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Hey, my name is Samantha Star and this is my story. When I was little had no idea what I would grow to become. It was my sixth birthday, I was with my abusive parents. They would beat me whenever I did something bad, nobody knew. Everyone thought the Star family to be nice and kind, oh yes they were nice and kind, to others, just not me. Nobody ever saw me, thinking I had too many indoor classes. Oh did I forget to mention the Star family is a family of witches and wizards? Well anyway, I was covered in scars, cuts, bruises, it was brutal. My parents were mad because I hadn't gotten up on time. When I turned ten I was covered in knife scars. I had scars all over my arms and legs. The worst part was, it wasn't my parents giving me these scars, it was me. I was the one who'd hidden a knife in my sock drawer and who had, whenever I was alone, cut myself. It was depression, I knew that much. On my tenth birthday all I did was sit in my locked room. I locked the door to keep my parents out. I don't know why I thought they would come in. They were gone for a week anyway. That entire week I was alone in the house, well alone except for the maids and butlers and other people who worked for my parents. I stayed in my room except for occasionally getting hungry and eating a little. I got used to not eating a lot because when I was younger my parents would leave me without food for a day at a time if I did something wrong. When I returned to my room, I showered in my bathroom and got changed. I made sure to wear a sweater and sweat pants so my parents and nobody else would see my scars. Nobody knew about them and I wasn't sharing it any time soon. I knew that when you turned eleven, most witches or wizards would get a letter telling them they had been accepted to go to hogwarts. I was waiting, waiting to escape this pit of despair, waiting to be free. I could wait one more year, I would wait one more year.

Three days before 11th Birthday

I was waiting, three more days and I hoped I would get my letter. My parents had a flying car and I watched as they drove up to the house and parked. My mother banged on my door yelling at me for staying in my room and missing my private classes, I didn't care. I stayed in my room, not moving to unlock the door any time soon. On October 25, 2002, I turned eleven. I jumped up in the morning right at dawn, right as the sun rose, ran out my door, ran out the front door and into the front lawn. I ran around with a giant smile on my face. After a few minutes of running I flopped down onto the grass. I sighed. "I'm finally eleven." I whispered to myself. I closed my eyes taking in the moment, feeling the sun on my face. That moment faded quickly as I felt two shadows come over me. I opened my eyes to see my mother and father staring down at me with disapproving looks on their faces. What I saw behind them caught my attention. I stood and stared into the sky, at something flying towards the house. My parents looked where I was looking. I realized it was an owl. I held out my arm and the owl slowly floated down to rest on my arm for a moment. I took the letter it had in it's beak and it flew off.

Dear Ms.Star,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

That was all from the letter I read outloud. A giant grin found it's way to my face. "I am going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." I said as I turned to face my parents. "No. You aren't." My mother said stiffly. She took the letter from me and threw it onto the ground. She then grabbed me by my arm and practically dragged me towards the house. She threw me in my room and slammed the door shut. I could hear her footsteps echo as they walked off. "I am going and nothing they do will stop me." I muttered glaring at the door. I grabbed a trunk from under my bed that my parents didn't know I had. I opened it and started stuffing my clothes into it. I got everything I needed into it. Clothes, books, hair supplies, shoes, stuff like that. After I had everything I waited for nightfall.  

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