Everything became Dark

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It been few years since they stop the collector. Amity was waking up but something was weird. Everything was dark she blink nothing. What going on where am i. Just then someone woke up luz.

Yes babe what wrong.

I can't see every thing dark except this bright light.

Oh dear what light look like.

It looks like you.

I see wait hear i go get your dad. Luz said as she put shirt on. She gose down see alador cooking.

Mr blight something wrong with amity.

What happens to her.

She said she can't see and says she saw light.

Oh no luz there maybe showing signs of SFB.

Huh what that sir.

Soul Feeling Blindness it type blindness among witches what dose where person can't see anything. But can see a lights those lights are people souls their brightness dependps how witch feels towrds them. The postive the brighter the negative the darker.

I see so what we do sir.

We need get amity to eyes healer This vision can't be heal but we can get more info and how help her.

Good idea sir i should change and maybe help amity change.

Alador smirk okay luz good luck.

Mr blight it not like that she said blushing. Time skip ti healers.

Okay ms blight we are going do simple test.

Okay doctor she said sitting.

Okay tell me do see light in this photo he said holding.

No sir i can't.

Okay what about cat.

Yes i can.

Then that explains it you have SFB.

Oh no what am i going do.

Oh it okay amity there are programs that can help and i sure love ones are willing.

Okay thank you doctor.

No problem but i must ask do you have palisman.

Yes why sir.

Palismans are greate seeing eye animals so i like you and your palisman take class on guide palisman training.

Okay thank you doctor. As she got up luz held her hand. Don't worry princess i help you.

Thank you my knight as they walk hand and hand to waiting room. When she saw bright light that look like daruis. Hi mr daruis.

Huh oh hi amity wait you can see me.

Well kinda sir your light is bit hrighter. Oh i see okay anyway why don't we get you someblunch.

Sounds good sir thank you. After alador check them out they went off for night outing 

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