Reunited at Last

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Well, this is the last chapter, so I made it as long as I could.

Hope it serves as a fitting ending.

Moving on... 💃💃💃

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

(Words in braces) - Telephone conversations.

Chapter 21 - Reunited at Last

"Alright, I'll tell you."

Mani nodded. "Okay. Spill."

"But first, let's go to the ambulance and fix your bleeding shoulder."

"No Swara. Speak."

"Your shoulder nee-"

"Swara, tell me the truth first."

Swara stopped arguing as she knew it was useless. She took a deep breath and tried to speak out the truth. However, she didn't know how to tell him.



Mani looked at her in irritation. "I'm waiting Swara. I haven't got all day, you know. Bes-"

"I love you!"

Mani looked at her in confusion. "But you said you love Laksh."

"It was a lie. I...I lied to you."

Mani felt the world crash around him. It was as if all this time he believed the earth to be square and someone suddenly told him it was round. His mind couldn't make sense of it.

"Yes Mani. I love you. I always have. I chose you among Laksh and you. I choose you Mani. I'll always choose you." she confessed genuinely.

Mani's confusion turned into a sense of joy at her words. However, another thought struck him.

Swara lied to him.

Mani looked at her, hurt evident in his eyes. " lied to me?"

"I had to."

"You had to? You had to!?" Mani screamed in anguish, tears clouding his vision. "You say I'm your best-friend. You say you love me. And yet...yet, you lied to me about such a thing!?"

"Mani, I di-"

"Didn't what?! You thought playing with my feelings was funny? You thought it was cool to see me suffer?! How could you be so heartless?" Mani gritted out. "You know what? I think your love is fake! It's ju-"

"Mani!" Swara shouted, interrupting him. "You can shout at me as much as you want. But don't you dare call my love fake. I love you with my entire being! I love you to the the extent that I was willing to let you go just so that you could be happy with Ria."

Mani looked at her in disbelief. "Ria? That bimbo? Why would I want to be with her? I'm not that half-cracked."

Swara looked at him in shock and confusion. "But you love her, don't you?"

"No!" Mani shouted with a disgusted face. He shivered at the thought of being with Ria.

"Yes you do! I heard you say that you like her. When you were expressing your love in your room. I saw you holding her photo!"

Mani tried to remember the events. His eyes widened as he recalled the previous night. He was talking to the locket he had brought for Swara. And just after that, he had picked up Ria's photo to throw in the dustbin. 'Shit! Swara might have seen me from behind and thought I was talking to Ria's photo. Shit! So that is why she lied to me about loving Lucky. Just like I lied to her that I don't love her to let her be happy with Laksh.'

Mani let out a loud chuckle, which soon turned into a full-blown laughter.

"Eh? Mani, why are you laughing? Mani!?" Swara asked in bewilderment.

"Ahahaha...! Idiots, idiots, idiots! That's what we both are."


"Oh Swara! Whatever you saw was a misunderstanding. I don't love Ria." Mani said with a smile. "I wa-" he clutched his head as he felt vertigo strike.

Swara at once surged forward​ and held him upright. "Mani? Mani, are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine." He stuttered out. The blood loss seemed to be finally getting to him, making him light-headed. "S-Swara, listen I ha-"

"No Mani. Talk later. You need to get treated first." she saw Rishi at a distance walking away from the officers. "Rishi bhai! Help!"

Rishi looked towards them and his eyes widened at the sight. At once, he rushed towards them. He held Mani by the shoulders as his body swayed forward. "I've got you little bro. I've got you. Big brother's got you." he looked towards the ambulance at a distance. "Medics! Help!"

"No! Bhai I n-need to tell S-Swara somet-thing."

"Tell me later. Mani please, rest for now." Swara requested him, fearing for his life.

Mani clutched her arm and looked into her eyes. "G-go to my room. O-open the drawer n-near bed." saying that, Mani's body went slack. Swara stood there helplessly as the medics rushed near and helped Rishi take Mani to the ambulance. Laksh, Rishi and Tanuja sat beside him. It seemed Ragini and Sanskar had left with the police.

"Swara come on!" Tanuja shouted.

