Part 14(last)

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Arj: lets get married.

Stacy: wat?

Arj: yes. I will not let u suffer anymore.

Kelvin and meera comes there. Meera hugs stacy.

Meera: sry stacy. I am a bad bff.

Stacy: no. u r my best bff. Now don't start any drama by saying sry and all. I am happy that I got bff like u and kelvin.

Meera: then lets go. I will get u ready. Let marriage happened.

......... .............

Stacy gets ready with help of meera and gets ready with help of kelvin.

Arj to kel: u love stacy right? Don't u feel bad seeing her marrying me?

Kel: first of all I am happy that u didn't get me wrong after knowing my love for stacy. Thanks for that. And answer for ur question is that yes I still love her. but I am not feeling bad seeing u both marry. I and stacy r childhood frnds. I never knew when I started to love her. I always wanted to see her happy. Yes I felt bad when she says no to my proposal. But love is not all abt only getting. Its abt seeing ur love happy. Now I love her. but as a frnd.

Both hug.

Arj: thanks for being with her in my absence.

Kel: in this case u no need to say anything. In future also I will be with stacy and u always.

Just then meera calls them to come to mantap. Arjun sees stacy and gets happy that after long time he saw happiness on her face.

Pandit chanted mantras and both get married.

Then later they get married in church too in front of father and mary. Both bless them.

........ ............

Arjun and stacy reach to stacy's home. Ana gets shocked to see them married. Both bends to get her blessings. But she moved.

Ana: wat u did stacy? U didn't even think once abt me.

Stacy: sry mom, but I love Arjun. We cant live without each other. I will not give u any explanation mom. U knw ur daughter. Just be with me. Pls.

Ana looks at other side.

Stacy to Arjun: lets take dad's blessings.

They moved to james's room and shocked to not see him there.

Stacy: mom, where is dad?

Ana also shocked and ran to his room.

Ana: where he is? Just an hr ago I made him sleep and got busy in my work. Oh god, pls help us. James where r u?

"I am here"

Trio turned and saw James standing. Stacy and Ana got happy to see him out of coma. Stacy runs and hugs him.

Stacy: I missed u so much dad.

Jam: me too stacy. I am sry for not being with u when u needed me most.

Stacy: no dad. I am sry that coz of me u went in coma.

James wipes her tears and looks at Arjun. Arjun bends to take his blessing but james hugs him.

Jam: always be with her Arjun. Don't ever leave her alone.

Arj: never uncle.

James with smile: I have a surprise for u.

He looks at door and calls kelvin. Kelvin enters with baby in his hand. Ana gets shocked. James takes baby from kelvin and gives to stacy.

Jam: ur son and my grand son.

Stacy looks at him with unbelievable eyes.

Jam: he's ur son dear. Ur baby never died. It was ur mom who lied u that ur baby died.


Ana on call: I dropped that baby at xyz orphanage door. I don't want that baby in my Stacy's life. She doesn't know that her baby is alive.

James was in coma but he cud hear her talks.

FB ends.

When Arjun came and met me somewhere I felt happy that now my stacy wont be alone. And with god's wish I came out of coma. Then with help of kelvin I went to that orphanage and got ur son.

Arjun and stacy gets emotional seeing their son. James goes near ana.

James: ana, atleast now leave all ur anger. Just for a moment keep ur anger and religion a side and look at our daughter. How happy she is. After long time we r seeing her happy.

Ana looks at stacy who was playing with baby's small hand and talking to him with Arjun in baby language. She gets emotional and hugs james.

Ana: sry james. I did wrong. I hurt her.

James: thank god that u understood finally. I am happy.

Ana goes near baby: sry baby. Forgive ur grand daughter.

She hugs stacy and Arjun and says sry.

......... ...........

After few hours..

Meera performed aarti in stacy's home only. Later they cut cake and celebrate.

" don't u involve us in ur happiness"

All saw karuna and avi satnding there. Arjun looked at other side as he was still angry with her.

Kar: Arjun, look at me beta. Don't punish ur mom like this. I understood that I did very wrong with u both, specially with stacy. She suffered a lot coz of me. Forgive me beta. Lets go home. I want to welcome my DIL and grandson.

Avi: give ur mom one chance.

Arjun agrees. Karuna asks sry to james for misbehaving with him. Then ana and karuna hug. Arjun, stacy, meera and kelvin smiles seeing that.

Stacy: I am missing rony.

Kel: don't wry. He will come soon. I sent him to Mumbai for study as college started he has to attend. Already one yr got wasted.

Stacy: thank you kelvin.

Kel: don't thank me. Its like loan. U have to pay me fees back. Its my mehnat ki kamai u know.

Both laugh.

.......... ..........

After one month....

Stacy joined college again to complete her studies. Arjun joined avi's business. Karuna takes care of baby in their absence. Meera went to US for further studies.

Arjun and stacy were in there room playing with kid.

Arj: stacy, we still didn't name our baby. Have u thot any name?

Stacy: yes. Saturn.

Arj: wat ? Saturn? Is our son a planet?

Stacy: I combined letters from our names and created this name.

Arj: r u serious? No way.

Satcy laughs: I was kidding. I selected shiv john(hope u like readers).

Arj: agreed my lord.

Both hug. Arjun kissed on stacy's forehead.

Arj: now our family completes. Me , u and shiv john.

.......................... ..........THE END ..................................................

Hope u all like this. Thanks for reading. Give ur suggestions, opinions.

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