Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five


Entering inside of one the empty circle carts, the wheel slowly made it's around toward the top. Hyunjin sat next to me with a soft smile of amazement on his face as we continued our ascending journey above. It didn't take long before we reached the top of the Ferris Wheel, giving us a complete aerial view of the entire park. People were scattered all around, either partaking in stand games, eating, or enjoying the other attractions.

"Wow..." I gasped, taking in the sight in front of me. "This is wonderful."

Hyunjin chuckled, pulling me closer into his arms. "I'm glad you like it."

"You said two stops today?" I asked curiously. "I'm guessing that's a surprise as well?"

"Wow, beauty and brains? I definitely got lucky."

Rolling my eyes, I playfully tried to move from his hold but he only tightened his grip. "I'm teasing, just teasing. Yes, it's a secret and-" he paused, checking his phone, "once we reach back on the ground, we should get going."

The time was an hour past noon, so my curiosity only grew as I tried to figure out what he could've planned at this time of day. Putting my thoughts aside, I embraced him closer as the wheel began its descent.


Now in the car, Hyunjin began the drive to the second destination. Meanwhile, my groupchat with Wooyoung and the others were blowing up, while noticing the new joint one made with both of our friend groups together.

~~~~>>>Bottoms & Tops 🌈✨😩<<<~~~~

It doesn't take a rocket scientist
to figure out who made this...

Unknown number1:
I'm not even surprised.

Sad to say that he's my child..

Unknown number2:
You guys leave my baby alone!

"You changed "unknown number2"
to mountain-san🏔️"

Unknown number3:
Wait, was it Wooyoung?

The one and only! 😌

Unknown number4:
The real question is...who fits which category?

I didn't approve of this group name!

Can I get names please? It's hard to figure
out the new numbers.
Although I think I can guess.
This is Felix btw.

This is San!

That was also self explanatory...

Unknown number1:
Agreed. This is Jongho.

"You changed "unknown number1"
to theapplebreaker🍎"

Unknown number3:
If Hongjoong is the dad, take a guess
who this is Lix?

Seonghwa, got it!

"You changed "unknown number3"
to mamahwa"

That leaves Minho. Okay.

"You changed "unknown number4"
to minhohoho"

I think the tops and bottoms are
pretty clear imo.

Care to explain???

I can! So us 'bad boys' are the tops,
and you guys are the bottoms!

...Excuse me?




San, hush...please.

I mean...I don't see anything wrong..

*grabs popcorn*

The groupchat name fits!
It's completely logical.

The word "logical" doesn't apply to you!

Wow, who knew Yeosang was so funny?😂

Watch it.

Without warning, the chat began blowing up with endless notifications. Shutting off my phone with a deep sigh, Hyunjin chuckled while driving. "Let me guess, they made a joined group chat?"

I giggled and nodded. "Yeah, and they are basically arguing over the groupchat name Wooyoung chose.
Don't be surprised if you have over a hundred messages now."

"I can only imagine..." he said with a playful eye roll, placing one of his hands on my thigh. "Check the compartment in front of you and open it."

Raising an eyebrow skeptically, I did as told and noticed a long cloth slip out. Slowly picking it up, I held it in my hand and felt the softness of the material. "What is this?"

Hyunjin smirked. "A blindfold that I need you to put on. Do you trust me?"



I giggled. "I'm just joking....maybe. I'm not worried though because if you try to kidnap me, Wooyoung has my location and Yeosang will have your head."

"That guy really is scary..." He shuddered while pulling over to the side of the road for a moment. "We are almost there, almost five minutes away, actually. Can I put it on you? It's part of the surprise."

Handing him the cloth, I nodded confidently while slightly turning in my seat to face away from him. Gently, his fingertips brought the cloth over my eyes, grazing slightly over my ears before securing it behind my head. Once secured, he placed a soft kiss on my neck. "This won't be the only time I do this, Lix..."

Instantly heat rose to my cheeks at the intended meaning, but I turned back around in my seat with a shy smile. "Stop that.."

Based on his response of a small chuckle, I knew he was smirking to himself before I felt the car move again. My sight was completely blocked off, so I only could use the movements of the vehicle as my guide. Part of me was growing nervous, but another part me was more than excited.

Hyunjin didn't know it, but today was my first ever date. There were times where I would crush on someone but the feeling was never reciprocated, or other times where my partner didn't believe in going out in public together. So everything today felt amazing to at least experience for once.

"We're here. Just wait for me to let you out and guide you." Hyunjin instructed me as he stepped out. I waited for a few seconds before my door opened and Hyunjin grabbed one of my hands while protecting my head as I stepped out. "Take your time, I got you."

With his gentle leading, we walked toward the designated spot of his surprise. The ground felt soft at first, similar to grass almost, for a while until the terrain switched to a harder texture, with the sounds of both of our feet echoing in my ears.

We're walking on wood...?

"Okay Lix, take one step up and then you can take off the blindfold."

Lifting my leg up, Hyunjin guided me accurately into the step. Without wasting another second of anticipation, I removed my blindfold and noticed that we were in a private art studio, with two blank canvases on joined easels and adjacent stools. There was paintbrushes, markers, colored pencils, even crayons on disposal for use, and what looked to be brownies on a plate in the middle of it all.

"H-Hyunjin... you want me to paint with you?"

He smiled and nodded. "Yes. I wasn't lying when I told you that you were the first person I let see my artwork, excluding my mother of course. I wanted to share something that meant a lot to me with you..."

Suddenly, a middle aged woman stepped out from what seemed to be the supply closet, shaking her head. "Jinnie, are you going to let the poor boy just stand there?"

My eyes grew wide as I realized who it was. "Eunmi-nim?"

"Oh my goodness, I don't have to pretend anymore." Eunmi smiled brightly, rushing over to pull me into a hug. "It's nice to properly meet you."

"Eomma...that was a different time..." Hyunjin said shyly.

Eunmi rolled her eyes while I giggled. "I knew the resemblance was from somewhere....Hyunjin is definitely your son."

"But of course! His good looks only come from me." She teased, flipping back her black hair. "Now, now, this is your date! I put out brownies but if you would like something else to eat..."

Hyunjin glanced at me with understanding, silently giving a look of 'no pressure'. I smiled, nodding at the lovely woman eagerly. "Can I have fried rice with kimchi please?"


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