Feeling: Part 1 (Tamaki)

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"Alright class." Mr Aizowa said and we all looked towards the front of the class. "There are some students coming to present themselves to class today. You might know them as the Big Three."

Three students walked in a tall blonde boy, a long blue haired girl, and a boy with pointed ears. That boy was caught my eye of the three since he looked sad. No not sad, I could feel he was anxious. Extremely anxious.

"This is Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki." Mr. Aizawa said. "Alright go ahead and briefly introduce yourselves. Starting with Tamaki." The boy with pointy ears got even more anxious, and had a look of panic. After a couple of moments he turned towards the wall.

"I-I think I'll pass." He said. I hummed quietly to myself before raising my hand.

"Yes?" Mirio asked.

"Would it be alright if I tried something?" I asked, mostly to Mr. Aizawa.

"You can try." Mr. Aizawa said. I got out of my seat and walked up to the front of the class. I lightly grabbed Tamaki's shirt and he looked at me. I pulled on his shirt for him to turn him around and I got him to face the class. I reached down and grabbed his hand.

"W-w-what are you doing?" He asked and tried to get me to let go.

"You're really anxious huh?" I asked, as I could feel more of what he was feeling and held his hand with both of mine now. "More than I expected." He flinched a little at me and stopped fighting against my grip. I let go of his hand and hugged him from behind.

"What are you-?" He said and stopped and as he could feel himself calm down as I gripped my own wrist. His anxiety transferring to me.

"Go ahead." I said trying to keep calm. "Introduce yourself." I buried my face in his shirt and dug my nails into my wrist and placed my other hand on his chest.

"My name, is Tamaki Amajiki." He said without stuttering. "And my quirk is Manifest. I can manipulate characteristics of different foods I eat. For instance." He lifted his hand and his fingers turned into tentacles. "When I eat calamari I can take on their tentacle characteristic." He changed his hand back to normal. "How are you doing that?" Tamaki asked and turned his head towards me.

"That's y/n l/n." Mr. Aizawa said introducing me. "She has a very unique quirk called Shelter. She can feel what others feel in a certain radius, and can create shield like barriers."

"But how did she make-?" Tamaki started to ask.

"Your anxiety go away?" Mr. Aizawa asked. "She can take away certain types of feelings away for however much time she wants up to a certain point."

"She's helped a lot of us out in class." Deku spoke up.

"She's even helped Bakuguo with his anger isues." Todiroki said, before smirking.

"I'll show you anger issues Icyhot!" Bakuguo said and stood up.

"Calm down Bakubro." Kiri said and he sat back down.

"Are you done?" I asked, a little louder than I intended.

"Uh, yeah." Tamaki said and I let go of him and took a step back. I let my hair cover my face, as I turned towards Mr. Aizawa.

"Can I take a few minutes in the hall?" I asked, and I could feel my hands shaking and hid them behind my back.

"Yeah, sure." He told me and I was out the door. I leaned up against the wall a couple of feet away from the door and crouched down. I clutched my chest and tried to steady my breathing and keep myself from having a panic attack. After a couple of minutes Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki walked out of the classroom.

"Hey sweetie." Nejire said as she walked up to me and my hands started shaking. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah." I stuttered out and Nejire stroked my hair. "I'll be fine."

"I'm gonna stay behind." I heard Tamaki say. "I'll catch up in a little bit."

"Yeah." Mirio said, and I could feel his eyes on me. "Take your time." After Mirio and Nejire walked away Tamaki walked over to me and crouched down in front of me. He reached forward and grabbed one of my shaking hands.

"Thank you for doing that." He told me. "Mr. Aizawa said that you can feel whatever it is that you take away." I nodded my head. "Your wrist." He said and pulled my arm out a bit and looked at my wrist. It was turning purple and there were a few small punctures where my nails had dug in.

'Is my anxiety really that bad for someone else?'

"Yes." I said.

"What?" He asked and I could tell he was getting flustered. "I'm sorry. Did I say that out loud?"

"No." I told him and the anxiety started fading. "When I have physical contact with someone I can hear their thoughts."

"Oh, I-I'm sorry." He told me, he was starting to get his anxiety back.

"It's okay." I told him. "I've felt worse feelings. I can't even to begin to describe Bakuguo's anger issues." We both laughed.

"That was really incredible." Tamaki said and I could hear him getting nervous again.

"Hey, do you want to hang out later?" I asked him. I could still feel nervous from him.

"Uh-uh." He stuttered and stood up. I stood up too, as the last of his anxiety melted away from me.

"It's okay if you don't want to be seen with a first year." I told him. "I can understand."

"N-no." He told me and waved his hands. "I've just never been asked out on a date before."

"Oh." I said, and I could feel a hint of heat in my face. "I wasn't talking about a date." He looked at me, and I could feel he got a little disappointed. "Unless you want to I guess."

"I-I-I-." Tamaki tried saying, but I could feel he was flustered. Although it doesn't take a handy dandy quirk to tell that. I smiled and pulled a pen out of my pocket and grabbed his hand.

"Tell you what?" I said and started writing on his hand. "If you ever want to hang out, or even just want to take a break from being so anxious, text me." I told him and walked back into class 1-A. I laughed a little as I saw that Mr. Aizawa was already asleep, and the class was chatting about. I sat back down at my seat and Momo who was sitting next to me saw my wrist.

"Girl what happened?" She questioned me and grabbed my wrist. I flinched at her suddenly touching it.

"Oh, Tamaki's anxiety just got the best of me." I said and Todiroki walked over and saw my wrist.

"Todiroki will you?" Momo asked and held my wrist out to him.

"No that's not necessary." I said but he already placed his hand on my wrist and applied a little bit of ice to it and I wasn't going to lie, it felt nice. "Thanks." I said.

"Not a problem." He said and I flinched at him. "What?" He asked.

"You good?" I asked him.

"That's not why I was coming over here." He told me, and gave him a look. "It's not, and I'm doing fine."

"Mhm." I hummed. "You should tell him." He placed his other hand on my wrist and started shaking my arm. "No please! I was just trying to help!" I yelled and he smirked before letting go of me completely. I rubbed my wrist and I could see that the bruising was already fading.

"I'll think about telling him." Todiroki said as he went back to his seat.

"That's all you've been doing." I told him, and he glared at me.

"Sooooooo?" I heard from behind me and I sighed.

"Yes Mina?" I asked and tilted my head back and saw her standing above me.

"What happened out there?" She asked, and I could feel she was excited. "Tamaki took a while before he left."

"He just checked on me Mina." I told her. "I did take on all of his anxiety. And you saw him."

"Yeah. He was a mess." Momo said and rested her chin on her fist as she leaned on her desk.

"Yeah." I agreed, she wasn't wrong. I felt my phone buzz. I picked it up and saw I had a text from an unknown number.

'I would like to hang out with you, if that's ok.'

I smiled and wrote back.

'Absolutely! Just let me know a time and a place. ;)'

'6 o'clock tonight on the roof top?'

'Sure thing, I'll see you then.'

"OOOOOOOOOO!" Mina squealed behind me.

"Mina no." I said.

"Mina yes!" She squealed and jumped and sat on my desk. "I am helping you pick out an outfit for tonight!"

"Does someone have a date?" Momo asked as she scooted closer.

"No." I said, before taking a second to think. "I don't think it is."

"Date or not, I'm coming over to help you with your outfit!" Mina told me.

"And I'm coming over to help with hair." Momo said and she clapped happily.

"Can you dial down the amount of excitement coming off of you two?" I asked, as the bell rang.

"Absolutely not." Mina said, before the two of them dragged me to my dorm.

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