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  I noticed a Phoenix in the room and stared at it in wonder. I hadn't noticed Snape leaving. I walked over and reached out stroking the feathers on the Phoenix's head. "Isn't Fox beautiful?" I heard Dumbledore say behind me. I pulled my hand back and said, "I'm sorry for not asking." "It's ok." He said. I reached my hand out and continued stroking the feathers on Fox's head. "Yes he is beautiful." I answered, his question. "You are different from the other students." Dumbledore said. "You are sad most of the time I have noticed." Dumbledore said. I paused and went quiet while still stroking the feathers on Fox's head. "I can't help but notice you are close to animals and you have also seemed to have made friends with Hermione Granger." I nodded. "It seems Fox has taken a liking to you." He said. I noticed Fox nuzzling my hand. "Indeed it does." I muttered. "Samantha?" He asked as I was about to leave. "Yes?" I replied turning to face him. "Is there anything you would like to tell me?" "Not yet." I said before leaving. I looked outside and saw it was raining. I went out to the Whomping Willow and sang quietly under its green leaves. My voice carried through the school grounds, almost a whisper. I was soaked, wet and cold, but I didn't care. I just continued singing, as if nothing was happening. In time the rain stopped and the sun came through the clouds. I continued to sing, leaning against the Whomping Willow, I had closed my eyes and could hear leaves crunching as people stood, listening. I was singing a song called 'Day of Destiny.' When I finished I kept my eyes closed and stayed leaning against the Whomping Willow for a moment. Then I opened my eyes to see, practically the entire school, standing before me. Everyone was standing several meters away, my guess was because of the Whomping Willow. I walked forward and everyone parted letting me through. Everyone was quiet, including myself. When I reached the end of the crowd and started heading for the school I could hear people start whispering. I heard a few pairs of feet following me but completely ignored them. I walked through the school grounds and sat on a bench in the Quidditch arena. I had my face hidden in my hands silently. "Where did you learn to sing like that?" A voice asked from behind me making me jump. I turned swiftly, facing Harry Potter. I shrugged. "What was the song you were singing?" "Day of Destiny." I replied quietly. "It was beautiful." He said. I nodded slightly and started walking away. "Why do you keep doing that?" He asked running to keep up with my brisk pace. "Keep doing what?" I asked. "Keep running off whenever someone is near you." He replied. I stopped dead in my tracks. I turned facing him. "Because I can't trust anyone. I never have and I never will." I snapped. I turned and started walking off at a faster pace. "You could trust me." He called after. I stopped abruptly again. I glanced back to see him staring at me, then turned around and walked off swiftly. When I reached the bottom of the Quidditch arena I saw every student standing there. I stopped dead in my tracks. Everyone was staring at me like expecting me to do something. I bolted away from everyone, I was heading to the Forbidden Forest but I didn't care, I needed to get away from everyone. I heard people calling me to come back as I ran into the forest but I didn't turn around. I kept running deeper and deeper. No feet followed me into the forest. Eventually I stopped, collapsing upon the roots of a tree.  

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