Swara composed herself and stood there determined. "You go on di. I have somewhere else to be."

#Police station, 1 hour later#

"Would that be all?"

"Yes Mr. Maheshwari, Miss Ragini. That would be all. You both can leave now. Thank you for your time." the officer shook hands with Sanskar and looked at Pawan as he struggled in the constable's grip. "Put him in the jail cell. He will be there until his trial at court."

Sanskar and Ragini stood up to leave. However, Ragini paused in her steps. Sanskar turned to look at her in confusion. "Something wrong Ragu?"

"Yes. I almost forgot something." she went back towards Pawan and looked at him angrily.

Pawan glared at her. "What do you want bitch?"

"You wretched being. You still don't regret your actions, do you? How could you be so low?"

Pawan smirked ar her. "It's a talent."

"Ragu, forget about him. Some people won't ever change." Sanskar advised. "Come on. Let's go."

Ragini turned around to leave. However, before anyone could anticipate anything, Ragini turned around and punched Pawan on the face. Pawan stumbled back from the hit. He brought his hand to touch his bleeding nose. He looked back at her with wide eyes, unable to believe that she did that.

Ragini pointed her finger at him. "Remember that hit from me, Ragini Bedi, Rishi Bedi's sister. I may be silent and vulnerable. But if you ever dare to harm my brothers or my loved ones, I will kill you. Don't forget it!"

Saying so, she marched out of the room, leaving everyone to look at her in shock.

Sanskar came back to his senses and ran after her. Once outside, he found Ragini standing there with her eyes closed. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Ragu, are you alright?"

Ragini let out a deep breath. "It still feels like a dream. Like everything will end now and another trouble will arise. Everytime I think we all can finally breathe a sigh of relief, something or the other arises to snatch our happiness."

Sanskar turned her towards himself and made her look at him. "It's not a dream Ragu. This time, it's real. This time...we really are alright. Rishi has almost become friends with me and Lucky, Mani is alive, Rishi and Tanuja are fine and Pawan is finally paying for his misdeeds."

Ragini looked at him with moist eyes. "But what if it ag-"

Sanskar silenced her with a hand over her mouth. "But nothing Ragu. You can't dwell on 'what if's' and expect to be happy. Challenges and hurdles are a part of life. They will always be there. You won't ever be happy if you keep counting your troubles. Instead, count your blessings." He said with a smile. "I don't know about you, but I already found my greatest blessing. It's you."

Ragini blushed, but smiled back at him. Suddenly, she flinched and shook her hand. "Ow! I think I hit Pawan too hard."

"Haha...that you did. It almost made me rethink the decision about loving you. I mean, what if you think I'm cheating on you? You would punch me too." Sanskar joked.

Ragini glared at him. However, after a moment, she gave him a sickly sweet smile. "Sanky dear, if you even think of betraying me, I won't punch you. I'll tear you into pieces! Now, let's go to the hospital where the rest are."

Sanskar watched on wide eyed as she marched ahead.

He gulped. 'Note to self : Never piss off Ragu. Or else she'll surely kill you.'

#Bedi Mansion#

Swara ran towards Mani's room in a hurry. She burst open the door and looked around the room. She saw the drawer and walked forward towards it. As she opened it, she saw two beautiful lockets there. She traced them gently with her fingers.

Besides them, was a note.

Swara picked it up and started reading through it.

After a moment...

The paper dropped from Swara's hand in shock. She held a hand over her mouth to stiffle her sobs. Tears were flowing profusely from her eyes. However, those were tears of happiness. In that note, Mani had expressed all his feelings for her. No doubt it was meant to be given to her when he proposes her.

"M-Ma-Mani...Mani!" she grabbed those lockets and rushed out of the room to find the one she loves.

#With Ragini and Sanskar#

"Here." Sanskar paid the cab driver for dropping them at the hospital. He had left his bike at the old warehouse and hence they had to come in a public vehicle.

"Um...why are they waiting at separate corners?"

Sasnkar looked ahead at Ragini's question. He saw Rishi and Tanuja waiting outside the hospital. However, what was strange was that they stood separately. While Rishi was looking towards Tanuja with longing, Tanuja had her back to him with a frown on her face. "Eh? I wonder the same as well."

