Blindness is Key: Part 2 (Bakugo)

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We walked up some stairs and Bakugo led me down a hallway. 

"This is my room." He told me and I touched the door. "And then this is your room." He said and walked across the hall to another door. I walked towards him and put my hand on the door handle.

"Thank you, I think I can take it from here." I told him, and stepped inside.

"Do you want to go over today's materials?" He asked me and he stayed in my doorway as I left the door open.

"If you want to." I told him and sat down on my bed with my feet still touching the ground. "I'm sorry if it upsets you that I kind of got put under your care." 

"Yeah well, not like I was going to have much a say in it anyway." He said and leaned against my doorway.

"Mr. Aizawa told me about you when I first met him." I told him. "He said you were a hot head, who had anger issues."

"What?" He asked and got really loud. I laughed a little.

"But he also said you were one of his top students, and are very hard working. And that you were probably the most responsible for the job." I told him, and I could feel him relax a bit under my feet. "I promise to try and not bug you too much, I understand that I'm a burden."

"Just cause you're blind doesn't mean you're a burden." He said. "Just an extra." I smiled and couldn't help but laugh.

"I guess we'll see." I said. We stayed like that in silence until he sighed and walked into my room, and sat on my floor.

"So what kind of help do you need exactly?" He asked me and started pulling his stuff out of his bag.

"Just the stuff I can't see." I said. 

"So everything?" He asked and got on the floor with him.

"No, mostly the reading." I told him. "Everything else, I'm fine with. Also how are your writing skills?" 

"Why?" He questioned.

"Well when I have an an essay or other work I type it out." I explained to him. "I can't exactly read and answer questions and such, so I use a text to speech system and type my answers. I just need help with the reading it over and such."

"I can help with that too, I guess." He told me and he set a book down between us.

"I appreciate all your help." I told him, and tapped lightly on the ground with my fingers and faced towards my door.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I think we're about to be bombarded, in three . . . two . . . one." I said and someone came into my room.

"Bakugo! There you are!" A girl said from just inside my doorway.

"What do you want Mina?" Bakugo asked.

"Nothing, just wanted to let you know that you're in charge of dinner tonight." Mina said. "And also I wanted to introduce myself to the newbie." She said and we shook hands. "You're really pretty." 

"Thanks, I wouldn't know." I said, and she laughed.

"I'm sorry." She said, and I smiled.

"Don't worry I make fun of myself being blind as much as possible." I told her. "It helps lighten the mood."

"Oh then you and Bakugo must be getting along great." Mina said, and I laughed.

"Get out." Bakugo said, and Mina skipped out of my room. 

"I guess you're the class bully?" I asked him.

"No." He told me and he opened his book.

"Mhm." I hummed and started rubbing on my feet while Bakugo read to me. 


Bakugo closed his book, and I was still massaging my feet.

"Do your feet hurt?" He asked, and he started packing up his stuff.

"Yeah." I said. "I walk around on hard tiles and concrete all day long. Not the nicest feeling."

"You can't even wear sandals?" He asked and stood up.

"I can't even wear socks." I said and stood up too. "Winter time, is not fun time for me." We both walked down to the kitchen and I washed my hands. "Can I help with dinner?"

"I don't care." He told me. 

"If you give me something to do, I'll do it." I said and sat at a table. 

"Here." He said and handed me a bowl. I drummed my fingers on the side of the bowl.

"Eggs?" I asked, and he placed another bowl in front of me and a whisk.

"Crack and scramble them." He told me and I got to work, carefully cracking them. I tapped an egg on the bowl and it must have been a weak shell cause it busted in my hand. 

"Oops." I said and Bakugo handed me a towel. I drummed my fingers on the bowl and saw that there was a small chunk of shell in the bowl. I fished it out, and cleaned up the egg.

"That was cool." Someone said from behind me, and I jumped. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you there." I placed the front of my foot on the floor, and saw that there was a couple of people in the kitchen.

"How long have you guys been there?" I questioned them, and took a deep breath.

"You didn't see us?" Another person asked.

"No, I didn't have my feet on the floor." I said. "Although I guess I could have paid attention through the stool.

"You can do that?" The first guy asked.

"Yeah, when I'm not making direct contact with the ground I can focus on an object and most of the time I can feel the vibration through it." I explained. "But my vision doesn't reach anywhere near as far through the object."

"That's really cool." Another said.

"Can I have some names to go with these voices?" I asked and stood up from the seat. I tapped my foot lightly and one of them raised their hand.

"I'm Hanta Sero." He said.

"I'm Denki Kaminari, but you can call me Denki." Another one said.

"And I'm Eijiro Kirishima." The one closest too me said and I shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you guys." I said, and handed Bakugo the eggs.

"If you don't mind, can you tell us more about your quirk?" Denki asked. 

"Yeah, it seems really cool so far." Sero commented.

"Sure, what do you want to know?" I asked.

"Well what exactly can you see?" Kirishima asked.

"I guess the best way to explain it is that I see 3D silhouettes." I said, and tapped my foot as I lifted my hands. "For instance I can see your hands, elbows and shoulders." I said and touched Kirishima's arms. "And I can see the tip of your nose." I tapped his nose and he laughed.

"That's amazing." Sero said. 

"I can even see the very tips of your hair." I said poked at his spiky hair.

"How do you see all that?" Denki asked me.

"Well it's kind of the same concept of a mole." I explained. "They're completely blind, but they feel the vibrations in the earth to feel and move."

"So you're a rodent?" Bakugo asked, and made me sit down at the table. He placed a bowl in front of me, and handed me a fork.

"Ha ha." I breathed, and took a bite of food. More people came down and got some dinner as well but the boys stayed to talk.

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