Blindness is Key: Part 21 (Bakugo)

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I felt my eyes flutter open, and I felt around my surroundings. I felt until my hand touched something soft, and I flinched a bit. But I let my hand touch it again and I ran my hand over Bakugo's face.

"Hmm?" I heard him hum, before he sat up and away from my hand. "You're awake." He said and grabbed my hand.

"What happened?" I asked, and he ran his hand over my face.

"You got stabbed by Toga." He told me. "You were bleeding out pretty bad before you fought, and then you pushed the LOV back."

"Where are they?" I asked him.

"They disappeared." He said and we were quiet for a minute before I felt him get up and he kissed me.

I kissed him back and ran my fingers through his hair as he sat on the bed and laid down practically on top of me. Careful not to hurt me though.

"You scared the crap out of me." He told me and he buried his face in my neck.

"Why were you so scared?" I asked him and hugged him the best I could.

"Because you're still under my care, and I left you alone." He said. "When Mina said she lost you-."

"She didn't lose me." I said interrupting him. "I let her go when we were dancing. I felt comfortable enough to let go, it was my fault not hers."

"But still when she said that, I didn't know what to do." He said into my neck. "I figured you'd try to make it to the outside of the crowd, but when I got there Shigaraki had his hand around your throat."

"I'm okay now, right?" I asked him and he sighed.

"Yeah." He said and buried his face a little deeper into my neck.

"Where are we exactly?" I asked him.

"We're at the hospital." He told me. "Everyone is down in the cafeteria I think."

"Ooh, can you tell one of them to bring me food?" I asked him. "I'm hungry." He laughed and sat up.

"Yeah." He said and I heard him typing on his phone.

"How long have we been here?" I asked him.

"About a day." He told me and we went back to cuddling. I hugged him close to me, and I could still smell the ocean on him.

"You need a shower." I told him.

"You need a shower." He said back and I laughed.

"Probably." I said, before I heard the door slam open, and I jumped.

"Y/n!" I heard and we were attacked by multiple people.

"Oh god, can't see." I said.

"You're okay!" Mina said and everyone got off of us. Bakugo also got off and sat back in the chair he had been in before I woke him up.

"Yeah I'm alright." I said and sat up more in the bed.

"You gave us a real scare there." Mr. Aizawa said as it sounded like he was just coming into the room.

"Sorry." I said.

"Well not you're fault you're all powerful." Denki said and wrapped an arm around my shoulders and we laughed.

"Did you bring me food?" I asked.

"Here." Sero said and I heard wheels moving. Denki put my hands on the table that they rolled over to me and there was a tray on it. "The doctor wants you to take it easy for the next few days, that includes with food."

"So . . . Soup?" I asked and drummed my fingers on the bowl. "Yep." I laughed and started eating. Everyone started talking about what happened at the fight.

"Did you really bend sand?" Mr. Aizawa asked.

"Mhm." I hummed. "I figured it's technically earth that just got ran through a blender, so why couldn't I just compress it?"

"Smart." He said, and I touched the bed railing to readjust myself a bit and jumped.

"What is it?" Bakugo asked me after watching me jump. Everyone stopped talking and I moved so I could touch the wall behind my bed. I drummed my fingers on the wall, before I covered my mouth and turned back in my seat. "What?" Bakugo asked I grabbed his hand.

"He's coming." I said and squeezed Bakugo's hand.

"Who's coming?" He asked me, and I couldn't help but shake. I stayed quiet, and Bakugo went to say something when there was a knock on the door.

"Is y/n l/n in here?" A man asked.

"Yes, who are you?" Mr. Aizawa asked, but the man ignored him as I heard him get closer to the bed.

"Hello y/n." He said directly next to my bed, and it took everything to keep myself from flinching.

"Hi Dad."

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