They walked forward and approached Rishi first. "Rishi bhai? Where are Mani and Lucky? And where is Swara?"

"Swara had something to do. As for Mani and Laksh, they are fine Ragu. He and Laksh are inside, resting."

"I see. But why are you and Tanuja di standing like this? What's wrong?"

"Ragu, Tanuja is still angry at me for what I did. What do I do?"

"Well, she's right in being angry at you. Not only did you go to surrender yourself to Pawan on your marriage day, but later you and Lucky released him on purpose so that you can beat him up yourself!" Ragini chided.

"Okay okay. I acted a bit immature, I admit."

Sanskar raised an eyebrow. "A bit?"

"Shut it Sanskar. I still want to kill you for trying to seduce my sister. She's so gullible to fall for your trap."

"Rishi bhai! I am not a child! I can think for myself." Ragini huffed out.

"But Ragu, he's taking advantage of your innocence. I'm sure of it!"

"No, I'm not! Why do you always make me the big bad wolf!?" Sanskar asked in irritation.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe cause you are one!?" Rishi countered back.

Ragini smacked herself on the head and let out a defeated sigh. "It's useless trying to make you understand bhai." She moved away from the two quarreling males and walked towards Tanuja. Suddenly, someone collided with her. "Hey! Can't you wat-Swara?"

Swara looked at her with a panicked and anxious look. "Ragu! Ragu, I'm so happy!" Swara at once pulled Ragini into a hug. However, before Ragini could ask anything else, Swara dashed inside. Ragini blinked in surprise. 'What...what was that? She must be going to meet Mani and Lucky. I shall too once I talk with Tanuja di.' Thinking so, she approached Tanuja.

"Tanuja di?"

"No Ragini. Don't even try. I'm not forgiving Rishi that easily." She huffed out.

Ragini smiled at her. " cute."

Tanuja looked at her in irritation. "Ragini, I'm not being cute. I'm angry here!"

"You can't lie Tanuja di. It's not your anger, but your worry and fear for Rishi bhai's life. Aren't I right?"

Tanuja's eyes widened as her lie was caught. She looked away to hide her eyes from Ragini. "I d-don't know what you mean."

Ragini turned her towards herself and made Tanuja look at her. "Tanuja di, we all know how much you love Rishi bhai. He too loves you more than his life. Yes, he can be an idiot sometimes. Okay, make that most of the times. But what I want to say is that no mater what, he never meant to hurt you. He took a rash decision. But that's who he is. He is reckless, uncontrollable, and instinctive."

"But doesn't he realize that he is putting his life in danger? Doesn't he know how much he values for all of us." Tanuja spoke in a shaky voice.

"He thinks that his life is expendable as compared to us. Bhai takes care of others but forgets about himself. That is why someone needs to take care of him." Ragini held Tanuja's hands in hers. "And that is why you should be there for him to make him realize his value di. Only you can make sure that his life is safe. I entrust my brother's life in your hands."

Tanuja smiled at her. "I will Ragini. I will. I promise you that."

Ragini smiled back. "Thank you Tanuja di. Or should I say Tanuja bhabi?"

Tanuja blushed but nodded.

"So this means you forgave me right?" spoke Rishi from behind them.

Tanuja glared at him playfully. However, on seeing his hurt look she poked his nose. "Yes I do idiot. I forgive you."

Rishi grinned from ear to ear. "I may be an idiot. But I'm your idiot, right?"

Tanuja and Ragini rolled their eyes at Rishi's words. "Alright then. Let's go inside." suggested Ragini.

"Not yet. We are waiting for Maa, Baba and the Maheshwaris." Tanuja answered. "We'll go once they are here."

"But Bade Papa has a leg injury."

"I know Ragu. But he was determined to come to the hospital once Laksh called them to inform what happened." Rishi replied.

"I see." from the corner of her eyes, Ragini saw Sanskar sitting at a distance, holding his bleeding nose, no doubt from a punch. She glared at Rishi. "Rishi bhai!? You hit him?"

"Yeah, so? He deserved it."

