Blindness is Key: Part 15 (Bakugo)

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"Close your eyes." Bakugo told me quietly, and I could feel his breath on my face.

"Why? It's not like I can see anyway." I said, and his arms fell around me. His head fell back and I laughed.

"Nevermind." He said, and stood up off the stairs.

"No wait." I laughed and sat down on the stairs. I tried reaching after him, but I couldn't see him as he walked away from me. "Bakugo I'm sorry." I said and tried chasing after him.

But my lucky ass tripped on the stairs . . . . . again.

"Ow." I said and sat back down as I rubbed my toes.

I heard a bedroom door slam and I knew he went into his room.

I put my head on my knee and rubbed on my toes. And I couldn't help but think about what was about to happen just seconds before.

And I ruined it.

"God damn it." I whispered to myself, and wrapped my arms around my legs. "Me and my smart mouth." I sighed. I sat there for a minute, trying to figure out what to do.

Do I try talking to him?

Do I wait until morning, when he's calmed down?

Do I just bust his bedroom door open and kiss him?

Do I kiss him at all?

I rubbed my face, and ran my hands through my hair and scratched the back of my head. I took a deep breath and stood up. I still didn't know what to do.

I walked up the stairs and as soon as my foot touched the solid floor, I could see Bakugo was standing in his room. And was flailing his arms around, and when I walked passed his room to go to mine and Mina's room, I could hear him practically yelling, but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

He was angry with me.

I sighed and walked back to my room and didn't bother closing the door behind me.

"So~?" Mina asked, and I could hear that she had a smile on her face. "What took you so long to get up here?"

"Bakugo's mad at me." I said and flopped into bed.

"What?" She asked, and I could hear her smile drop. "Why what happened?"

"I think he was going to kiss me, and my fucking loud mouth." I whined into my sheets. I buried my face in my pillow, and I just wanted to scream.

"What'd you say?" She asked me, and I lifted my head just enough to put my glasses on my nightstand and to answer her.

"He told me to close my eyes, and I asked 'why? It's not like I can see anything anyways'." I said and threw my head forward into my pillow.

"I mean you got a point there." Mina told me, and she laughed a little.

"Oh my god, I'm so fucking stupid!" I screamed into my pillow and kicked my feet.

"Did you want to kiss him?" She asked me, after a couple of moments I felt like crying. I took a deep shaky breath, and tried not letting tears fall.

"Yeah." I said, and buried my face farther into my pillow. I laid there in silence, as I listened to Mina shuffle around in the room before the door shut. "Mina?" I asked into the pillow, but she didn't respond.

I moved my arm over to the wall and when I touched it, I could see that she was down the hall. And Bakugo was in my room.

I jumped up, and turned towards him.

"Bakugo!" I said, but I didn't get the chance to try and say anything else as his hands wrapped around my face and his lips collided with mine.

And now, I could see why I would want to close my eyes. It wasn't to minimize any awkwardness, it was to savor the moment.

I closed my eyes and placed my hands on his arms. And when he pulled away from me, I could feel tears rolling down my face.

"Bakugo, I'm so sorry I ruined it. I don't know why I couldn't just keep my mouth shut that one time." I tried apologizing and he kissed me again.

"Shut up." He told me after he pulled away again. "Did you not feel how nervous I was, idiot?" He took my hand and placed it over his heart.

"I did." I said and rested my forehead on his chest. "I just, kind of panicked I guess."

"You guess?" He asked, and I covered my mouth as I laughed a little.

"I'm sorry." I told him.

"How sorry?" He asked me, and I could feel the smirk radiating on his face. I smiled as I grabbed his arm and flipped him over the top of me and onto the bed. I made him lay down and I hugged him from behind.

"So sorry, I'll let you be the little spoon this time." I told him and threw my leg over his hip and pulled him a little closer to me.

"What do you mean I'm little spoon?" He asked me, and started fighting me. I laughed and held him down. "I'm not the goddamn little spoon!"

"Tonight you are." I told him and he struggled to turn around.

"This is not where I thought that was going to go." He admitted to me.

"I know, I can feel that." I told him and snuggled into the back of his neck and my nose was filled with the sweet smell of caramel and salt from the ocean.

"Oh Jesus Christ." He sighed and truly gave up on fighting me. I laughed a little more, and relaxed my grip a little.

"Go to sleep." I whispered to him and he held my hand that was holding onto his chest. "We've got training in the morning."

"Yeah, yeah." He said and I snaked my other arm under his head and held his even closer to me.

"Hey Bakugo?" I whispered in his ear.

"Hmm?" He hummed, he was already starting to fall asleep.

"Are we together now?" I asked him.

"Obviously." He said and I smiled to myself. "Unless you don't want me then I'll just leave." He said and started getting up, dragging me with.

"No!" I laughed and he plopped down on the bed.

"Then we're together." He said. We were both quiet for a while, and reached my hand up and started lightly trailing my finger tips over his face. Running up and down his jaw and the side of his face. Until I got so tired I couldn't keep doing it, even though I was still awake.

I took a semi-deep breath and let my body go limp, as I started falling asleep. I laid still as Bakugo twisted himself in my arms and turned over so he was facing me. After he pulled me into his chest I smiled.

"I'm not the goddamn little spoon." He whispered under his breath and I laughed a little and snuggled into his chest more.

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