forget that I what this to go to the stars!

Love ya all <3 and one more time... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

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