Ragini let out a frustrated sigh. "You're impossible Rishi bhai."


Swara looked through the various rooms for Mani. As she turned the corner, she collided with someone.

"Wow Swara! What's the rush? Where are you runing off to in such a hurry?" asked the person.

"Lucky!? Lucky, where's Mani?"

"Oh Mani? Yea, he's in this hospital. He's fine. Don't wo-"

"Which room!?"

"Eh? Calm down. He's oka-"

"Lucky, damn it! Which room!?"

Laksh looked at her with wide eyes. "Bossy much? He's in room 17."

At once, Swara pushed him aside and ran ahead to find the room.

"Did something happen to that idiot? Must find out!" Laksh rushed after her.

'15...16...17 got it!' Swara banged open the door with all the force she had in impatience.

Mani looked up at the sound. "Swara? Hey Swa-" before he could finish the sentence, Swara came and hugged him with full force. She broke the hug and looked at him with a broad grin. Before Mani could do or say anything, she kissed him without a warning.

Laksh reached there at the exact time to see them kiss. "Oh my! My innocent eyes!" he turned around abruptly to leave. As he left for his room, he ended up crashing onto someone in the corridor and fell down on the floor, with the other person below him. Laksh opened his eyes and saw that it was a nurse of that hospital.

At once, Laksh stood up and extended a hand for her. "I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry."

However, the girl kept looking at her dress with wide eyes. The orange juice that she was sipping had fallen onto her white uniform and stained it completely. " ruined it." she spoke in a meek voice.

'Shit shit shit! She'll cry because of me. What do I do? What do I do?' Laksh panicked. He crouched down to her level. "Hey, please don't cry. I rea-"

"Cry? Why would I cry you moron!? I would rather punch you all the way to America!" She shouted, grabbing his collar in a vice grip. "This was a brand new uniform you idiotic moron!"

"Wow! I'm sorry okay? It's not like I meant to ruin your uniform on purpose." Laksh countered back.

"Sorry? Your sorry won't clean it nitwit!"

Laksh could feel himself getting irritated at her attitude. "Hey, calm down. You don't need to act so bitchy."

"Bitchy? How dare you call me bitchy you lanky jerk!"

Laksh looked at her, insulted. "Lanky? I'm 90% muscle and handsome as one could be."

"90% muscle or flab?"

"Okay this means war Churail."

Her eyes widened at his words. "Churail? I'll show you!"

"Be careful girl. You will wish you never met me!"

#Mani's room#

Mani looked at Swara dazed as she sat back down with a smile. He slowly came to his senses and smiled back at her. "I love you too."

Swara giggled. "I know. I can't tell you how long I've waited to hear those words from your mouth."

"Me neither Swara. I thought I lost you to Lucky."

"And I you to Ria." Swara replied.

"No you didn't Swara. And never will." Mani assured her. "Although I wish you would have just asked me instead of assuming things."

Swara blinked at him. "Eh? But I thought it wouldn't be appropriate. I didn't thi-"

"It's okay Swara. I understand your point. You can be an idiot sometimes." he said lovingly.

Too bad Swara took it the other way.

"Idiot? You are calling me an idiot? What about you, huh!? You never told me the truth either Ape!"

"Hey, I was joking. I di-"

"Shut it! You are the idiot here and not me. Instead of being romantic you're trying to start a fight with me?!"

"Eh? You're the one who is starting it." Mani spoke, bewildered.

"Unbelievable! Now you're turning it on me?!"

"What the heck? What kind of twisted logic is that Witch?" Mani exclaimed, earning a hit from Swara. "Ow! I'm injured, remember? If you hit me again, I'll go accept Ria as my girl."

Swara pulled him up by the shirt, bringing their faces so close that their noses almost touched. She glared at him making him gulp. "You dare do that and I'll kill you, after I kill that Ria myself! Hear me? You're mine, got that?"

Mani smiled at her. " look cute when you're jealous."

They heard a giggle and looked up to see Ragini and Sanskar standing near the door.

Ragini stepped inside and came to hug Mani. "I'm so glad you're alright. If you hadn't been injured, I would have hit you. You scared me to death by jumping off that building!"

Mani chuckled. "I already said I'm sorry, didn't I? I promise I won't ever do it again."

"Yep. Besides, he has his beloved to save him from his recklessness, right Swara?" Sanskar teased.

Mani and Swara blushed at his statement. Swara was quick to counter back. "And you don't? I bet you're dying to go on a date with Ragu."

Instead of blushing, Sanskar pulled Ragini closer and lifted her in his arms. "That, I am. I will make our first date the most memorable one. In fact, if it was possible, I would carry her away and go live in some place where Rishi can't be a thorn between us."

"Sanky, put me down!" Ragini exclaimed, turning beet red. However, anyone could see the shy smile on her face.

"But I don't want to."

"Sanskar, behave." spoke a voice from the door. They turned to look at the door and found Annapurna standing there, helping Durgaprasad stand upright. Rishi held Durgaprasad's other shoulder with a deadly glare towards Sanskar. Tanuja stood beside them with Suman and Ritesh with a smile.

(Author's note : Suman and Ritesh - Swara and Tanuja's parents.)

A sudden crash caught their attention. Laksh emerged from the door, looking worse for wear. His hair looked like he rented it to kittens to sleep while his face had scratches. "Sanky, save me from this Churail!"

"Come back here Moron!" shouted a girl as she came into the room. As she noticed all the occupants in the room, she blushed and smiled at them. "Ahem! Sorry for shouting. Totally not my fault though. This guy pissed me off."

"Who are you?" Sanskar enquired.

"I'm Dia." She said with a smile. "Dia Delgado."

Sanskar nodded. "I'm Sanskar. What seems to be there matter?"

"That guy ruined my uniform by colliding with me on purpose. I wa-"

"I didn't do it on purpose!" Laksh shouted.

"Yes you did!"

Ragini watched on as soon everyone jumped into the argument. While there was chaos, she felt a sense of peace among them.

Her brothers were safe. Swara and Tanuja reunited with their parents.

For Ragini, Swara, Tanuja and her brothers were people who meant a lot to her. And now that they all got their love, Ragini couldn't be more happy.

The family feuds and misunderstandings that were between the Bedis and the Maheshwaris also seemed to be almost gone. Although Rishi still was a bit weary of the Maheshwaris and it would take time for everything to settle down, Ragini knew they would be alright.

Pawan was behind bars and her Rishi bhai can finally be happy with Tanuja. Mani found a life partner in Swara.

And for her own? Ragini found Sanskar.

She smiled as she saw him come towards her.

He came and looked at her with a miserable smile. "The girls are siding with Dia. The boys with Lucky. It's all a mess. I can feel a headache coming in."

Ragini chuckled and held his hand. "Then why don't we go get tea?"

"I don't like tea."

Ragini rolled her eyes at him. "Take the hint Sanky."

Sanskar thought about it. His eyes widened as he realized the implications. By tea, she actually wanted to spend time with him. "Of course! I love tea. I love it so damn much! Let's go!"

Ragini laughed as he pulled her away from the room while the others kept arguing. 'Rishi bhai would blow a fuse if he knows about this. Then Tanuja di would chide him. Swara and Mani would laugh. Lucky would irritate Rishi bhai further.' Ragini shook her head with a smile. 'But whatever it is, I wouldn't have it any other way. They are perfect for me the way they are. Our lives aren't filled with diamonds and glitters. It has faced storms and hurdles. It has fallen apart, then united once again. In fact, our story is probably imperfect in many ways. But whatever it may be, this is my family, my sweet little family.'

Ragini looked at Sanskar with a genuine smile. 'And this where I start my story with you. My little story with you, where my page meets yours. No matter where the future takes us, I know that our story will always read one thing. And that is...


**************The End*************

Well, a bit emotional myself since this was the first fic I had published on Wattpad. The first is always gold.

Thank you everyone who had been reading and supporting me throughout the fic till the end.

Thank you all for keeping up with my late updates and not stopping to view it when I take long days to update.

Thank you for voting and commenting which helped me improve and also to know that I'm being able to entertain with this piece of work.

And thank you for giving me recognition as a writer.

And lastly,


Over and out.
~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

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